Spear of Destiny



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ID Software's sequel to Wolfenstein 3D. Once again, it's World War II, and you , BJ Blazkowicz, has to infiltrate the heavily guarded Castle Wolfenstein. Your mission is to recapture the legendary Spear from Hitler.

Although the Spear of Destiny set came out after Wolfenstein 3D, it actually takes place in time before it and therefore it's really a prequel.


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A place for anyone who loves The Spear.


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Spear Of Destiny levels


The Inner Circle Philipp Luy's first set. It's for the demo. The levels are well designed, and the guards well placed. Style is similar to that in the original set.

Death Castle Two new nicely designed levels for the demo set. By Bobby Bucksnort.

Spear Resurrection By Steve Walley and MCS. Planned as a sequel to the original Spear of Destiny, this set has excellent level design and many graphics/source code changes not seen before. Most who've played it already say it's on a par with Totengraeber and I definitely agree.

 Wastelands - Part One Nine new Spear levels from John Bucksnort, with some Lost Episodes graphics and other changes. Also available Wastelands - Part Two, and Journey To Evil. Both have seven new levels with even more graphics/sounds changes.

Escape From SOD Two new levels for the demo set. Some Lost. Ep. graphics. Adam Z's first set.

Nazi's Death Valley. Spear Demo set by Guillermo Buteler. Both levels are new - updated 4/4/01.


Spear Demo The 2 level shareware set. Available here. Here's a screenshot.


1st.zip  The first of what is intended to be a new series by Ken O'Brien. New levels, and some new graphics. Get it here. Here's a screenshot:


A Doll's House 4SDL 9 games (episodes) of action, adventure, puzzle solving, suspense, mystery and romance! All files are changed and included. See the included documents for useful info. Made by Paal Olstad. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

A Doll's House 4SDL V4.00 1-10 Paal tells me that links to A Doll's House 4SDL V4.00 1-10 is now available. The updated game package includes one new episode; When We Dead Awaken II. See the included documentation for info about the games and the update. An updated version of A Doll's House Hint Manual is also available. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

A Doll's House Ultimate Edition It includes A Doll's House, 2 new levels never released before, plus 8 levels from Ghosts. For those who haven't played the earlier version, the game is not a shoot 'em up but rather 'A game of action, adventure and puzzle solving.' It's been put together very well and requires a lot of thought to complete. There's more info and screenshots on the game homepage. By Paal Olstad. Available here.

Adolf's Last Stand 21 extensive levels which are quite complex at times. Some keys are in secret areas. Uses Spear graphics. By Bryan Banfield. All files included. Click here for the download.

Airslide's SoD Mod 6 levels, some large and some small but they are nicely designed and the decoration is about right. There's a mix of new and original graphics and sounds (most of the sprites are new), and they fit well with the new music. The Spear feel is retained quite well. By Airslide. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear Of Destiny to play.

The Alliance Of Powers A replacement pack of 21 levels for the full Spear Of Destiny set. They were made by HellRaiser and StormBringer. The levels are extensive, well designed, well decorated with many varied scenarios. No new graphics or sounds. Click here for the download. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.


Amazing Grace SDL Version This mod was made by jpb6891 and has 5 levels. The first one is quite small but the other 4 are extensive. The game play can be quite challenging at times though all levels are beatable when playing in the hardest mode. Although the mod is Spear based, Hans Grosse makes an appearance. The game is meant to be played as an epilogue to the Wolf3D series, hence the title. The Spear entry questions have been left in. Available here. This version is Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Andrew's Mapset Here's a mapset sent in by Andrew Marn. It has 12 levels and although it's Spear based, it has a Wolf3d feel. Needs the full version of Spear of Destiny to play.

The Anticipation 21 level set of maps from ack to be played with 'Spear Resurrection'. They are very extensive and are of a very high standard - at least as good as ack's levels in the recently released 'Melee' set. Click here for the download. Requires Spear Resurrection to play.

Archives - Volume I 21 maps made and put together by ack for use with Spear Of Destiny. Some maps have been modified since they were first made but they are all extensive and well designed. They are also well detailed and quite atmospheric. They are fairly difficult to beat at times on the highest difficulty level. No new graphics. Needs the full version of Spear of Destiny to play. more info and download.

Archives - Volume II 21 levels by ack that are all very well made. They are extensive, nicely decorated, fast moving and very atmospheric. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Arielus's Spear Of Destiny There's plenty of new cartoon type graphics (mostly not seen elsewhere), but the levels are pretty good too which is unusual for this fun type of set. By Ariel Castañares. You can download it here. Needs the full Spear game to play.

