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PAWS Research and Development Grants for 2007/8

£5000 for leading Writers
£2000 or £1000 support also available

PAWS continues to support writers or producers with new TV Drama ideas bearing on science and technology.

In 2005/6, four PAWS grants of £5,000 were agreed with leading writers, in quite varied contexts. Two were linked to the Women in SET project, two others to a new Technology and Society initiative. All such agreements were reached by discussion with the writers themselves - there is now no competitive element for these "major" grants. In addition, PAWS kept the door open for other writers, with four support packages for £2,000 or less, generally for very promising ideas which had already attracted some level of commitment from a producer or broadcaster.

In 2006/7 one major grant was taken up by a production company and a leading writer with an original idea for a two-part drama on climate change. Another major grant went to a writer for research and development on her story about a woman demolition engineer. Other grants were awarded to a single film on the subject of construction and foreign aid, and one went to three very experienced writers for an interactive drama series. For 2007/8 the aim is to continue to offer grants on a similar basis, again for ideas featuring in some way women scientists or engineers in leading roles. The smaller grants will generally be aimed at writers who have secured some commitment for the idea from a producer or broadcaster. PAWS support is intended to combine financial support with researching ideas, and in moving on a loosely formed proposal into a realistic and viable treatment.

Any writer or producer can approach PAWS for a research and development grant, provided he or she has screen credits. The process now is by discussion and timescales are flexible within the year of the project. The new PAWS 'year' started in June 2007.

Public Awareness of Science & Engineering (PAWs)
Interactive TV Seminar 'Beyond the Red Button'
The PAWS/EuroPAWS Awards Evening
EuroPAWS Seminar Science and Television – A European Perspective for the Next Decade 8 - 9 November, Strasbourg. Click here for details www.earthwake.eu.
EuroWistdom new drama ideas Promotion 19 October Berlin	EuroPAWS TV Drama Festival and EuroWistdom new drama ideas Promotion 23 October, Paris. Click here for details www.eurowistdom.eu.
Contact Us:

PAWS and Omni Communications
First Floor
155 Regent's Park Road
London NW1 8BB

Tel: 020 7483 4545

Website developed
and maintained by

Big Time Pictures

UKRC for Women in SET - United Kingdom Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology DTI - Department of Trade and Industry PPARC - Particle Physics and Astonomy Research Council BCS - British Computer Society IoP - The Institute of Physics EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council