One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4)                 Bayith Ministries

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"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? ... I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding" (Job chapters 38-41)

"all things were created by him and for him: and He is before all things, and by him all things consist" (Colossians 1:15-17).
"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:21-22).
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:1,5a).

Extinction Rebellion

Articles and YouTubes

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Sleeping With the Eco Enemy - Gove and Extinction Rebellion  (01 May 2019)

"Fiddles out - everyone is looking on as the elites sign up to misery, disease and human destruction as envisaged by a bunch of odious deluded Marxists called Extinction Rebellion..."

Extinction Rebellion: A Climate of Violence  (29 April 2019)

"The climate protestors who blockaded roads and transport in central London last week insisted that their actions were 'non-violent'. Indeed, they even displayed placards with that as a slogan. But they ware wrong. These activities are acts of violence. They should be resisted and punished like any other act of violence, no matter how virtuous those doing the violence claim their motives to be ... A liberal country allows people to express their views in public ... But it quite reasonably requires proper commitment to peaceful assembly and to minimise the disruption caused..."

Room For A Few More Lefties on Dame Em's Broomstick  (26 April 2019)

"[O]n Tuesday's Politics Live ... Viewers were assured that Londoners had enjoyed the disruption hugely; presumably the police were just out on a jolly and didn't mind having their Easter leave cancelled. It wasn't for the activists to clear up the detritus they left behind after their 'serious' eco-protest. This group of eco-fanatics and fantasists can afford to live on this mythically green and wonderful planet, unconcerned that the technology is not there to turn the world fully fossil-free in the timescale they demand. Once the world economy has collapsed Rupert [Read from Extinction Rebellion] will have to relinquish his preferred mode of transport, rail travel, and confine himself to something along the lines of Dame Emma's broomstick..."


The Riff Raff Are Just So Awful, Darling  (26 April 2019)

"Few events demonstrate the hypocrisy that lies at the heart of modern liberalism than Dame Emma Thompson flying from LA to London to tell all the little people that they must de-industrialise within seven years and return to the economic and social dark age. Of course, it is the little people who must do all the returning. The little people who are routinely branded racist, homophobic, misogynist - Christian! Asked if she flew economy class from LA to reduce her own 'carbon' footprint, Ms Antoinette replied, 'I b***** well don't, no.'  Suffice that she flaunts how much she cares about the planet: Perish the thought she should consider doing what she actually preaches. The liberal elites in this country and elsewhere have wrapped themselves in a cloak of moral authority that accepts no argument ... always remember that they are good, and you are bad..."

Never Mind the Planet - Save Our Sanity  (24 April 2019)

"[T]he problem of climate change (they no longer say 'global warming', having found out that science invalidates that term) has been taken out of scientists' hands. It has been transferred into the sweaty palms of young fire-eating revolutionaries who have to channel their destructive, nihilist impulses into some sort of conduit. Communism provided one of those for a few decades, but all those photographs of piled corpses and skeletal concentration camp inmates have made it somewhat less productive ... The young ... 'the barometer of the nation', are ideal agents of upheavals, what with their perfect combination of unformed brains and abundant vitality ... That's why youngsters' swelled the ranks of Bolsheviks and Nazis, the Red Guards and Khmer Rouge, the CND and Greenpeace - and now of the Extinction Rebellion..."

The Weird Cult of Greta Thunberg: She's Not the Green Messiah  (24 April 2019)

"The activities of those following the latest fashion in political activism have been disrupting the nation's capital ... I speak of fashion deliberately: popular protest is in part an expression of a culture of group 8identification which Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals pressed upon its supporters ... So we drift from one pressing crisis to the next, the better to demonstrate that people like us truly care ... such adherents will enjoy a sense of being 'better informed' and 'more caring'..."

The Cult of Greta Thunberg  (22 April 2019)

"Anyone who doubts that the green movement is morphing into a millenarian cult should take a close look at Greta Thunberg. This poor young woman increasingly looks and sounds like a cult member. The monotone voice. The look of apocalyptic dread in her eyes. The explicit talk of the coming great 'fire' that will punish for our eco-sins ... climate-change alarmism is becoming ever stranger, borderline religious ... consider Extinction rebellion, the latest manifestation of the upper-middle classes' contempt for industrialisation and progress..."