Assault On Germany 2   There's 21 levels, with many varied scenarios though most are not that extensive.There are changed graphics, sounds and new status bar etc, though there are no source code changes. By Kyo Kusanagi. You can download it here. Needs the full Spear game to play.

Base 666 Joe Monaghan's add-on for Spear of Destiny. There are Blake Stone wall textures, though the guards are from Wolf 3D, some new sounds and 21 levels all together. Many of the levels are modified levels from Spear and Wolf3D. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear to play.

Batman vs Bane SDL Made by Team Raycast. It has 10 very well designed levels made by Ronwolf. The mod is city based and features many different scenarios. Virtually all graphics have been changed, many done by Doomjedi. There are a lot of sound, music and code changes too. It all blends well together. There's more info, including a fuller credits list, in Read This. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Beyond Mutantstein Special Edition A 'Tribute To John Bucksnort' by various authors. There are 21 straight seamless levels, plus lots of graphics, sounds and source code changes. I feel it's an excellent set - one that John would have been proud of - and it serves very well as a tribute to the 'mutant maker'. Click here for the download.

Beyond Mutantstein SE SDL SDL version of the tribute mod to the late John Bucksnort. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. It has 21 levels and is Spear based. Fast moving, well designed levels and some modified graphics, new title screen etc. Many contributors. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Beyond Mutanstein SE Anniversary Edition This 10-year anniversary consists of 19 levels involving 18 different mappers (quite possibly and unprecedentedly large number of different architects in a single mod?). It was basically decided that priority should be given to those who worked on the first Beyond Mutantstein Special Edition back in 2002 (and who were still present in the scene or otherwise reachable), to the remaining Bucksnorts, and then to the more experienced/advanced mappers in the community. Hopefully the end result will have been to your satisfaction and, as said by someone involved in the original mod released back in 2002, something that John would have been proud of. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Bismark Pretty good set. It's available from here.

Blake And The Spear Contains graphics and sounds from Blake Stone. There are 21 mostly extensive and well detailed levels though some are not original. Text file included. By Joe M. Click here for the download. Requires the full version of Spear to play.

BnSodNew The first new set of levels (five) for Spear of Destiny. Was originally called Sodbutch. By Butch Nordstrom. Find them here.

The Bunker Two new well designed levels by John Bucksnort for the demo set. All files are included in the self-extracting exe. Fairly difficult. Available here. The Bunker SDL John Bucksnort's 2 level Spear Demo set. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Well designed. The second level is quite mazy. Fairly difficult. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Bunker Files Six well designed levels. Fourth set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. By John Bucksnort. All files are included. Download it here.

The Bunker Files SDL John Bucksnort's 6 level Spear set called 'The Bunker Files'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, and well designed levels. Fourth set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Chemical Reaction Four new levels by Pablo Dictter. The levels are well designed and the decoration is about right. Original graphics and sounds. The original full version of 'Spear of Destiny' is required. Get it here.

Chrono - Spear Of Destiny Levels 21 levels that can be played on every difficulty level, and it's been made to match the environment of each of the original levels. They are extensive and very well made. Text file included. By Chrono. Available here. Needs the registered Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Deadly Sleep What you have here is a little Spear of Destiny modification made by Arielus & myself. A stand-alone game, it features a small number of code and graphic changes, a different storyline, and 16 new levels made over the past few years. In spite of the various modifications that were made upon the original Spear of Destiny title, this game should be seen, mainly, as a new set of maps. We hope you find it enjoyable. Available here.

Death Becomes You Only a corrupted version had been available for many years but has now been partially restored by Andy using ChaosEdit. The 10 levels, which date from 1998, are variable in quality but most are well designed and nicely decorated. Perhaps the best level is the final one (number 10). Because levels 11 and over are missing, using the elevators to secret levels and the exit elevator on level 10 will end the game. By Spifferaneous. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear Of Destiny to play.

Death Castle Two nicely designed levels by Bobby Bucksnort for the Spear demo. All files are included. Available here.

Death Castle SDL Here's the SDL conversion of Bobby Bucksnort's first mod called 'Death Castle'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Two nicely designed levels for the Spear demo. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Death Key John Bucksnort's sequel to Tragedy At Istanbul. Fairly difficult to play. All files are included in the self-extracting exe. Available here.

