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[access] [availability] [barrier] [boundary] [ceiling] [closed] [cluster/clustering] [cohesion] [complexity] [coupling] [encapsulation] [envelop] [fold] [interface] [knot] [labyrinth] [layer] [neighbourhood] [open] [screen] [side (inside/outside] [skin] [topology]

relevance of topology Change Management Security Management
Trust Management
Network Architecture Design / Business Strategy Market Regulation & Governance
As a result of the dominance of clocks, our experience of time has been radically transformed over the past thousand years. This affects the way we perceive change, and the speed of change. More recent technologies have started to enable a similar transformation of our experience of space. Transport enables us to travel much greater distances than our forebears. News media give us information about events in distant lands (or even distant planets). More recently, Virtual Reality and the Internet have started to introduce more strange experiences. There is a need to develop ever-more complex modes of topological reasoning - what is connected to what, what is accessible from where, what is protected from whom, how can this be stretched or squeezed into that.


A barrier may represent a permanent block or obstacle, or it may merely cause delay and inconvenience.
veryard project papers Market Barriers to Entry and Exit
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veryard project papers Boundaries: Containing and Constraining
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Something above your head, that limits access to what is above the ceiling.

A normal ceiling prevents you seeing what's above your head.

A glass ceiling allows you to see what's there - but you can't see what's stopping you reaching it.  Among other things, this term is used to denote practices that seem to prevent certain categories of employee - such as women or members of ethnic minorities - from reaching high office. These practices cannot be directly seen, but their existence is inferred (or alleged) from their apparent effects.

veryard project papers The Give and Take of Information
Internet Links the notion of strategic ceiling is taken from Philip Boxer - see papers at Boxer Research Ltd

Closed, Closure

In simple topological terms, something is closed if it contains its own boundary, and the boundary of every neighbourhood. Intersecting any number of closed sets together produces a new closed set.

Open and Closed are not opposites.  Some sets may be both open and closed. Some sets may be neither open nor closed.

Cluster, Clustering

Clustering is essentially a topological exercise. Topology can be thought of as the mathematics of scope, defining the boundaries between outside and inside. In general, there may be a complex structure of such boundaries, both nested and overlapping.

A clustering exercise takes a set of entities and positions them in a topological space, consisting of a set of neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods may then be used to define the scope of projects, systems or organizations. A clustering exercise is successful (relative to a given purpose) if these neighbourhoods prove stable, efficient and flexible.

Two forms of clustering are commonly identified.
Interaction clustering groups entities into neighbourhoods according to the quantity and importance of the interactions between them. This is particularly suitable for software engineering structures, where the success of clustering is often measured in terms of maximum cohesion and minimum coupling.
Affinity clustering groups entities into neighbourhoods according to the defined similaries (or lack of dissimilarities) between them. This is particularly suitable for many organization and management structures, where the success of clustering can largely (although never entirely) be gauged in terms of the economies of scale and scope.

The results of clustering can be depicted in two ways. If you show the interactions or affinities in the form of a matrix (such as a CRUD matrix), you can then rearrange the rows and columns, and draw boxes along the diagonal to show the clusters. Alternatively, clustering can be shown in a tree diagram, known as a dendrogram. Statistical packages are available to draw dendrograms automatically. 

Veryard Project Papers Business Relationship Clustering

Technology Chunking

Clustering and Scoping (pdf)


Clustering is often exercised to maximize cohesion (within each cluster) and minimize coupling (between clusters).


A measure of the linkages between entities: the extent and rapidity with which changes within one entity impact on another entity, or the requisite degree of coordination between entities. Tight Coupling is contrasted with Loose Coupling.

Maturana and Varela introduced the notion of structual coupling as a essential component of identity.
Clustering is often exercised to maximize cohesion (within each cluster) and minimize coupling (between clusters).

Veryard Project Papers Genetic Coupling


The act or preservation of (en)closure around some stuff. 
Veryard Project Papers Component Encapsulation

Bearing Limit


Folding gives us layers and envelopes, biological and geological form.
Veryard Project Papers Baroque


Veryard Project Papers Component Interface
Interfaces (pdf)


Change can sometimes be regarded as a labyrinth. There are many logically possible ways to go, and you can glimpse some interesting paths, but only a limited number of them are accessible from where you are today.

The role of the consultant may be to help navigate the labyrinth, or to find ways of altering the topology of the labyrinth itself - reframing things so that they become possible (or no longer possible).

Security can be viewed in similar terms.

Veryard Project Papers Demanding Change

Demanding Security



In simple topological terms, something is open if it contains a neighbourhood of every point. Joining any number of open sets together produces a new open set.

Open and Closed are not opposites.  Some sets may be both open and closed. Some sets may be neither open nor closed. 

veryard project papers Three notions of openness
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veryard project papers
Internet Links Subsystems View (John Mikes)


An abstract way of thinking about space, including such notions as closed/open, boundary, neighbourhood.


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This page last updated on April 9th, 2003
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