It Starts With Screeching Lefties Calling Us Nazis... It Ends In A Police State  (21 April 2019)

"I am sick of the self-righteousness of the Left. Their nasty demonstrations about climate change, and their screeches of 'Nazi!' at any opponent, are not just wrong, but warnings of a police state to come. When they gum up London, stopping other people getting to work or going home, with beatific smirks on their faces, they are punishing us for not being as fanatical as they are or - worse - not even agreeing with them. Their protests are not against the Government, which long ago caved in to the Green fanatics, and goes around blowing up perfectly food coal-fired power stations to please them. They are against us, for not being keen enough on their intolerant cult. They aren't as stupid as they look ... Like every other 'End of the World is at hand' cult, they yearn for the wrath to come and want to see non-believers suffer., They think their self-assessed goodness will save them, while the rest of us deservedly drown or are perhaps eaten by polar bears fleeing ever southwards. It's all about being virtuous, and better than other people, so they can look down on them. The same goes for ridiculous figures such as the Labour MP David Lammy, who has managed to suggest that Jacob Rees-Mogg and his ... faction are like the Nazis ... I am sick to the teeth of the Left suggesting that freedom-loving, patriotic conservatives are secret Nazis, or indeed have anything in common with them. Actually, it's the other way. It is the Left which has the nasty connections and the sordid record of compromise with evil. They have never really managed to denounce the Soviet dictatorship. They have never properly recognised the extent of Stalin's mass-murder ... They are not better than the rest of us. They just think they are..."

Protests Such as Extinction Rebellion Show We've Lost the Plot  (21 April 2019)

"From the moment the eco-activist, middle class temper tantrum that is Extinction Rebellion began, the authorities have misspoken, mis-stepped and messed up at every trick of the puerile, rebellious track ... Meanwhile decent folk who have a living to make were hugely inconvenienced as these ghastly, self-righteous demonstrators were allowed to do whatever they chose unchecked ... [they] do not give a damn about those people..."

Extinction Rebellion Founder Says Protest Is 'Fun'  (20 April 2019)

"Gail Bradbrook, 47, is one of the directors of private limited company Compassionate Revolution, which has organised and partly financed Extinction Rebellion. Ms Bradbrook, a self-described neo-pagan, flew to Costa Rica a few years ago to take a dose of ibogaine, a powerful hallucinogenic shrub growing in West Africa and said the drugs 'rewired' her brain and gave her the codes of social change..."

Emma Thompson Flies 5400 Miles to Protest Climate Change  (19 April 2019)

"A flight from Los Angeles International Airport to London Heathrow generates at least 1.67 tonnes of CO2 ... Dame Emma clearly didn't see any hypocrisy in her actions as she took to the streets ... The organiser ... Robin Boardman-Pattison, who has called for only allowing air travel 'in an emergency', has allegedly travelled widely himself..."

PICTURES:  'Emotional Disruption': Youth Eco-Activists Cry After Failing to Stop Flights From Heathrow  (19 April 2019)

"Media reports that some of the activists are as young as 13 years old ... a number of the teen protestors were crying was [sic] because they claimed to have been 'threatened' with arrest ... Extinction Rebellion Youth organiser Robin Ellis-Cockcroft, 24, said that while they had failed to cause any actual, real disruption, they had caused 'emotional disruption', and confirmed no more protests were planned at the airport today..."

Saving the Planet? No, Extinction Rebellion Are Malicious Bullies  (18 April 2019)

"I'll accept that amongst the protestors must be some who are misguided, but overall, Extinction Rebellion is a mixture of malice, sanctimoniousness, nihilism, and narcissism. I won't say stupidity because some in the movement, at least among its leading elements, know exactly what they want and what they are doing. I suspect, though, that quite a few of the followers haven't got the first idea about what the world would look like if their demand for a Britain with zero emissions by 2025 was fulfilled. A few of them probably do believe they could still have something close to their comfortable modern lifestyles..."