The Death Key SDL John Bucksnort's 6 level Spear set called 'The Death Key'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. A sequel to Tragedy At Istanbul. Fast moving and fairly difficult to play. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The DHW SDL Mapset, Spear of Destiny Edition 21 new levels, made by The DHW Team (see Readme for more details). Very well designed. Needs the full version of Spear of Destiny to play. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Dunkelburg 21 levels that are quite extensive and nicely decorated and with virtually all original Spear graphics they will suit those who prefer the original game. There's a new title screen, some changes to the status bar and some new sounds. By Michael Kalous.You can get it here. Needs the full Spear version to play.

The Early Years 21 changed levels for Spear. Some of the levels are based partly on the originals but they've been made more difficult to beat. Graphics are from various sources but many are by AReyeP and Zach Higgins. Credit and more info is given in the enclosed text file. It all blends together quite well. Made by WLHack when he was 12 years old. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

End Of Destiny Sequel to 'Spear Resurrection' made by AReyeP and MCS. The level design is excellent, and virtually all graphics have been changed. Code changes are many and include ceiling/floor textures, weather effects (some levels), a fireball machine, backpack, rocket launcher, mines, pushwall switches, intermission screens etc etc. There are 26 seamless levels, plus a number of secret and challenge levels. Download it at the End Of Destiny site.

Erlangen 21 new levels by Ken O'Brien. Style and layout is similar to the original, but there's some modified graphics here too. Not impossible to beat, but some keys are hidden. Download it here.

Escape From SOD Two new levels for the Spear demo. Some graphics from Lost Episodes etc. Adam Z's first set. All files are included. Get it here.

Escape From Steinberg Castle 5 levels of a fair size and they are all well decorated. There are lots of secret areas to explore, some containing keys necessary to finish the levels. It's quite a good set and will especially suit those who prefer the original graphics. By Valts. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

The Fall Of Tails 20 fair sized and mostly lightly decorated levels. Although there are some new graphics and sounds, the original Spear Of Destiny feel remains. Some code changes. By Nanaki. You can download it here.

The False Spear 21 very extensive and well detailed levels with plenty of secret areas. Most of the graphics are modified but there are a few original ones from Spear. There are changed sounds and a number of advanced code changes including four keys, exploding drums and columns, weather effects, intrart and ceiling/floor textures. It all blends well together and those who like the Spear feel will not be disappointed. By WLHack. Available here.

The False Spear SDL v2.0 Here is the SDL version of The False Spear It has 24 very extensive and well detailed levels with plenty of secret areas. Most of the graphics are modified but there are a few original ones from Spear. There are changed sounds and a number of advanced code changes including four keys, exploding drums and columns, weather effects, intrart and ceiling/floor textures. It all blends well together and those who like the Spear feel will not be disappointed. By WLHack. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Festung Dates from late 1995, and is by Robert S. Bradbury. All 21 levels replaced. Download it here. Not as well designed as Robert's other set - see Mission One.

Footsteps To Despair Final set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. Nine new levels and some modified graphics. All files included. By John Bucksnort. Available here.

Footsteps To Despair SDL The SDL conversion of John Bucksnort's 'Footsteps To Despair'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. There are 9 well designed levels and some new graphics, plus title screen changes. This is the sixth and final set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Get Goldfire 21 levels, mostly quite extensive and detailed, though some are not original. Level 3, for instance, is my WolfBel2 opening level. The Blake Stone graphics and sounds have come from various sources. By Joe M. Click here for the download. Requires the full Spear to play.

Ghost Tower v1.02 Includes the hard to access third secret level from 'The Tower' upgraded with the engine, features and graphics from 'A Doll's House/Ghosts'. The level is a complete game in its own right and features 6 floors. By Paal Olstad. There's more info and the download at Poet's Ghost Tower page. Also available here.

Paal's Dos mods are no longer available. Links to the SDL versions are found here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Ghosts: A Doll's House add-on Made by Paal Olstad. The 16 levels are well designed and decorated and many were made by others. All graphics, sounds and music have been changed and while it retains the Wolf3D feel somewhat, the mod also has an atmosphere of its own. New music was contributed by Tricob. Code changes include a missile launcher, Plasma gun and breakable objects. As with 'A Doll's House', Paal's last mod, the game requires a lot of thought to play. There's more info and the download here.

Paal's Dos mods are no longer available. Links to the SDL versions are found here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Ghosts Special 1 level add-on December 2011. As a Christmas treat to all fans of the A Doll's House and Ghosts games Paal Olstad presents Ghosts Special add-on. It is based on the Ghosts Special mapping kit with two changed images. All files are included and the game runs without the mapping-kit. Available here.

Gloom Commander Keen made this add-on in 2001 when he was 10 years old. Most of the 16 levels are quite small though many are well detailed. Two levels (including the first) have 'invisible objects' at times. Several graphics changes. Available here. Requires the full Spear to play.

