One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4)                 Bayith Ministries

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"Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? ... I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding" (Job chapters 38-41)

"all things were created by him and for him: and He is before all things, and by him all things consist" (Colossians 1:15-17).
"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease" (Genesis 8:21-22).
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new" (Revelation 21:1,5a).

Brainwashing Pavlik Morozov
"The Exploitation of Children to Advance a Political Agenda"

Articles, YouTubes, Websites, Books

Greta Thunberg / Children's Climate Change Protests   |   General Articles About Children and Environmentalism

Videos and YouTubes   |   Websites   |   Books etc   |   UNESCO   |   No Pressure   |   Pavlik Morozov: Quotes and Comments

Extinction Rebellion   |   Environmentalism: Index of Articles   |   Environmentalism: Index of Quotes and Comments

Environmentalism: Websites and Materials   |   Environmentalism: Some Scriptures   |   Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development

See also:

Education  |  The State as Parent: The Collective  |  Common Purpose  |  The Front Of It Chart  |  The Front Of It Information

"When they say [these children] have studied climate science -
do they mean thermodynamics, radiative transfer, partial differential equations, multi-variate statistics,
or do they mean they have read hysterical propaganda pieces ... and codswallop in the mass media?"
[comment at

"The people who see [children] as [icons] for environmental issues would never have their tax returns made by a 16 year old" [comment at source].

"The very best weapon of extremists, such as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Erik Honecher, the Noveau Lefty-Marxists, et al,
has always been and will always be young febrile minds; they are so easy to brainwash"
[comment at

"[C]hildren ... shall rule over them ... the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient [their elders] ...
children are their oppressors ... disobedient ... heady, highminded"
(Isaiah 3:4,5,12; 2 Timothy 3:2).

"William Golding showed in his Lord of the Flies what happens when the young take over" [source].


Greta Thunberg / Children's Climate Change Protests

Greta Thunberg's Supporters Can't Have It Both Ways  (29 April 2019)

"[U]sing teenagers to front political movements is to be discouraged regardless of who tries it on ... children are not policy talismans. They cannot 'lead us'. Children are a responsibility to foster, not mini-messiahs. When people criticise the cult surrounding a child advocate, they're not criticising the child. They're criticising the narcissistic adults using the child as a vehicle for their own motives."

Yes, Miss Greta Thunberg, Back When I Was 16 I Knew Everything Too...  (28 April 2019)

"When I was 16, I knew everything, as so many teenagers do. Luckily for me, and for the planet, quite a few adults did not immediately fall into a swoon and ask me to take over the world. The last thing I needed (and, luckily, the last thing I got) was indulgence and praise ... And after a few decades of similar brushoffs, it began to dawn on me that, perhaps, in a few small ways, I didn't know everything. Which, as you may have guessed, brings me to Miss Greta Thunberg ... Gosh, this has been embarrassing to watch..."

Cowardly MPs - Paralysed by Pigtails  (28 April 2019)

"Last week saw the unedifying spectacle of a gaggle of desperate MPs queuing up to be berated by that Princess of the eco-activists, teenage Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg ... the lengths to which they prostrated themselves was gutwrenching in misplaced reverence. Indeed, if you could take the oil that dripped from this oleaginous crew, the slick would spread from here to Texas ... we are talking about a girl aged 16 being elevated close to the position of a global authority on climate change. Would you allow someone in their mid-teens to dispense their gospel on any other subject without challenge? ... surgical procedures, stock market investments or defence of the realm? Of course not..."

All Children Are Bad - Unless They're Eco-Evangelists  (26 April 2019)

"Environmentalism is fast becoming a religion, and there is even more religious resonance in the responses of the Great and Good, agape at Ms Thunberg's uncompromising message and asking each other: 'Where did she get all this wisdom?'  [EMcD: please see Luke 2:46-47 for the origin of this author's satirical remark here]  Yet there is no mystery about that: the Swedish 16-year-old has been exposed to their own message - fed the environmentalist doomsday gospel or, to be more precise, the 'bad news'  [EMcD: the Christian gospel being known as the 'good news']  - at school, when she was too young to assimilate it and put it into context..." 

