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Frequently Asked Questions

There have been numerous times I have been asked why do I have such a unusual hobby, well the fact is collecting GWTW memorabilia is actually quite popular. In addition I tell them as it is nothing illegal, I think it is ok......of course they agree!!!!......


1. Why do people collect GWTW memorabilia?

Many collectors started out as fans of the film. Some (e.g. myself) are fans of Vivien Leigh while others adored the romantic storyline of the film. However some collectors are not even fans of the film, most notably Herb Brigdes (a retired postman living in Georgia, U.S) who claims to have the largest collection of GWTW memorabilia in the World.


2. How can I start collecting?

The best way to start collecting is to read around (i.e. books on GWTW merchandise) and be familiar with what is available. I regularly attend films fairs where dealers get together sell to the public. This is often the best place to go as dealers can cater for specific needs (in addition fairs often generate a good atmosphere). Other places I sometimes browse are second-hand book shops and general second hand shops.


3. Some items are too expensive, what can I do?

Some highly sought after items are very highly-priced which the average collector cannot afford. The best thing to do is to buy the items you like and try to specialise in your collection. For example my GWTW collection in centered around Vivien Leigh (I rarely buy stills of only Clark Gable).


4. I can't find many GWTW items, what can I do?

When I first started I had the same problem (i.e. did not know where to look). Even in film fairs is it sometimes difficult to find GWTW items. In addition many dealers only have a small range every now and again. You could start considered collecting items related to the GWTW (e.g. stills of Oliva de Havilland from other movies). Don't be dishearten if you cannot find GWTW items as new collectibles are coming out all the time.


5. How much should I pay for a particular item?

From my point of point of view, this depends on how much you want the item. I am strong believer that most GWTW collectors are genuine and not out to make a profit on their collections. For example I bought a Japanese 1967 GWTW poster (my favourite poster) at a film convention about 5 years ago for £15 (approx. $20). Although I do not know its real value I am sure I would paid more if I had to.


6. Are there any places to buy GWTW stuff on the Web?

Yes! There is a place in Florida, U.S where you can buy items on-line. Many of the items listed have pictures so you should be able to select the items you want by viewing them first. They can be reached at: www.scarlett.org/GWTW memories.


7. What are the most popular GWTW items available?

Amongst the many items available, the most popular are books, autographs (I haven't any as Vivien Leigh's are often very expensive), dolls, figurines, photos, plates and music boxes.


8. Are there any unusual GWTW items?

Although I have yet to see one, I heard that Vivien Leigh's favourite game, Chinese Checkers (Chinese pronounced 'Bol Chi K') was apparently renamed 'The Scarlett O' Hara Game'. This is a vintage item and therefore exceptionally hard to find.


9. What is the most valuable GWTW item?

There have been many highly-priced GWTW items but in December 1993, a private collector paid US $563,000 (approx. £400.000) at Sotheby's in New York for the Oscar Vivien acquired for GWTW. However replicas are sold for more modest collectors (and ordinary people like me) at more reasonable prices.


10. Why did I create this GWTW web site?

To show my appreciation of the film and hopefully give an insight to fellow 'Windies' how to start up a collection. In addition, the development of this site allows me to utilise my HTML and design skills (what's left of it.....). Overall this site has allowed to combined two of my hobbies, where else can you do that (thank god for the Internet!!).


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Web Site created & updated by Jackson Cheung - 12 Feb 98.

Any queries please mail me at : xwing@globalnet.co.uk