Gods Of The Ethereal Reality 16 new maps of a fair size with good decoration. Virtually all the graphics are from the original game though there are many new sounds. There are some out of place looking walls on a couple levels but I'm told it's part of the effect. Text file included. By demondude777. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear Of Destiny to play.

GorensteinII: The Gore Spear New graphics for the original registered Spear set. Levels coming by late December. For more info and the download, click here.

The Greinholdt Covenant Part One Nine new fast moving levels, with many source code and graphics changes. By John Bucksnort. Get it here.

The Greinholdt Covenant Pt.1 SDL John Bucksnort's 9 level Spear set. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, and well designed levels. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Greinholdt Covenant Part Two The Formula (12 levels), and Part Three The Dawn Of Death (7 levels), are also available.

The Greinholdt Covenant II: The Formula SDL John Bucksnort's 12 level Spear set. Harry Mass Snr also contributed. It was converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, and well designed levels. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Greinholdt Covenant III: The Dawn of Death SDL John Bucksnort's 7 level Spear set. It was converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, and well designed levels. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Hard Cell Made by Thomas Weiling, the 5 seamless levels are extensive and well made. There are mostly original graphics and the game keeps the original Spear feel very well. This is the first Spear based mod made by Thomas. Available here.

The Holy Grail SDL Made by Josh, there are 3 episodes, each with 7 levels, consisting of the Spear demo levels and the original Amazing Grace levels. Each episode has the same maps but different graphics. BJ starts off in Castle Nuremberg, then he arrives at another place and it is nighttime. The place is called the Temple of Doom. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Inner Circle Philipp Luy's first set - it's for the demo. The levels are well designed, and the guards well placed. Style is similar to that in the original set. Get it here. The Inner Circle SDL Version SDL Version is Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Ipank7000s SOD Mapset Here's a new mapset and the third add-on by Ipank7000, 21 new levels. Very well made. Vista/Windows 7-compatible. Needs the full version of Spear of Destiny to play.

Journey Into Evil Third (and final) part of John Bucknort's Wastelands Trilogy. Seven more levels, plus new graphics and sounds. All files included. Find it here.

Journey Into Evil SDL John Bucksnort's 7 level Spear set called 'Journey Into Evil'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Third (and final) part of the Wastelands Trilogy. Fast moving, with good level design. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Justin 21 levels, some are quite large but others are fairly small. Most of the graphics and sounds have been changed and while it retains some of the Spear feel, it also has its own atmosphere. Some levels need pushwalls opened to complete them. Made by Rampage Games Inc. Available here.

Kenny 20 new levels of a fair size that are made quite well. Most graphics and sounds have been replaced and there's new endart and demos. The Spear feel remains somewhat, but the game also has an atmosphere of its own. Made by Gaming X. Available here.

Kill Him A set of 5 boss levels. The levels are not that large but designed well. There's a number of graphics and sounds changes but the original feel of the game remains. By Wolfenstein 3D Fan. You can download it here.

Kill Him 2 9 levels, though some were released in a demo some time ago. Most of the levels are of a fair size though not overly extensive. There are many changed graphics though the Spear feel remains. By Wolfenstein 3D Fan. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear to play.

Kill Him - Special Edition 9 fair sized levels which are mostly well designed. As in the earlier 'Kill Him' set, there's a number of graphics and sounds changes but the original feel of the game remains. By Wolfenstein 3D Fan. Click here for the download.

The Lost Episodes (Revisited) Four levels - the 3rd is a very large level mainly revamped from a Lost Episodes 3 level - and the other 3 are smaller, though original and of good quality. Graphics and sounds, as expected, are from the original sets. New exe. By Kyle Fisher. All files included. Click here for the download.

The Lost Fortress has 21 new levels. Style is similar to the originals, but possibly more difficult to play at times. (Mainly due to appearances by bosses). Barry Christian's 2nd set. Download it here.

Melo is a new Spear set from Melissa O'Brien, Ken O'Brien's sister. Find it here.

Mission One Dates from late 1995, and is by Robert S. Bradbury. All 21 levels replaced. Well designed. Download it here.

MoreSod is a new Spear set from Ken O'Brien. Available here.

MpSodLev is a set of levels by Maarten Pinxten. Very good layout, and difficulty level similar to to the original Spear set. Available here, and also from Shawn Moseley's Wolfenstein Page.