Climate Kid Greta Thunberg A Product of PR Agency  (26 April 2019)

"Populist Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson ... made his comments earlier this week on Swedish television, remarking he respected the commitment of the 16-year-old activist but said he did not think her movement would lead to meaningful change..."

Stop Scaring Children Witless About Climate Change  (25 April 2019)

"When it comes to climate change, the normal rules of politics and the usual ways that adults relates to children have all been abandoned. Adults, it seems, now defer to children ... Teachers could usefully help children by putting seemingly apocalyptic data into context. They could show how tipping-point dates have, since the time of Malthus, been passed, with the world's population not only continuing to exist but thriving. They could show that even the most secure scientific knowledge around climate change is still contestable ... it should be taught with adults acting as a voice of authority, keeping a sense of perspective ... Instead, having scared children about the future of the planet, adults then defer to them for solutions ... Turning education over to political activism ... is an abdication of adult responsibility. It places children in a position of moral authority without first providing them with sufficient knowledge to think critically and reach their own conclusions..."

Is Idealism Really Admirable?  (25 April 2019)

"'I admire young Greta's idealism', writes Stephen Glover, 'but why do our politicians lost all reason over climate change?'  Starting from the second half of his headline, it's not just politicians and not just over climate change ... People affecting our lives no longer think; they react on reflex. They don't say things they think true - they say things they feel they have to say for fear of opprobrium. The old dichotomies of right-wrong, true-false, logical-illogical simply don't come into it ... criticising any climate change activist is these days tantamount to blasphemy, not to say apostasy..."


The Ignorance and Arrogance of St Greta  (25 April 2019)

"She is a human shield"  /  "In other contexts - such as court - what is being asked of her would be classed as a form of mental abuse"  /  "Once you realise that this whole green/climate change panic is becoming an apocalyptic cult, it all makes sense. Greta and David Attenborough are like the high priest / high priestess, telling people that they have all sinned. The only way to avoid doom is to make amends for our sin, by sacrificing all that makes life comfortable. No dissent from 'the truth' is allowed. Those who do dissent will be cast into outer darkness"  /  "Listening to an ignorant brainwashed child is ignorant. I am an actual scientist of physics, meteorology, astrophysics and climate and say Greta Thunberg suffers mental abuse from manipulative adults"

"So we have omniscient Swedish teenagers, spoilt English brats, jet-setting luvviers and a 'scientist' who encourages us to go out and 'have a wonderful time' messing up people's everyday lives in the capital. One of their number opined seriously that the movement's best way forward was 'to ruin the economy'. And politicians of every hue dance attendance"  /  "China now emits more emissions than the US and EU combined. Greta should really taker her message to China first (good luck with that). What is our blessed UK Government doing in the face of all this stupidity? Only blindly complying with the Climate Change Act (2008), running UK business into the ground while bumping up everyone's energy bills and treating the flaky Climate Change Act Committee as if it knew what it is talking about"

"I understand that Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-iold daughter of a family of Swedish actors and luvvies, who has Asperger syndrome, OCD and selective mutism, claims to be speaking on behalf of professional scientists like me on the controversial subject of man-made global warming. She refuses to go to school to study science in general or to become a climate scientist in particular because as far as she is concerned 'the science is done and only denial and inaction remain'. Her arrogance and ignorance are breathtaking. If she studied science she'd see the problem with climate alarmism is that computer model predictions don't fit the facts. This child needs to get out of the TV studios and into school"

Never Mind the Planet - Save Our Sanity  (24 April 2019)

"[N]ot only did a minister of the Crown agree to talk to Greta Thunberg, a mentally unstable Swedish girl fanatically spouting voguish rubbish, but - and I swear I'm not making this up - he actually apologised to her for the Industrial Revolution. When young Greta told Michael Gove that Britain had accrued 'a mind-blowing carbon debt' over the 200 years following the Industrial Revolution, any responsible adult would have told her to stop talking nonsense..."