Extinction Rebellion Threatens to Shut Down Heathrow ... on Good Friday  (18 April 2019)

Readers' comments:  "These young people have been told at school since they were 4 years old that the world will send unless we 'do' something. They have been brainwashed and it's too late for them now. More and more of these people will turn out of school unless we completely overhaul the national curriculum where these marxist ideas are taught. The marxists ... have complete control of the education system ... the plan is to shut down the western world and reduce us all to poverty"  /  "Here's an idea, kids. Against air travel? Don't use it. Against cars? Don't use 'em. Against burning fuel of any kind? Stop using electricity. You go first for ten years and we'll follow your example if you last that long"  /  "I know two people who are fervent eco-loons. One has been abroad to long-haul destinations seven times in the last 12 months, and the other flew to Taiwan and Borneo for two separate holidays. Neither can see the hypocrisy of their actions"  /  "But you see, the very fact that they are doing it is ok. It's the nasty, common plebs they don't want doing it"  /  "Normal leftists... do as I say, not as I do"

Readers' comments cont:  "They've just had a blarting, wailing young girl on the news whining that 'they're not being listened to'.  Join the b***** club dear"  /  "17.5 million people aren't being listened to either, so tell her to take her place in the queue"  /  "[S]he is too young to remember the last movement in Western Europe that controlled the people by fear, but the adults pulling her strings should certainly be aware of it"  /  "She's a tool of the Globalist NWO just like Malala Yousefzai... lifted up to spread the lie that kids can change the world through stamping their feet after swallowing and spouting approved propaganda"

Readers' comments cont:  "Notice none of them were out protesting when the snows came. Yet this c***ola about climate change has been with us for years. It's only since AOC started spouting that the world will end in 12 years that the kids are now whining and moaning on a larger scale"  /  "It's quite clear that the snot nosed brats have never read much history. There was massive 'climate change' in the middle ages. We didn't exactly have masses of industry then or plastic either. You'll notice they never leave their phones behind"  /  "It has nothing to do with climate change. They are simply 'anarchists' rebranded and want to overturn all authority ... These are fanatics and extremists"  /  "These are Pol Pot extreme leftists, authoritarian, would-be genocidal luddites, more than happy to enslave and reduce the human population in the name of 'ecology'"  /  "Most of them are rent-a-mob. Protesting/demonstrating is their thing. It doesn't matter what it is about"  /  "Virtue signalling has the double advantage of (1) not costing them anything and (2) gives them an endorphin rush with their 'moral outrage'... Apparently this endorphin rush is very addictive. That's why the same faces keep turning up to protests"  /  "Wonder who is the funding behind this group of chaos"  /  "You can bet Soros is connected with it"

Extinction Rebellion 'Unwashed Middle-Class Virtue Signallers'  (18 April 2019)

"We are now four days into the 'Extinction Rebellion' protests in London. By blocking roads, rail and tube networks and generally making a nuisance of themselves, a few hundred protestors have disrupted thousands of everyday commuters and business owners ... and put an enormous strain on London's emergency services - all for the erroneous idea that our species if 'heading for extinction'. If there has been a more spectacularly ill-judged protest movement I've yet to witness it..."

Climate Change - But That's Not the Point, Is it!  (18 April 2019)

"Literally millions of people have had their lives turned upside down this week by the great and the good who know best. They are the liberal elite who, if you dare to argue, if you dare to point out that they are just not quite right, will call you every name under the sun ... this demonstration in London is nothing more than virtue signalling. If they were really properly angry, disturbed and worried they would go in their thousands to those parts of the world that really contribute to the malaise they claim exists. It's all too easy to satisfy your conscience with minimal effort by going to London and have a dance on the bridge over the Thames..."