Mutants Strike Again Although there's only one small level, it's quite intense and very atmospheric and features several different mutants. The MOHA exe is used and among the changes are textured floors and ceilings. By Wolfenstein3D Fan. Available here.

Nazi's Death Valley Spear Demo set by Guillermo Buteler. Both levels are new. All files included. Find them here.

NDV (Nazi's Death Valley) Demo Five well decorated levels here for the full version. No new graphics or sounds. By Guillermo Buteler. Click here for the download. Also available at Guillermo's site which has a lot more info on the project. It's at Wolfsite.

Newflr Two new levels for the Spear demo. Difficult, but well designed. Find them here.


NSpear is a 21 level set recently sent in to me by Ken O'Brien. Looks pretty good. Quite difficult, though not impossible to beat. Some keys in hidden rooms. More add-ons to come. Click here to download it.

Operation Eisenfaust: Origins Spear based, there are 21 extensive and well detailed levels. Virtually everything has been changed. Very well put together. Made by Team RayCast. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Operation Lone Eagle 10 new levels that are extensive, and well designed and decorated. There are many changed graphics, sounds and music which tend to blend quite well together. I particularly like the effects in level one which is set oudoors, but all the indoor levels are good too. By Paul Rawski. Available here.

Operation Rheingold v1.0 6 levels from Wolfenstein3D Fan - some are not that large - but others are more extensive. They are decorated quite well. The graphics are mostly new though there are some from the original Spear game. There are some new sounds, a new status bar and title screen too. Overall, everything blends in well together and keeps the Spear feel. Available here. Needs the 2 audio files from the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Operation: Recapture 21 levels of a fair size though most are not that extensive and the 2 secret levels remain unchanged. There are many changed graphics, though most I've seen before in other sets. New sounds, new status bar and new demos. Text file included. By Kyo Kusanagi. You can download it here.

Operation: Ubermutant Made by Matte Software. The levels vary quite a lot in size. Many of the graphics are from 'Lost Episodes'. New title screen. You can get it here.

Project Ewiger Verwustung 13 levels here and they are well designed and decorated though some are not that large. Many changed graphics and sounds. By Sandy. It's available here.

Project Waffen Sicherheitsdienst This set by Sandy serves as a homage to Wolf Skevos-Jones and features many of his graphics and sounds. The 13 levels are mostly larger than in Sandy's earlier sets though of a similar standard. Click here for the download. The sequels Project Waffen Sicherheitsdienst 2 and Project Waffen Sicherheitdienst 3 also have 13 levels.

Project Wüste des Todes 19 fair sized and nicely decorated levels. There are many changed graphics and sounds, though the feel of the original game remains. By Sandy. Available here.

Quest For The Amulet Made by Wolf Skevos-Jones's younger brother, Ian. Wolf helped with the source code and some other things. MCS also helped with the code. The game takes place in both Germany and Egypt. In the story, BJ must stop the Nazis from getting an Egyptian artifact known as the Amulet of Anubis. Has 21 levels and lots of graphics and sounds from WolfenDOOM (with Laz's permission). Click here for the download.

Reinstaad Final Version Eleven levels in this action packed final version of 'Reinstaad' for Spear from Bobby Bucksnort. All are very well designed and there's also many graphics/source code changes. Don't bump into the 'For Wimps Only' sign or you'll get Ubermutants galore! You can download it from here, or from Bobby's site at The Mutant Co..

Reinstaad; The Revenge SDL Here's the SDL conversion of Bobby Bucksnort's 11-level Spear mod called 'Reinstaad: The Revenge'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. This action-packed final version is well-designed, and has none of the 3 'Reinstaad demo' levels in it. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Revenge 21 levels done by Osiris and most are quite large with many different types of design. There are a lot of graphics that I haven't seen elsewhere, plus there are some new sounds. Available here. Needs the 'audiohed' and 'audiot' files from the full Spear.

Revenge 2 Full title is Revenge 2 - Escape From The Lost Dimension. 10 fairly large levels from Osiris with a mix of original Spear, Revenge and brand new graphics - though there's still just one wall design used most of the time. There's changed sounds and a text file included. Available here. Needs the full version of Spear Of Destiny to play.

The Rise Of Hitler Basically, 18 new levels by Kyo Kusanagi for 'Spear Resurrection' as it uses the SR code and most of it's images. The new levels are fairly well designed and decorated though nowhere near as extensive or detailed as in SR. Available here. Requires Spear Resurrection to play.

RTDDem Two new levels for the Spear demo set, with 'Lost Episodes' graphics from Mission 2. Comes with an edited exe file. You can find it here. A screenshot is shown below.

