Patrol tournaments will be run on a daily basis. Winners will be recognised in Captains Log, the regular SFB product issued by Amarillo Design Bureau Inc.!

Patrol Tournament Structure and Registration

There is no set time to register for the Patrol Tournaments - you can come at any time and play as many games as you like. All you need to do is turn up at the judge's desk! To register your interest before the convention, contact Marc Taylor.

The 'main' patrol tournament will run from Friday through Sunday, at which point the four players with the highest 'net kills' and the four players with the highest '% wins' who have not qualified for the Rated Ace tournament final eight will be selected for three rounds of single elimination on Monday to determine the Patrol champion. Daily champions on Saturday and Sunday will be selected by reference to highest net kills, and a separate one day tourney will also take place on Monday for those players not participating in any of the finals.

Each player in the tournament will select one sanctioned tournament ship which they will play throughout the tournament. There are no time limits per game in the Patrol tournament (although the more games you play and win, the better you're chance of victory!).

Patrol Tournament Rules

The Patrol tournament will adhere to the ADB sanctioned tournament rules. Be sure to review these rules! In summary, they cover:

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