Readers' comments:  "Watch my lips - CARBON DIOXIDE IS NOT A POLLUTANT IT IS A PLANT FOOD. Now go and deal with the pollution for which we really should hang our heads in shame - hormone disrupting chemicals in the water system, the plastic in the ocean travesty, PM10 particles. The planet's climate will go on changing, as it has always done and there is precious little we can do about it"  /  "All these schemes, plans and 'agendas' to 'save the planet' are designed to enslave the population and only allow a select few (the 'Elites') to manage and control (and profit from) the planet's natural resources"

Apologists for Poverty  (18 April 2019)

"Protest leaders claim that humanity faces extinction unless carbon emissions are cut to net zero by 2025 ... Many observers noted the overwhelming white and middle-class composition of the Extinction Rebellion protests. Unsurprisingly, few working-class people are likely to share the environmentalists' belief that we are all too wealthy and should embrace restraint, rationing and recession..."

PICTURES:  Eco-Activists Bring London to a Standstill  (17 April 2019)

"[T]he green extremists [say] they had ramped up tactics because petitions and marches were not working to convince people or the Government that the world is on the edge of total environmental destruction..."

Readers' comments:  "Globalists encourage and fund this. Yet the same globalists import goods from all over the world, plastic, disposable goods from China, India, Vietnam. They jet off to climate conferences on learjets, many of the costumes, clothes ... safety goggles on the hand-gluer [in the photo] are imported from China. The waste is choking the rivers. Their green crusade results in recycling bins, sorting out plastic, cans. paper ... then put on ships [for] which the taxpayers pay billions [which then] dump all the stuff into the middle of the sea"  /  "Paid protestors, and quite the production. Sometimes a shirt is right"  /  "The admittance, with pride, of that idiot's imbecilic state is a very real danger to free people everywhere"  /  "The picture displays its satanic origin ... Black and Red = under Satanic control, whilst the 'as above, so below' sign, is mocking God. The people there are minions"  /  "Useful idiots out shilling for globalist overlords!"  /  "Using kids to usher in the next ramp up of green taxes, fools"  /  "A global tax controlled by the UN has been on the agenda for many years"

Readers' comments cont:  "Carbon taxes ... leave our elderly and other financially susceptible people in fuel poverty. The young (mainly) are the ones that have been tricked into thinking that carbon is dangerous, when in fact it is merely the food for plants ... if there is a problem with excess carbon (there isn't) then surely the answer would be to plant more trees"  /  "These are same self-indulgent simpletons that will complain about austerity ... while they waste millions of pounds of public money and thousands of police man hours dealing with their virtue signalling pantomime"  /  "They are eco-terrorists and if you read what the leaders of their terror cells state, climate change has nothing to do with their attack on British society. Their aim is to overthrow society, undermine democracy and create chaos and terror"  /  "Meanwhile in the real world, solar cell production is at an all time high, various companies have developed processes for converting plastic and tyres into diesel fuel and cities are improving their public transport. Constructive ways to reduce pollution"

Readers' comments cont:  "Nothing new. I worked as a Radio Operator in drilling rigs and Greenpeace have been acting like this for years. Their ships will enter tour 500m safety zone and not care about whether we have divers in the water or who they are endangering. They will then come up on our working channel and waffle on about how drilling is killing the planet. I just ask them what their boat is powered by. Like the protestors who all sailed out in kayaks to stop a rig departing - kayaks made of plastic. These people are so stupid ... They will climb onboard, tie themselves to the railing and start making demands. Some get a shock when they are just left alone, given water and stale sandwiches and ridiculed by everyone walking past. One even started crying and asking to be transported back to his boat.

YOUTUBE:  Julia Hartley-Brewer Clashes with The Green Party Over Climate Protests (Extinction Rebellion)  (16 April 2019)

"Police have arrested 122 people in connection with so-called Extinction Rebellion climate change protests in London. Deputy leader of The Green Party Amelia Womack debates the protests ... 'and by the way, that thing you hate: Capitalism'."