Schabbs Connection Fifth set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. Nine new levels and some modified graphics. All files included. By John Bucksnort. Available here.

Schabbs Connection SDL John Bucksnort's 9 level Spear set called 'Schabbs Connection'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Fifth set in the Tragedy At Istanbul series. Fast moving, well designed levels and some modified graphics, sounds etc. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.


SDMLev One new level for the Spear demo set. Similar in layout and difficulty level to the original demo. Find it here.

So You Want To Be An Assassin By John Bucksnort. There are three new well designed levels, plus many graphics, sounds and source code changes. For copyright reasons, John left out the audiot and audiohead files so the full version of Spear is required. Get it here.

So You Want To Be An Assassin SDL John Bucksnort's final mod. It was converted to SDL by Andy Nonymous. The 3 levels are fast moving, well designed and with some modified graphics, new title screen etc. Spear based. Also credited are Harry Mass Sr (a level), and Paul Gibson (some graphics). Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

SoD Extreme SDL This is SoD Extreme, a mapset of Sod by Team RayCast. It has 21 well made levels by RonWolf and Dean. Each level has been remade with a basically unlimited amount of items and guards (hence the 'Extreme'). Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Sod, Haven Style SDL Made by Dark_wizzie, the set has 21 very extensive and well made levels. The gameplay can be quite challenging at times when playing on the highest difficulty mode. Most graphics and sounds are from the original game and so the original Sod feel is retained. Code changes include an increased number of static objects and actors allowed for each level and increased ammo and health limits. The final level was made by ack and the coding was by WLHack. Text file included. You can download it here. For those wanting a hardcore version (very difficult), there's Sod, Haven Style SDL/Hardcore Version. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

SOD1 New levels with some new graphics, by Ken O'Brien. Several jpg maps are included in the ZIP. Get it here. Here's a screenshot:

SOD_KB Another set recently sent to me by Ken O'Brien. New bosses. Find it here.

Sod_cc1 Basically, Spear Of Destiny Mark II. Pretty much like the original game, i.e. - good layout and style. Difficulty level is easy to moderate. Download it here.

SodBlast2 A complex, and very difficult set. It's available here.

SOD floors Dates from 1995 and has 21 new levels. This is a well designed, but difficult set. There are many pushwalls, and keys are often hard to find. By Jamie E. Edwards. Requires at least the registered Spear set, but works best with The Lost Episodes: Mission 2. It's available here.

Sod Reborn Alternative vswap for the full Spear set. Put together by 'The Man Who Knows', most of the graphics are other peoples (permission was given and credits are mentioned in the enclosed text file). Ideal for Spear sets that have no new graphics. Click here for the download.

SodMet12 Well designed levels in the style of the originals but there any many bosses and keys are often well hidden in secret areas. There are 12 normal levels, plus 2 secret ones. I'm not sure who made them all, but the first 4 were done by Butch Nordstrom though they've since been modified. No new graphics or sounds. You can download it here.

SpDemAc This 4 level set contains the 2 Spear of Destiny demo levels, a secret level and a Boss level. Although it will play on a PC (with the shareware version 1.4 of Wolfenstein 3D), it has been put together especially for Acorn users. It's available here.

Spear Levels Pack 21 new levels. The original concept by Gex was for a levels contest but this was later dropped in favour of a levels pack. They were made by various mappers and there are a wide range of styles. Gex and Thomas made the most levels but there are also some by ack, De Zeurkous, Otto and myself. Text file included. It's available here. Needs the full version of Spear Of Destiny to play.

Spear Of Bullsh*t This set is for the Spear Demo and is by Nathan Linebuck. Due to hex changes, there are 21 levels, and they are all new, extensive and quite detailed. There are some changed wall designs, but the atmosphere of the original game remains. Also included in the zip is a map editor NMAP. Available from Toastytech.

Spear of Destiny Add-on Levels 21 levels made by Sam. All the levels are elaborately designed and well decorated. Some of the levels are rather interesting such as Floor 2, Floor 8 and Floor 19, and some are quite excellent such as Floor 13, Floor 20 and Floor 21. Available here. Needs the full Spear of Destiny game to play.
There's a video available of four dungeon levels (7 thru 10) at

Spear Of Destiny Mappack Made by Megabyte, all 21 levels are extensive, well designed and nicely decorated. There are no graphics or sound changes though some basic code changes like ceiling colours and par times have been made. Slight adjustments have been made to the status bar due to an extra score slot. The coding was done by WLHack. Will especially suit those who like the original Spear game. Available here. Also needs the audiohed.sod, audiot.sod, and vswap.sod files from the original full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Spear Of Destiny Reloaded There are 21 extensive well made levels. Virtually all graphics and sounds are new. I especially like the weapon designs and hand drawn guards. Features include player profiles, throwable grenades, a trigger system and a new special difficulty setting. Playing this set feels like playing a completely new game. There are both Dos and Windows versions included. By KFH Games. Available from KFH GAMES.