The Weird Cult of Greta Thunberg: She's Not the Green Messiah  (24 April 2019)

"The activities of those following the latest fashion in political activism have been disrupting the nation's capital, and yesterday its unlikely spokesperson and poster child, Greta Thunberg, went to Westminster to urge MPs to 'do more' about climate change ... It is perhaps significant that a child with vulnerabilities should be blessed with such an elevation to prominence. Subjecting an adolescent idealist to severe critical analysis is not a good look, akin to whacking a soufflé with a spade, but if she is elevated to be the spokesperson of a generation, it is both necessary and appropriate to examine what is - and what is not - going on ... So let's grow up..."

UK Politicians Line Up to Meet Climate Change Wunderkid Greta Thunberg  (24 April 2019)

"A Government minister, top opposition politician, and other senior figures were apparently thrilled to be chastised for not working hard enough to combat climate change this week by the Swedish teenager, suddenly and massively propelled to the world stage as the acceptable face of anti-capitalism ... The politicians present lined up to gush over Thunberg, despite her extreme views..."

Greta Thunberg: Britain Has A 'Mind-Blowing Historical Carbon Debt'  (24 April 2019)

"Speaking in London, climate action crusader Greta Thunberg explained that Britain is especially guilty for wrecking the world, because Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution ... What were our selfish ancestors thinking, when they started the process of industrial fossil fuel extraction which gave us automobiles and telephones and computers and comfortable indoor jobs which didn't involve back-breaking labor and early death? When they set the stage for medicines and anaesthetics and dentistry and aged care and reliable food supplies? How dare Britain help raise the living standards of the entire human race..."

George Soros Is Backing Greta Thunberg  (24 April 2019)

Greta Thunberg's coach is "a well-know climate activist from Germany by the name of Luisa-Marie Neubauer ... [who] belongs to the organisation called 'one foundation'. It has several well-known wealthy financiers ... [including] the multi-billionaire oligarch George Soros, notorious for currency speculation and maybe even more prominent as the father of the global, radical, and left-liberal lobby and activist network 'Open Society'..."

Teenage Activists Like Greta Will Rule the World Before You Can Say Nick Robinson  (24 April 2019)

"Yesterday BBC Radio 4's Today gave their prime 8.10am slot to 16-year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg. Greta wants us all to 'panic' about climate change, believes she has a gift of seeing things clearly in a way that adults cannot and that we face an existential crisis. In sum, we are all going to die unless we all do what she says.  It was not Nick Robinson's finest ten minutes to say the least..."

Britain Should Be Celebrating Donald Trump - Not Brainwashed Eco-Brat Greta Thunberg  (24 April 2019)

"Greta Thunberg, the overrated kid, got to speak in parliament yesterday. And was fawned over by everyone from the Speaker of House to the Environment Secretary for all the world as though her half-digested Greenpeace propaganda had come inscribed on tablets of stone straight from Mount Sinai ... What ... bothers me ... is the way that parliament is lending its prestige and authority to the cause if a small , unrepresentative minority of very dangerous, cynical and manipulative green activists..."

The Trouble with Greta Thunberg  (23 April 2019)

"In popular mythology Greta Thunberg is a one-girl revolution who has inspired millions of young people into action by being able to see what adults refuse to see. But her promotion as global statesman is really a well-crafted piece of PR. Those on the Left who seek to use climate alarmism to further their war on global capitalism know full well that the likes of Robin Boardman-Pattison, the Bristol University graduate with a private education and fondness for foreign holidays, who stormed out of the Sky News studio last week when Adam Boulton accused him of being middle class, is a liability to their cause. But allow Thunberg to speak for them by proxy and, well, who will dare criticise a 16-year-old girl with Asperger's?..."

  The Cult of Greta Thunberg  (22 April 2019)

"[T]he entire point of the green movement is to disrupt ordinary people's lives, and even to immiserate them. All in the jumped-up name of 'saving the planet'. And now the green cult has pushed Ms Thunberg into the position of its global leader, its child-like saviour, the messiah of their miserabilist political creed. What they have done to Ms Thunberg is unforgiveable. They have pumped her - and millions of other children - with the politics of fear ... Young people, Ms Thunberg isn't your leader. She's a patsy for scared and elitist adults..."