Viewers' comments:  "If we were to go to zero emissions, then sadly we would all die, because plant life would cease to exist"  /  "I wonder if the Green Party MP uses electricity around her home or maybe a car or has central heating and commutes using a train - all of which use fossil fuels!"  /  "She's using the internet, phone and a radio station - all of which consume vast amounts of electrical energy - to make her zero emission statement!"  /  "But they also think that increased medical science, the mass movement of human beings around the world and a huge welfare state is a good idea"  /  "I guarantee these climate change protestors are pro-open borders. Hypocrisy"

Viewers' comments cont:  "We have a proud history of peaceful protest. We do not have a proud history of letting idiotic Marxists smash up the property of others"  /  "When I hear people using the word 'empowered' I tend to think - Marxist indoctrination"  /  "The entitlement of middle class left wing activists. Imagine if Brexiteers behaved like this, or pro-lifers?"  /  "113 people arrested, buildings smashed and vandalised by graffiti, but that's OK because they really believe in their cause ... the double standards are unbelievable"  /  "Spoilt children that have not quite grown up yet"  /  "People calling for their own enslavement through Agenda 21. These poor pawns"  /  "Climate activism is not science. It is politics and religion and it is the greatest flight from sanity in the entire history of the human race. It is colossal lie. This silly woman Amelia Womack is a classic watermelon"

Save Our Planet and Win a Valuable Prize  (15 April 2019)

"London isn't quite burning, but it's paralysed. Up to 30,000 Extinction Rebellion cretins are blocking major routes because they want the government to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025. Essentially these present-day Luddites want to revert to the ecologically pure world before the Industrial Revolution ... One suspects they'd still wish to keep certain benefits of industrialisation, such as ... electric lights, painless surgery, computers, mobile phones and modern medicines, none of which would be possible to deliver without offending 'our planet', and the cretins' delicate sensibilities, with carbon emissions..."

Extinction Rebellion - When You Deny Genuine Climate Science Debate  (13 April 2019)

"Next Monday, April 15 a group of hard left, anti-democratic, violent, drug-fuelled narcissistic revolutionaries will take to the streets in a coordinated plan to block as much social and commercial traffic as possible ... In the UK the main leaders seem to be Roger Hallam, a failed organic carrot farmer ... and Gail Bradbrook, a self-confessed pagan spiritualist ... [and] Stuart Basden who wrote that 'Extinction Rebellion isn't about the climate'.  For Basden, climate breakdown is a symptom of an infected toxic system based on white supremacy, patriarchy, Eurocentrism, hetero-sexism/heteronormativity and class hierarchy..."

The New Green Threat: Extinction Rebellion  (02 April 2019)

"Is [Extinction Rebellion] just another new climate movement? ... background material make[s] it very clear what the goal of the movement is: no more and no less than a global revolution ... Roger Hallam's vision for regime change is based on paralysing the society by masses ... In the initial phase, of course, a sufficient number of 'true believers' prepared to sacrifice themselves (go to jail or even get killed) is required ... It's probably not a coincidence that the campaigns this winter have concentrated on school kids ... Children and other vulnerable groups agitated by climate fear are to be used as a weapon against the society by also as a kind of human shields ... most of the people pushed in the front line won't know the actual goal of the protests and don't even care ... The inevitable violence and deaths would let the activists be portrayed as victims, and the police as oppressors ... children and young people to be used as cannon fodder in a plan based on violence and self-destructiveness..."

See also Brainwashing Pavlik Morozov here.


Videos and YouTubes

YOUTUBE:  Julia Hartley-Brewer Clashes with The Green Party Over Climate Protests (Extinction Rebellion)  (16 April 2019)

"Police have arrested 122 people in connection with so-called Extinction Rebellion climate change protests in London. Deputy leader of The Green Party Amelia Womack debates the protests ... 'and by the way, that thing you hate: Capitalism'."  /  Viewers' comments:  "If we were to go to zero emissions, then sadly we would all die, because plant life would cease to exist"  /  "I wonder if the Green Party MP uses electricity around her home or maybe a car or has central heating and commutes using a train - all of which use fossil fuels!"  /  "She's using the internet, phone and a radio station - all of which consume vast amounts of electrical energy - to make her zero emission statement!"  /  "But they also think that increased medical science, the mass movement of human beings around the world and a huge welfare state is a good idea"  /  "I guarantee these climate change protestors are pro-open borders. Hypocrisy"  /  "We have a proud history of peaceful protest. We do not have a proud history of letting idiotic Marxists smash up the property of others"  /  "When I hear people using the word 'empowered' I tend to think - Marxist indoctrination"  /  "The entitlement of middle class left wing activists. Imagine if Brexiteers behaved like this, or pro-lifers?"  /  "113 people arrested, buildings smashed and vandalised by graffiti, but that's OK because they really believe in their cause ... the double standards are unbelievable"  /  "Spoilt children that have not quite grown up yet"  /  "People calling for their own enslavement through Agenda 21. These poor pawns"  /  "Climate activism is not science. It is politics and religion and it is the greatest flight from sanity in the entire history of the human race. It is colossal lie. This silly woman Amelia Womack is a classic watermelon" 