Spear of Destiny: Final Resistance SDL Made by Roberto. The main points of this MOD are level Mapping, interior design and puzzle structure of the 19 different levels. Each one has a different approach and a story to tell, such as the Castle Interior, the high security prisons, the Schabbs Secret X laboratories and the Spear hideout. Players are encouraged to read the story and description of the small Read Me to understand what SoD: TFR is all about, including its Innovation. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Spear Of Toti 21 levels and each one has a different type of scenario, some are set outdoors while others are set indoors. The changed graphics, sounds and music fit well together and though the Spear feel is retained, the mod has a feel of its own too. Source code changes include textured floors/ceilings, weather effects, animated objects, an extra weapon and a rocker launcher. By Toti. Available here.

Spear Resurrection By Steve Walley and MCS. Planned as a sequel to the original Spear of Destiny, this set has excellent level design and many graphics/source code changes not seen before. Most who've played it already say it's on a par with Totengraeber and I definitely agree. You can get it from AReyeP's Wolfenstein 3D. Alternate Download Site. Spear Resurrection SDL SDL version is Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Spear Resurrection Master Levels These levels were made by Little Cherub as a challenge game for people who loved the great 'Spear Resurrection' game. The maps pack replaces the first 5 levels in that game and is a tribute to Areyep and MCS for their great add-ons. The levels are not as large as in the original though they are quite detailed. Click here for the download. Requires Spear Resurrection to play.

Spear Resurrection: 10th Anniversary Edition SDL This edition from AReyeP has all new levels, 2 being contributed by ack. There are a few modifications: Landmines are only in specific outdoor areas. Death Artefacts are very rare. All secret pushwalls are marked in some fashion by an odd object or a picture on a wall. Bosses are tougher on the harder skill levels and level names are displayed when starting a level. The conversion to SDL was done by Andy Nonymous. Original coding was by MCS Amsterdam. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Spear Revisited Made by Executor, the 21 seamless levels are quite extensive, well designed and well decorated. There are many changed graphics and sounds though the original Spear feel is retained. There's plenty of fast moving action as one of the many code changes is an increase in the number of permitted guards. The new music blends in well. The 2 guest levels were made by thejosh and myself. Text file included. Available here.

Spearfishwolfbones Made by Thomas Weiling, there are 21 extensive well made levels. Thomas says, "I was never a Spear fan, never played it as a kid, and quite frankly, I feel that this is both my first and last mapping experience of Spear. But I'm glad I made it.". Available here.

SpearMor New levels for the classic Spear game. Available here.

Spearmp These 21 maps for the full Spear set date from 1994 but I've not seen them before. The author is Mike Pascale and are very well designed. Similar in style to the originals. You can download it here.

Spearmpixsod A set of maps made in 1998 for the full Spear by 'MP Entertainment' (Maarten Pinxten and his brother Roel). There are 21 levels and all are of a high standard. The first looks the same as Maarten's MpSodLev but others are different. You can download it here. Requires the full 'Spear' to play.

Spear_10 I haven't played this set yet, but I'm told there's some new levels for the original registered Spear set. Find them here.

Spear_11 Yet more levels for the original registered Spear set. Find them here.

SS - Castle Lost SOD Demo SDL Here is a SOD Demo set that Mr. Gerolf made. It contains modified files like guard sprites, music and title screen changes, plus a new recorded demo. The storyline and other details are in the text files. Level 2 requires 4 secrets to be discovered in order to finish the map. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Stopandthink_stein A 19 level set by Brian Kory. As the title suggests, this is not a basic shoot 'em up mod, but a series of puzzles and it requires a lot of thought to complete each level. It uses John Bucksnort's Istanbul mod as a base and most of the graphics from that are retained. A hint file is included. Available here.

Strife II SDL Lakota Bucksnort has sent me Strife II for release. Spear based, it has 8 levels and some changed graphics and sounds. The SDL conversion is by Andy, as in the other sets. It's a pretty tough set. This may be Lakota's last gameset. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

SWAT There are 21 levels here, mostly made by the creator program. Although they are obviously predictable, most haven't come out too badly. There are a number of imported graphics and sounds which blend together well, plus a new title screen. Made by Justin. Click here for the download.