Extinction Rebellion - When You Deny Genuine Climate Science Debate  (13 April 2019)

"The XR movement seems to have had a large part to play in the recent spate of school climate strikes. The movement started in Sweden with the lone vigil of 15-year-old Greta Thunberg. Suddenly school kids started bunking off school all over Europe ... Ms Thunberg admitted that she had been contacted by XR Sweden activist Bo Thoren ... who then suggested school strikes to the impressionable Ms Thunberg. Meanwhile, Energy minister Claire Perry seemed to support a similar copy-cat strike in the UK recently ... Roger Hallam welcomed the strikes ... suggesting that it was cool and 'better than school'..."

How Much Does Greta Thunberg Know About Climate Change?  (10 April 2019)

"New green utopian, young Greta Thunberg hit the headlines with a scathing speech at COP 24 in December 2018. Since then, her green message has toured the globe and motivated young people in several European countries to demonstrate in order to get their governments to react to global warming ... Marc Reisinger, a reporter for Causeur, was curious to know the actual depth of knowledge of these utopian-minded young people on climate..."

1.5 Trillion Reasons Why the Kids' Climate Strike is Dishonest, Stupid, Pointless  (15 March 2019) [NB: strong language]

"Around the world, thousands of children have skipped school for the day on the feeble pretext that they are somehow doing something to help save the planet ... At best they're just regurgitating the lies, fake news and junk science which have been brainwashed into their pretty little heads by their teachers. At worst they're just being exploited as useful idiots by the hard left..."

Climate Change Student Strikes: An Aspergers Kid Believed Climate Change Claims  (11 March 2019)

"[O]ne issue Autistic and Asperger people share is they tend to take what they are told very literally; they sometimes find it difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, when the fiction is presented as a fact ... Greta's position is entirely logical, from her point of view ... What Greta likely doesn't understand is most climate activists, even people voicing radical climate claims, don't absolutely believe their own claims in the way Greta does ... If it ever occurs to Greta to investigate climate claims in detail, instead of simply accepting what she is told, she will likely have no hesitation in changing her views - it is entirely possible she will flip over to hardline climate skeptism as soon as she realises what she has been told doesn't make sense..."

Time for the Climate-Change Kids to Practise What They Preach  (18 February 2019)

"Thousands took part in Friday's UK Youth Strike 4 Climate, and there are concerns that these protests have been hijacked by hard-line climate groups and professional activists - [see] the Socialist Worker banners held aloft by these malleable teens ... there is a better way. They should be asked if they want to do something to 'save the planet' other than just walk out of school. Will they pledge the following?..."

Stop Scaring Kids Stiff About Climate Change  (18 February 2019)

"[C]hildren do not rise to global prominence under the steam of movements of their own creation. Last week's day of protest was trailed all over the news media before the event. And it was NGOs, not children, who organised the spectacle and its PR, booking children of green activists for media appearances and interviews ... it is not science that has put this apocalyptic understanding of climate change into these children's heads ... teachers, journalists, broadcasters, academics, politicians and even scientists have told them that they are going to die horribly and that they have no future. At the same time, they have abolished any semblance of perspective or debate on climate change from the airwaves, textbooks and the public sphere..."

If Children Want to Protest Against Climate Change, Why Not Do It At the Weekend?  (16 February 2019)

"The National Association of Head Teachers ... shouldn't be welcoming this 'day of activity' ... because schoolchildren are being encouraged to participate on false pretences ... Children are being fed 'fake news' ... Shouldn't the NAHT be encouraging their members to teach children how to distinguish that from real news?..."

Brainwashed Schoolkids Have Nothing Useful to Tell Us About Climate Change  (15 February 2019)

"Aren't teenage kids just amazing? They know so much and see things so much more clearly that it's a wonder we don't put them in charge of the world and let them make all our decisions for us. The problem with this rose-tinted view, as promoted ... by every other fatuous progressive loon in the world, is that it only seems to apply when it suits their agenda. Notice how quickly they change their attitude in the case of teenagers like Shamima Begum ... on the one hand, teenagers know what's best and should be heeded at every turn ... And on the other, they are sweet innocents who know precisely nothing and should be protected from the consequences of anything they do or [say] no matter how many people get hurt because, hey, they are only kids. The truth [is], of course, that kids are merely the useful idiots of the adults pulling their strings. In the case of climate change, for example, children have long been used as pawns to advance the Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside) 'sustainability' agenda..."

