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Richard Veryard is a regular contributor to the CBDi Forum. He is available for adhoc consultation, engagements and commissions on service-oriented business architecture and related topics.

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Title Details Publication
Service-Orientated Architecture - Considerations for Agile Systems
Lawrence Wilkes & Richard Veryard
Web service hype often starts with dramatic claims about the business need for adaptability. But the hype typically dives into technical solutions, presented with no further reference to this business need.  Our article outlines some design principles and best practices for achieving real and relevant adaptability. Microsoft Architects Journal Issue 2, April 2004

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Articles published by CBDi Forum

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cbdi forum The CBDi Forum is the leading independent source on components and web services. The CBDI Journal is available free to Silver/Gold members of the Forum.  Individual copies can be purchased separately. Visit the CBDI Forum website for free access to news, commentary and product reviews.  Register for free Bronze membership.

Title Abstract Date
Life Cycle Management How does the service lifecycle differ from the conventional software lifecycle? July
Business-Driven SOA
Business-Driven SOA2
Supply/demand oriented SOA architecture - driving the SOA from a business perspective.  Two-part article drawing on material from  Christopher Alexander / Metropolis. May
Sarbanes-Oxley drives
web services adoption
Faced with widespread changes to their systems portfolios, companies with Sarbanes-Oxley and Basle 2 requirements are turning to web services and related technologies. April
Service-Based Business
- Telecoms
Survey of recent developments in web services and SOA for the telecoms industry. Introducing the fat communications stack. Mar
Business Adaptability
and Adaptation
Towards the Service-
Oriented Organization
Understanding and managing the organizational changes both required and enabled by SOA. Jan
Architecture Frameworks
Assessing the support for SOA from established frameworks such as TOGAF and Zachman. Dec
Service Engineering
Discusses the interdependency of components and services (SOA).
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Service-Based Business
- Insurance
Survey of recent developments in web services and SOA for the insurance industry. Oct
Service-Based Business Web service technology is largely a tactical matter. The strategic thrust of SOA is towards the service-based business. Sept
Managing Services - 
the IBM Story continues
A look at the contribution of WebSphere and Tivoli to the management of complex networks of services.
> more on IBM
SOA Case Example
- BT and GB Group
Brief analysis of a web collaboration between BT and GB Group, illustrating some of the modelling and process issues. July
Web Services for
Business Intelligence
The Business Intelligence space is being radically challenged by new forms of computing, including web services. Some of the BI vendors are now offering web service solutions that allow BI content to be integrated with other information, or fed into other applications. This creates exciting opportunities for building BI into the service-oriented architecture, and conversely for using the service-oriented architecture to short-circuit the labor of traditional BI solutions such as data warehousing.
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Modelling for SOA
The IBM Story
With the recent acquisitions of Holosofx and Rational, IBM is now able to present a broad set of modeling tools for SOA. In this review, we explore IBM’s coverage in detail.
> more on IBM
Data Quality for SOA With collaborative real-time processing, we have new challenges in ensuring data integrity.  We look at a general framework, and also explore the Metagenix toolset. May
Modelling for SOA
Worked Example
In this article, we explore some aspects of a simple but potentially collaborative business process, with a worked example of the possible business and management opportunities opened up by proper service modelling. April 
Modelling for SOA
Best Practice Report
What modelling approach is required to implement a Service Oriented Architecture?  We consider how the modelling process needs to change to reflect quite different concerns, and discuss techniques and standards. Feb
Autonomic Computing Discusses various approaches to the management of complexity in Service Oriented Architectures - including HP's OpenView product, IBM's autonomic computing, and Sun's virtualization approach.
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Services on Demand During 2002, there were several attempts by the major vendors to mark out their position on what happens next. Popular themes have included Services On-Demand, Trustworthy Computing, Utility Computing, Pervasive Computing, Grid Computing, Autonomic Computing. But while there may be some tension between the marketing messages associated with different vendors, we can detect an underlying unity in vision and direction. 
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From Web Service
to Web Collaborations
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Service Update
An update on Differentiated Service, with discussion of some similar notions – from the "Smart Services" briefly promoted by Sun Microsystems, to the more academically-driven notion of context-based behaviour modification.
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This article looks at techniques for the identification of web services. We suggest that service identification is not a linear progression of conventional analysis techniques, and that services require consideration of a number of additional perspectives.

One of the important perspectives discussed in this article is the pricing of web servives, and the various pricing schemes available. Design of web services may be influenced by the need to maximize service revenue.

There are many ways of classifying web services. In this article, we focus on information services – web services whose primary purpose is to provide information. There are two motivations for this focus. Firstly, there are some things to say about information services in particular. Secondly, we want to draw attention to the separation and decoupling of information services from operational services – which may turn out to be a useful architectural pattern in itself. March
One of the risks of component-based development is that it merely shifts the complexity from the component itself to the wiring between components. One way to avoid this danger is to control the proliferation of different interfaces. If there are significantly fewer interfaces than components, this simplifies the wiring – leading to greater adaptability for the component-based system, and greater reuse opportunities for individual components.
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Are you 
being served?
Who will be the leading players in the service-based economy? July/

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This page last updated on September 1st, 2004
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