One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life  (Psalm 27:4)
© Elizabeth McDonald
Please note that the inclusion of any quotation or item on this page does not imply we would necessarily endorse the source from which the extract is taken; neither can we necessarily vouch for any other materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or any periodicals to which they may contribute, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.

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The State as Parent
State Intrusion into the Sanctity and Privacy of the Family

"We must remove the children from the crude influence of their families.
We must take them over and, to speak frankly, nationalize them

"[T]he most vulnerable children in our society ... are in our care; we, the state, are their parents"

"The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get at the children,
to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families,
and indoctrinate them in their rulers' view of the world"

"Above all things, the child needs protecting from the state"

The Social Services and
Family Courts / Courts of Protection

"Every fool will be meddling ... Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house:
lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee"

(Proverbs 20:3b; 25:17)

Quotations and Comments

Social Workers: MO and Unaccountability   |   The Ideological Agenda

'Emotional Abuse', Failure to Co-Operate with 'Professionals', 'Independent' Psychologists
  |   In the Best Interests of the Child

Advocates   |   The Appeal to 'Authority' and 'Experience'   |   Post-Natal Depression

Abuse of Children by Social Services, 'Family' Courts, Courts of 'Protection', and in State 'Care' Homes

Secrecy and Malfeasance of the 'Family' Courts and Courts of Protection   |   Contact Sessions   |   Forced Adoption
   |   Foster Care

Homosexual Fostering and Adoption   |   Damned If They Do and Damned If They Don't?   |   Some Statistics

'Safeguarding Officers' and Collusion of State School Teachers with Social Services   |   Social Care: A Poem   |   Withdraw Thy Foot...

The State as Parent Articles   |   The State as Parent: Quotes and Comments   |   The State as Parent: Some Scriptures

See Also:

Political Correctness   |   Education   |   Common Purpose

"The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get at the children,
to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families, and indoctrinate them in their rulers' view of the world"

UK Supreme Court, Judgement, The Christian Institute and Others v The Lord Advocate (Scotland), 28:07:16, para. 73]

"Put starkly, the state by its actions has denied these parents the right to decide for themselves, within the privacy of the family,
what in their view, as devoted parents, is in the best interests of their children - a matter which, to speak plainly, is no business of the state"
Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the High Court of Justice, 19:01:2017, para.21]

"Perhaps those words will now be quoted to every Government busy-body, every ardent searcher for parental non-conformity,
every state employee who believes interfering in family life is 'only doing their job'.
Perhaps this edict will echo from doorsteps and family homes where love resides with all of its human blemishes and quirks.  I'd like to think so"

No Business of the State]



Social Workers: MO and Unaccountability

"There is no situation so dire that it cannot be made worse by the intervention of a social worker"
[Comment at: source].

"We have never yet seen a case where the mother found social worker intervention helpful or supportive"
[Adverse Effects of Child Protection on Public Health, Letter to DoH, 20 August 2007, in AIMS Journal, 2008, Vol 20, No 1, at: source].

"[Social workers and Family Court personnel] would get a better press if they gave their side of the story, being honest about the uncertainties involved in decisions, rather than trotting out the mantra of 'never apologise, never explain'"
[Camilla Cavendish, The Times, 17 July 2008].

"Social workers ... are now the most hated and feared profession in the UK. A knock on the door from social workers puts fear and dread into the hearts of almost any parent answering it: 'Have they come to take our children?' is the first thought of any parent when social workers first come round... No such parent would think that a social worker had come to reunite a family in danger in breaking up because they just do not do that anymore. They force couples to separate by threatening to take their children if they refuse to do so; then when the mothers are all on their own, they take the children anyway"

"[S]ince the 1989 Children Act, our child protection system has stood most of its noble intentions on their head, to become one of the most disturbing scandals in modern Britain. Despite all the talk then of how the new Act would reduce the number of children taken into care, this has soared to a record level of more than 90,000. Too many of them, as acknowledged by our top family judge Lord Justice Munby and even the deputy chair of the British Association of Social Workers, Maggie Mellon, are removed from their families for quite inadequate reasons, such as that, some time in the future, they might face the 'risk of emotional abuse'.  Although the Children Act specifically intended that, wherever possible, children should be placed with responsible relatives, such as grandparents, rather than adopted, the vast majority remain in highly expensive state care, where they too often suffer much more grievous emotional or other abuse than anything alleged against their parents. ... Mr Cameron's promise of 'zero tolerance of state failure' may win him kudos for virtue-signalling. But, alas, we know where too many of his promises end up"

"As for [David Cameron's] suggestion that children leaving care should be 'mentored' by a social worker until they are 25, instead of being thrown on the streets at 16 with nothing but a scrap of paper, someone who has helped huge numbers of families caught up in the care system observed to me last week 'of all the children I have spoken to over the years, I can't remember one who didn't leave the care system, hating the social workers who had ruined their lives'."