Pig-Tailed Swede Greta Thunberg is the David Hogg of Climate Alarmism  (14 February 2019)

"Burning youthful zeal is a powerful force (which is why totalitarian states so love to exploit it: see for example, the Hitler Youth, or the zealots who denounced their parents in Mao's Cultural Revolution) - but almost by definition, it is wrongheaded and dangerous because frankly, kids don't know squat. Not only have their frontal lobes yet to form - which means they are irrational and impulsive. But they have very limited experience of the real world (nor of its responsibilities) and what little they do know about it is largely dependent on what they've been fed by their teachers. So there's really nothing insightful about anything any child anywhere has to tell us about 'climate change'. All it is is regurgitated drivel based on the alarmist nonsense they've been fed at school..."

Beware, Young Climate Crusaders, Your Bandwagon Has Already Been Hijacked  (12 February 2019)

"School's Out! At least, it will be on Friday afternoon for many pupils up and down the country. They will be staging a strike under the banner of UK YOUTH STRIKE 4 CLIMATE. This is the product of an international green movement encouraging children to protest against 'climate change' ... With kids around the world taking to the streets, a bandwagon has started to roll. We should be concerned about who is jumping on board..."

See also Extinction rebellion here.


General Articles on Children and Environmentalism

Anti-Flying Activists: Plummy-Voiced Enemies of Progress  (21 February 2017)

"This morning three young greens blocked the tunnel to Heathrow terminals 1, 2, and 3 in protest against plans to build a third runway. To put it another way: three anti-flying activists, ... those most entitled and eco-pompous of millennials, caused delays to thousands of people. ... But then, what are the needs and pleasures of common people who take to the skies in comparison with the haughty virtue of the environmentally switched on? ... The activists are linked to Plane Stupid, a little group of eco-worriers..."

Green Activists Explain How to Brainwash Children With Climate Pornography  (24 May 2015)

"As the Jesuits almost said: 'Give [me] a child until he is seven and I will show you the fully indoctrinated, yoghurt-weaving, polar-bear hugging eco loon'. Such, at any rate, has been the message at one of the panel discussions at this year's luvvie-fest of impeccably correct thinking, the Hay Literary Festival, where a group of 'CliFi' authors have been singing the praises of brainwashing the impressionable young through the medium of kiddie-friendly climate pornography:..."

No A-Level for 'Climate Change Denier'  (12 April 2014)

"Expanding on a theme touched on here more than once over the years, the report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation by Andrew Montford and John Shade shows how generations of schoolchildren have been taught to accept as gospel nothing but a propagandist, Greenpeace-type view of the global-warming scare, so one-sided that it makes a mockery of the requirement under the 1996 Education Act that pupils only be taught in a balanced way, allowing them to form their own view of the evidence..."

State Brainwashing Children to 'Re-Educate' Their Parents for Green Dictatorship  (05 February 2009)

"A massive program with its tentacles embedded into almost every corner of education and popular culture is underway to use the 'green' agenda to brainwash children and turn them against their own parents, as the state moves towards the creation of a Stasi-style informant society using methods that have been repeated in every totalitarian state throughout history..."

As Orwell Warned, Children Now Spy on Adults  (05 November 2008)

"When I was a child, 'pester power' meant stamping one's feet in a shop. ... It was a feeble force, this alleged power of the pest, easily squished by a clip round the lughole ... How times have changed. Today, 'pester power' is a powerful political tool..."

British Kids Encouraged to Become 'Climate Cops'  (28 July 2008)

"A leading British energy company blitzed the newspapers with full page colour advertisements this weekend which encourage children to sign up as 'climate cops' and keep 'climate crime case files' on their families, friends and neighbours..."

Terrorising Our Kids for Gaia  (10 June 2008)

"Fear-mongering about the environment is not new. And using our classrooms to terrorise our kids about supposed environmental catastrophes is not new either. The people doing the terrorising may have good intentions, but they often have hidden agendas as well..."

