16 patterns of change

away from the bad
towards the good.

renewal make new again, constantly renovate, refresh and cleanse
> restoring trust
removal eliminate or escape the system altogether recollecting reduce the power of something by becoming more aware of it rearranging move the pieces so that unwanted patterns vanish
> refactoring
repair eliminate separation or fracture, by integrating the fragments (back) into a whole refining strip out the accidental, in order to focus on the essential reducing ration what is good, in order to keep below acceptable limits redirecting convert something from the domain of the feared to the domain of the useful
relaxing avoid reacting when your response just makes things worse restarting go back to zero and rebuild from scratch (greenfield) replacing eliminate a desire or fear by superimposing a stronger desire or fear reversing eliminate something by seizing it; obtain something by giving it away
> reversing
redemption rely on greater powers to take away the problems reframing alter the meaning or value of something, by altering its context or description
> reframing
reductio ad absurdum escape logic by paradox or contradiction remaining silent escape logic by escaping language
Page last updated on July 3rd, 2003
Copyright © 2002-3, Richard Veryard