"Social workers often grumble that I only listen to one side of the story and that from parents who are not truthful. That is why a very important point is that after I have seen the position statement of the local authority I start off by assuming every fact the Social Services relies on is true and then ask myself if even then it justifies breaking up a family or worse still forbidding parents from having any contact (face to face or indirect) whatever with their children under pain of punishment! The answer ... that I receive when parents contact me is nearly always NO! Why are the parents who ring me to complain that social services have taken their children nearly always right? Because they have very rarely been charged or convicted of an offence against children and PUNISHMENT without CRIME is always WRONG!  If, on the other hand, I or a journalist like Christopher Booker ask the local authority for 'their side' of the story in any forced adoption or fostering case their usual response is to rush off and apply to the court for an injunction forbidding any person from discussing or seeking information about the case from any any source! Not very encouraging for anyone trying to get both sides of the story!"

"Now what could possibly bother me about social services and the family court system?...  Here is a list of the main defects:  (1) Forced adoption;  (2) Taking children into care for future risk;  (3) Gagging parents and jailing them if they protest in public;  (4) Gagging children by restricting conversation with parents at contact to nothing controversial, confiscating mobile phones, computers, and preventing access to any post office;  (5) Refusing parents leave to call witnesses;  (6) Choosing experts and refusing parents any say in who is chosen or what questions are asked, with no second opinion allowed;  (7) Branding parents as child abusers on the balance of probabilities that are often founded on mere unproved allegations, pure gossip, or other hearsay;  (8) Lawyers who advise clients to 'go along' with social services even when adoptions are planned;  (9) Punishing parents and children by separating them even when no crimes have been committed;  (10) Refusing entry to the court to grandparents, step-parents, and close relatives of the parents;  (11) Children taken from parents for alleged 'emotional abuse' or risk of it;  (12) Telling wives to split from their husbands (and vice versa) otherwise they will lose their children (when they intend to take the kids anyway);  (13) One bruise, burn, or fracture, the parents are blamed, and the child is taken away: 'one strike and you're out'. If however children complain about sexual abuse and/or severe bruising in fostercare they are disbelieved (despite photos) and ignored as are their parents.  A very fair 'baker's dozen' I reckon"

"It has always concerned me that the power differential between those who control the Child Protection System and those who are subjugated to it is extreme. The emphasis on removing children rather than working with the families and solving the problem creates a power struggle which the children and parents are not going to win. ... I find it sad ... that many clients have turned to CPS to help them when they have been struggling only to find they have been punished for doing so by having their children removed. How different would it be if a parent realised that drugs, domestic violence and mental health issues were inhibiting the way they were parenting and they knew that contacting CPS would help them. They know [sic] they would be connected with social workers who will work with them and keep them and their children safe without removing them, or offer them respite while they worked through their problems. How different would it be if [social workers] could work peacefully with families so they knew that they wouldn't have to go through court or be threatened with orders which would take their children permanently from them. What a difference that would make. In a caring, humane society that is what [social workers] should be offering"

"When [social workers] intervene in a person's life we need to be mindful of the person's 'rights'. In child protection every parent has the right to 'change'. Every parent has the 'right' to be a parent and to have access to their children. Every child has the right to have a substantial connection with parents and other kinship relationships"

"In England parents who complain find that the ball always seems to bounce back to the social services department they are complaining about. Each seems to have a different internal procedure. Some minor complaints are sometimes upheld and filed away in personnel files; others can inspire quite aggressive reactions. William Bache, a solicitor who acts for many parents accused of child abuse, believes that too many child abuse allegations are made after parents have complained about a service. "And with hospitals, one is left with the uneasy feeling that some accusations are made to pre-empt an allegation of negligence." This is another dimension: doctors can put social workers under pressure to make snap decisions on cases they do not fully understand if a child comes in with head injuries or breathing difficulties. The great conundrum about the world of child protection is that so many people seem desperate to cover their backs, when so few ever face any sanction for making mistakes"
[Camilla Cavendish, The Times, 02 March 2006].

"Take extreme care if you need to contact Social Services for help and advice. Social Services are removing children because the parents have a low IQ, the house is untidy, the parents are arguing, or that there is no 'routine' set for the children. ... It is a public disgrace. No child should ever be removed from the family home unless there is evidence of severe neglect"

"We are a pressure group with 40 years' experience in supporting parents with complaints about maternity care. But since the unprecedented growth in calls about child protection proceedings in the last 9 years or so, we have accompanied clients to meetings and observed social workers' home visits. We have been horrified at what we have seen, and equally appalled by the lack of accuracy and bias in many of their reports, and the selectivity of evidence they give to the courts"

"In over-reacting to the Baby P fiasco, social workers have become astonishingly trigger-happy, removing far too many children from their parents for wholly inadequate reasons. ... If Sir James Munby really wants to avert the catastrophe he warned of on Tuesday, and to restore this horrifically corrupted system to some semblance of justice, humanity and common sense - as he has shown many signs of wishing to do - he has no alternative but to identify [the] major cause of the problem. The only way this immense social disaster could be halted would be to ensure that social workers and the courts return to their proper role under the law, whereby they stop tearing families apart for no good reason and concentrate just on those families where their intervention is genuinely justified. When a bath is dangerously overflowing, the first thing one needs to so is turn off the tap"


The Ideological Agenda

"British social worker evil ... is neither negligent nor random. It follows exactly the pattern you would expect to see from the Marxist-orientated indoctrination they get in social worker school - where the middle class
[EMcD: also now the working class in the UK, due to their 'failure' to fulfil Marxist expectations of an uprising against the supposed capitalist establishment] is seen as the enemy and the underclass is seen as virtuous. So social workers are lightening fast to take children away from normal decent parents on the basis of minor or imaginary infractions while turning a blind eye to gross child abuse by the underclass [EMcD: also by immigrants, in accordance with the Politically Correct policies of 'Multiculturalism' and 'Diversity']" [source].