Transformational Education and the Global Warming Fantasy  (March 2008)

"In early 2007 the government of the United Kingdom sent copies of Al Gore's global warming DVD, An Inconvenient Truth, to all secondary schools in England, Wales, Scotland. This action was part of a nationwide 'Sustainable Schools year of Action' which had been launched in 2006..."

Training Children to Thank a Goddess  (November 2006)

Recent United Nations Environmental Programme books for children "are designed to arouse fear, anger and determination to fight for the planet. But no genuine environmental problem can be solved without factual understanding..."

The Muckraker  (30 June 1996)

"Recycling teaches the themes that previous generations of schoolchildren learned from that Puritan classic, The Pilgrim's Progress..."

Saving the Earth  (1995)

"With today's emphasis on whole education, thematic learning, and integrated curriculum, it's difficult to know where environmental education begins and other studies (math, reading, social studies...) end..."

Is Earth Our Mother?  (1992)

"During Earth Day 1990 celebrations, children wrote poems to Our Mother, visualized her healing, used guided imagery to connect with her spirits, and committed their lives to her preservation..."

For more Articles on Education please see here


Videos and YouTubes



The Green Agenda

"We should all want to be wise and careful stewards of the beautiful planet we call home. But most of us realise that humans in general are not being good stewards. We are wasteful with our natural resources and have reduced biodiversity. Therefore, when we read about groups and organisations calling for a 'green revolution' and a new relationship between humanity and nature it is easy to agree with their ideas. However, certain aspects of the modern green movement that is permeating every segment of our society are not about protecting the environment. You don't have to dig very deep to discover the true beliefs of the influential leaders who are using genuine concerns about the environment to promote an agenda of fear and control..."



All of the books recommended here should be obtainable from one or more of the online bookshops listed at

The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism  (2013)

"Do you believe we should bomb our economy back to the dark ages? Carpet our beautiful countryside with bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes? Indoctrinate our kids with scary North Korea-style propaganda nonsense in order to deal with the alleged perils of 'climate change'?  Neither does [this author]..."

Watermelons  (2011)

"If global warming isn't real then how come the ice caps are melting? Why would all the world's top scientists lie to us? What exactly is so wrong with biofuels, wind farms, carbon taxes, sustainability and preserving scarce resources for future generations? And what about Bangladesh, the drowning Maldives and all those endangered polar bears? [This author] has all the answers - and they're not the ones Al Gore would like you to hear. In Watermelons [this author] tells the shocking true story of how a handful of political activists, green campaigners and voodoo scientists engineered the world's biggest, most expensive and destructive outbreak of mass hysteria - one that threatens the very fabric of Western Civilisation. As the world stands on the brink of a new Great Depression, [this author's] message could not be more timely or urgent. In order to save our planet must we really surrender to the green movement's misanthropic tyranny? Or might there be a better way?"

The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World  (2001)

"The idea for this book was born in a bookstore in Los Angeles in February 1997. I was standing leafing through Wired Magazine and read an interview with the American economist Julian Simon, from the University of Maryland. He maintained that much of our traditional knowledge about the environment is quite simply based on preconceptions and poor statistics. Our doomsday conceptions of the environment are not correct. He stressed that he only used official statistics, which everyone has access to and can use to check his claims. I was provoked. I'm an old left-wing Greenpeace member and had for a long time been concerned about environmental questions..."



"A leading educational philosopher, Benjamin Bloom, proudly proclaims education is a process of changing a student's thoughts, actions and feelings. According to Bloom, this is best accomplished by challenging his or her belief system. At the root of this educational reform is a drive to reduce the role of the individual in society in deference to the needs of the community. This so-called educational reform teaches our children the values of the new world order in place of real education. ...

"[E]nvironmentalists believe educated people consume more resources than uneducated people. Therefore, to reduce consumption and achieve sustainable development, we must simply offer educational opportunities that focus on values, rather than facts.

"This educational reform initiative is evident in the UNESCO program called 'United Nations' Decade of Education for Sustainable Development'.  It is their stated goal in this program to steal one generation of children and teach them to place loyalty to the state above loyalty to the family. Once this objective has been realized, it is a simple task to then inculcate the children with the basic tenets of sustainable development. These tenets include:

  • End of national sovereignty;
  • Abolition of private property;
  • Restructuring of the family unit;
  • Restriction of individual mobility and opportunity;
  • Abandonment of constitutional rights;
  • Relocation of people into smart growth zones.

