Matt, Kylie & Makena's Adventures in Canada

Woo Hoo! I've finally updated my site! Although I've done it very quickly so there isn't much order to the pictures. Click on the prettiest baby in the world (the one in the green basket below in case your confused!). Makena is 8 months old now. No teeth yet, almost crawling and very good at copying her Dad when he blows raspberries!



 June                  Ultrasound!         Birthday!

 Mt Washington   England Trip!         Bunnies!

              Maui Pictures...       

  Chief Stag!            BBQ              Kitesurfing Story!

 Rocky!                May Pics        Before and After Pictures!

  House!!                 Flying                 Proposal!!!  

Halloween               Pumpkins            Royal Victoria Half Marathon

Nitinaht                  BFAR                 Kylie's Stuff!!!!!!

July                        Cactus              Raccoon

Auntie Dida                Powell River Adventures       

Little People          Marathon Kylie   Old Front Page  

Oregon                   Bridal Falls          Christmas      

Janine's Wedding New Year's         2 Snowshoeing

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Last Updated Tuesday, May 1, 2007 9:13 PM PST