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Go To mIRC

While I was on IRC, I started to see a number of users who logged on quite regularly, to the #Beginners channel.I made a number of friends on the #Beginners channel, and they are all decent people who I deeply respect.

One of my first (or should I say 3) friends on IRC was Polarbear, Sky1, and PickNick. Since then, I've continued to make lots of friends, and now have trouble keeping up with them all!

The first person to make me an Operator, was Toons, and FunkyPink. Thank you two, so much. Big Thanks go to Calibra, who made me as a trail op :) , and then a proper op. Thanks a lot man. :-)

#Beginners Regulars - Love ya all man!

Now, I apologise in advance if I have forgotten anyone! There are so many people I have met on IRC, it really is hard to remember them all. If I have forgotten you, please E-Mail me, and you will be added to the list.

The #Beginner channel can be found on IRCnet.