A Message for Advanced and Higher Level Students of Modern History and First Year Undergraduates

Have you heard of new perspective - the journal for students of Advanced and Higher Level Modern History, 1789-1974? Just see below some of the spot-on articles for 1999-2000

More students become subscribers to new perspective every year because it is really useful toward Advanced and Higher Level success.

For just £5 pa you have 18 articles by key authors on central Advanced and Higher Level topics. There are also shorter articles on concepts, sources, study advice, the Internet and reviews of CD-Roms, videos and books.

'Better than Modern History Review but half the price’ is the comment of a Binswood Sixth Form College, Leamington Spa, student about new perspective.

To join the thousands of students who order new perspective, all you need to do is to ask your History teacher (or school/college Librarian) if they subscribe to new perspective (at the institutional rate of £16.30 for 1999-2000).

If they do, give them a cheque for £5 and your copies will be sent to your History Teacher or Librarian, to be passed onto you.

If your school, History Department or Library, do not subscribe then print out the order form and ask if they would begin to subscribe: when they do hand them your cheque for £5.

To view the index of Volumes I-IV click here

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