"According to the website, 'The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), for which UNESCO is the lead agency, seeks to integrate the principles, values, and practices of sustainable development into all aspects of education and learning, in order to address the social, economic, cultural and environmental problems we face in the 21st century.' ... education will 'challenge us all to adopt new behaviors and practices', and will focus on holistic, rather than subject-based learning, and an emphasis on values rather than subject matter. ...

"[W]hy would UNESCO and the Agenda 21 program want to redefine the belief systems of children around the world? ... By destroying the moral fabric of a society they can instill their values and beliefs in their place. ... [T]he new model of education will teach students the values of collectivism and loyalty to the state over family and individual"

[Ron Taylor, Agenda 21: An Expose of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Initiative, pp.35-36,39-40,42].


No Pressure

"Counterproductive snuff-video made by green pressure group 10:10"

"Scene:  a typical English schoolroom where a lovably kooky teacher ... is asking her class how they plan to reduce their carbon emissions for an eco-campaign called 10:10.  Obviously it's not compulsory, she says, sweetly. If the children don't want to play ball, it's up to them. 'No pressure.'

"Sundry do-good creeps in the class tell teacher what they're planning. One is going to cycle to school instead of taking the car. 'That's fantastic, Jemima!' says teacher. She asks for a show of hands to see who else is going to participate. Only two children abstain: a glum-looking pair called Philip and Tracy. 'That's absolutely fine', the teacher assures them. 'Your own choice.'

"Then she reaches for a red button hidden beneath paperwork on her desk. She presses it once. Tracy explodes in a spume of pink gore. Teacher presses it again. This time it's Philip's turn to die horribly. The rest of the class screams in terror, their uniforms smeared in blood, their school room covered in the body parts of Philip and Tracy. A dismembered limb thuds onto a desk. Teacher continues, oblivious: 'Now everybody please remember to read chapters five and six on glaciation. Except for Philip and Tracy.'

"You can maybe see from that description why the video backfired. The amazing thing was the people who made it, couldn't. Not director Richard Curtis ... not Radiohead (who did the soundtrack); not Gillian Anderson [the teacher]; not the famous footballers who appeared later in the video; not the organisers of the charity whose aims - incidentally - had been publicly endorsed by everyone from Prime Minister David Cameron to fashion designer Nicole Farhri...

"Initially released to much fanfare, the film had to be hastily withdrawn in a wave of public outrage. It became a viral hit on the internet, where sceptics gleefully rechristened it 'Splattergate'.

"For the environmental movement it was indeed what the kids might call an 'epic fail'.  Those kids, at least, who hadn't already been executed for showing insufficient concern about the deadly menace called Climate Change"

[James Delingpole, The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism, pp.192-193].




Three Views of the Earth
© Berit Kjos (1992)

Deep Ecology (Biocentric)

Humanist Green Activism (Anthropocentric)

Christian Stewardship (Theocentric)




Mother Earth evolved, and nurtures and organizes her parts

Earth and man evolved by chance

God created the earth and its inhabitants

Humans and animals are expressions of Mother Earth

Human animals are responsible for earth

God told His people to use and care for the earth

Wisdom from Nature

Wisdom from self

Wisdom from God (the Bible)

Connect with Gaia through ritual, celebration, drugs, meditation, sex

Connect with nature through human mind, emotions, experience

Commune with God through prayer, praise, biblical meditation

Help Earth save herself by hearing her spirit and heeding her wisdom (spiritism)

Save Earth by trusting human nature

Care for the earth by trusting God's Word, receiving His strength and guidance





We recommend the articles, videos and books/DVDs etc we have included on this page, but please note that we would not necessarily agree with every single word contained therein; neither can we necessarily vouch for the websites or periodicals from which these articles are taken, or any other articles or materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.  Likewise, our recommendation here of specific websites/pages does not necessarily imply that we endorse every aspect of that group or ministry.

© Elizabeth McDonald