15 August 2000

Hi folks! A few news items to bring to your attention! Leisure Games are very kindly helping to advertise the tournament - visit the shop or get one of their catalogues and you'll see the ad! We have a notice up on the board at as well. Do you have a local games shop that would be willing to put up a poster? If so, drop me an email and I'll send you one - it's based on an example provided by ADB and agreed with Steve Cole. I should get round to putting up a list of attendees on the web page soon - - check it out to make sure you're on it if you should be. Shout at me if you're not! I'm hopeful that we can get more space for the tournament if we need it - I'll be talking to the convention organisers again soon. Note that the new Tournament Module is/will imminently be available from ADB, and it includes further changes to the Krait (not to mention a bunch of new play test TCs) - see for details. Also, thank you to all those players who replied to my last email and helped me fix a few broken email addresses. If this is the first email you've received from me, you have them to thank (blame?!). Cheers Marc email : tournament web page :

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