The Green Agenda

"We should all want to be wise and careful stewards of the beautiful planet we call home. But most of us realise that humans in general are not being good stewards. We are wasteful with our natural resources and have reduced biodiversity. Therefore, when we read about groups and organisations calling for a 'green revolution' and a new relationship between humanity and nature it is easy to agree with their ideas. However, certain aspects of the modern green movement that is permeating every segment of our society are not about protecting the environment. You don't have to dig very deep to discover the true beliefs of the influential leaders who are using genuine concerns about the environment to promote an agenda of fear and control..."



All of the books recommended here should be obtainable from one or more of the online bookshops listed at

The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism  (2013)

"Do you believe we should bomb our economy back to the dark ages? Carpet our beautiful countryside with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes? Indoctrinate our kids with scary North Korea-style propaganda nonsense in order to deal with the alleged perils of 'climate change'?  Neither does [this author]..."

Watermelons  (2011)

"If global warming isn't real then how come the ice caps are melting? Why would all the world's top scientists lie to us? What exactly is so wrong with biofuels, wind farms, carbon taxes, sustainability and preserving scarce resources for future generations? And what about Bangladesh, the drowning Maldives and all those endangered polar bears? [This author] has all the answers - and they're not the ones Al Gore would like you to hear. In Watermelons [this author] tells the shocking true story of how a handful of political activists, green campaigners and voodoo scientists engineered the world's biggest, most expensive and destructive outbreak of mass hysteria - one that threatens the very fabric of Western Civilisation. As the world stands on the brink of a new Great Depression, [this author's] message could not be more timely or urgent. In order to save our planet must we really surrender to the green movement's misanthropic tyranny? Or might there be a better way?"

The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World  (2001)

"The idea for this book was born in a bookstore in Los Angeles in February 1997. I was standing leafing through Wired Magazine and read an interview with the American economist Julian Simon, from the University of Maryland. He maintained that much of our traditional knowledge about the environment is quite simply based on preconceptions and poor statistics. Our doomsday conceptions of the environment are not correct. He stressed that he only used official statistics, which everyone has access to and can use to check his claims. I was provoked. I'm an old left-wing Greenpeace member and had for a long time been concerned about environmental questions..."




Three Views of the Earth
© Berit Kjos (1992)

Deep Ecology (Biocentric)

Humanist Green Activism (Anthropocentric)

Christian Stewardship (Theocentric)




Mother Earth evolved, and nurtures and organizes her parts

Earth and man evolved by chance

God created the earth and its inhabitants

Humans and animals are expressions of Mother Earth

Human animals are responsible for earth

God told His people to use and care for the earth

Wisdom from Nature

Wisdom from self

Wisdom from God (the Bible)

Connect with Gaia through ritual, celebration, drugs, meditation, sex

Connect with nature through human mind, emotions, experience

Commune with God through prayer, praise, biblical meditation

Help Earth save herself by hearing her spirit and heeding her wisdom (spiritism)

Save Earth by trusting human nature

Care for the earth by trusting God's Word, receiving His strength and guidance




We recommend the articles, videos and books/DVDs etc we have included on this page, but please note that we would not necessarily agree with every single word contained therein; neither can we necessarily vouch for the websites or periodicals from which these articles are taken, or any other articles or materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.  Likewise, our recommendation here of specific websites/pages does not necessarily imply that we endorse every aspect of that group or ministry.

© Elizabeth McDonald