SweetSOD Interesting set which comes with a new VSWAP file. Nicely detailed levels and some good new wall designs. Download it here. Here's a screenshot.

Sword Of Light Spear graphics/sounds and 19 new levels. The first is quite mazy. The layout of most other levels includes a lot more rooms and the quality is good. By Wes Desjardins. All files included. Download it here.

This Spear SDL Made by Dark_wizzie, there are 21 extensive levels made to a very high standard of mapping. Some imported graphics have been added but the original Spear feel has been retained well. Coding was done by WL Hack and includes increased static object and actor limits. A very enjoyable set. Available here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

The Tower By Paal Olstad. All 21 levels are new, and from what I played thus far, it looks very good indeed. Lots of new features. For copyright reasons Paal has left out the 'audiohed' file which needs to be supplied from full 'Spear'. Available from Poet's Wolfenstein Page.  

Paal's Dos mods are no longer available. Links to the SDL versions are found here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Tragedy At Istanbul Eleven new well designed levels by John Bucksnort. There are some graphics changes and a new title screen too. I did the 1st secret level. It's fairly difficult to play. Some keys are in hidden rooms. This is a stand-alone set with all files included. More levels will be added later. Available here. Tragedy at Istanbul SDL John Bucksnort's 11 level Spear set called 'Tragedy at Istanbul'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. There are some graphics changes and a new title screen too. I did the 1st secret level. It's fairly difficult to play. Some keys are in hidden rooms. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Twilight Nazi Chaos 5 new levels that are extensive and well designed. Most graphics are from the original game but there's a minor modification: the SS uniform has been changed from blue to green. By DarkJedi188. Available here. Needs the full Spear game to play.

The Twilight Zone 21 quite extensive levels, though a few are not that original. Lots of new graphics and sounds. Credit goes to Paal Olstad for allowing use of 'The Tower' source code and to Majik Monkee for some images from his 'Image World' site. By Joe M. It's available here. Requires 'audiohed' file from full Spear to play.

UltDem Two new levels for the Spear demo set, with 'Lost Episodes' graphics from Mission 3. Comes with an edited exe file. You can find it here.

Ultimate-Evil Four normal levels, plus a difficult to find secret level. They're not that large but are well designed. By Patrick Grey. You can get it here.

Untitled SOD Demo Two new levels for the Spear demo set, by Martin Oxilia. This is Martin's first set. All files included. Get it here.

Valts SoD Project 12 new levels, including some that are not that large, but they are mostly designed well and nicely decorated. The earlier levels keep to the original Spear style though some of the later levels feature bosses and are harder to beat. One level has a key hidden behind a hard to find pushwall that needs to be opened to complete it. No new graphics or sounds. By Valts. Available here. Needs the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Wastelands - Part One Nine new Spear levels from John Bucksnort, with some Lost Episodes graphics and other changes. All files included. Find it here.

Wastelands SDL John Bucksnort's 9 level Spear set called 'Wastelands'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, well designed levels and some modified graphics, new title screen etc. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Wastelands - Part Two Seven more levels, plus new graphics and sounds. All files included. Find it here.

Wastelands 2 SDL John Bucksnort's 7 level Spear set called 'Wastelands 2'. It was converted by Andy Nonymous. Fast moving, well designed levels and some modified graphics and sounds, new title screen etc. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

see also Journey To Evil.


WeirdAss This VSWAP has a bunch of weird pics that got into the game when DJ blazkowicz's hard drive failed while editing Spear. It's available here.

Wolf-Extra II/The Nightmare Five new very large levels, 1 to 4 plus Angel Of Death, from Paal Olstad. Difficult, but not impossible to beat. Available from Poet's Wolfenstein Page.

Paal's Dos mods are no longer available. Links to the SDL versions are found here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

Wolf-Extra III: Parts 1 to 6 A set of 6 separate games, each with 4 compact but very intense levels. Each part has a mix of Spear and modified graphics and each has a slightly different exe. Playing the games often require a lot of thought - see the enclosed text files for more info before playing. By Paal Olstad. Available from Wolf-Extra III: Parts 1 to 6. Each part needs to be played in a separate folder and needs the 2 audio files from the full Spear Of Destiny game to play.

Paal's Dos mods are no longer available. Links to the SDL versions are found here. Vista/Windows 7-compatible.

YzSOD Good set with modified graphics for the Spear demo. Available here. Also check out Alex's Spear of Destiny Page, as there are 2 other versions here.


For Cheat Codes - see my Extras section  

Maps for all Spear sets now available (including The Lost Episodes) - click here



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