"It should be understood that the CPS caseworker does not represent the child's interests, but the state's interests" [A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p2].

"The rationale of the state - judge, social workers, psychologists, et al - make perfect sense if one becomes acquainted with the phenomenon of 'collectivism' - a euphemism for socialism, communism, fascism, et al. Essentially, it is an ideology of totalitarian control, where the state knows best, and the individual is expected to submit willingly and happily to the interests of the group for the betterment of society. Collectivism is the ideology that has taken hold of our democracies, both [in the UK] and in America. It has been brought in by stealth, without consulting the electorate, and it functions by coercion. Things such as taking away the children against the wishes of the their parents because the authorities think it best is an example of collectivism in action. Collectivism is the new tyranny, and the direction our government is taking in Britain, secretly, whilst pretending to advocate democracy and government via elections"  /  "Hand in hand with Common Purpose. The sooner this organization is exposed for what it is and dealt with severely, the better"
[Comments at: source].

"This has been going on for decades and it's part of the Marxist/socialist agenda to break the family unit, straight from the Frankfurt School of Socialist Policy. It operates in this country [UK] as the Common Purpose Charity, a 5th column in the UK and rife in our local authorities and the establishment"
[Comment at: source].

"In Britain the Common Purpose-riddled social services use the 'Star Chamber' [Courts of 'Protection' and 'Family' Courts] of secret courts to further their own agendas, children removed from loving homes because of 'unsuitable political affiliations', and the mass abuse and rape of children in 'care' homes ignored to serve political ends"
[Comment at: source].

"Point 40: Discredit the family as an institution; Point 41: Emphasise the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks, and retarding of children to [the] suppressive influence of parents"
[Communist 45-Point Play-Book, (1963)].

"[R]eal families and real children are being rent asunder to satisfy a statist policy to intimidate the middle class, to preserve 'professional' emoluments and to ensure that social workers are regarded as undeniably 'infallible'. It is a vile wickedness that originated in Fabian experiments and Fascist policies in the first half of the last century. With it however, comes the very deepest and most obscene irony that has ever existed in Britain... the risk of 'emotional' and physical damage becomes a regular and disgusting reality whenever these kids are taken into council 'care'"
[Comment at: source].

"Does any other country have such an appalling system of secretly grabbing children on often spurious grounds and offering them up for adoption? It is the sort of thing one might have expected in Stalin's Russia or Mao's China but how did such a deeply shameful system come about in Britain?"
[Comment at: source].

"The Bill to increase the powers of the Child Snatchers reminds me of Ronald Reagan's remark about the most terrifying sentence in the English language: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.'  I believe in Scotland there are plans to give every child at birth a state guardian to supposedly watch over its interests. Even Hitler and Stalin did not go so far. The question should be asked: are people who are just prepared to hand over their freedoms so easily worthy of it in the first place? History is replete with examples of peoples who could not hang on to the freedoms their ancestors bequeathed them"
[Reader's comment at: Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday, 06 April 2014].

"It is becoming clear that we are moving towards the State ownership of children albeit at one remove, with the child's parents being under the watchful eye of a State Guardian or a politically correct 'social worker'. This is another step towards the clamping-down of adult citizens' dissent ... parents can be leant on and coerced by the state through the threat of having their offspring taken from them on grounds that the parents do not think the 'right thoughts' or express the 'right views' and so are causing some kind of abuse - maybe 'emotionally' or 'psychologically' or really politically - to the child. The state is thus increasing its power over our children, and thereby over us, under the guise of protecting the child. But who will protect the child from the state? As we slide into the 'social worker' state which cannot make up for or replace the nuclear family, we need to take care. The politicians have done their worst to abolish Mum and end the family. They have the same approach to the Nation and the Church. In the end all this is a severe threat to our civil and religious liberties and to our national welfare and well being"
[Letter to the British Church Newspaper, 11 July 2014].

"There is something very, very rotten in this world when the children of decent families are removed on the word of agenda-driven social workers... whilst the very same social workers leave innocent little ones to be abused and murdered by monsters. What is going on? Really? What is going on? The illicit removal of one's children is surely a punishment that is even more painful than death... and yet, the government does nothing. Worse, it acquiesces. One day there will be a reckoning... the Joyce Thackers and Sharon Shoesmiths of this world - and their underlings [driving] the wicked vicissitudes of social engineering and personal malevolence will be held to account"
[Comment at: source].

"State intervention carries with it a philosophical world view that is at 180 degree odds with biblical faith. Because of their training in secular psychology and an unbiblical world view, most caseworkers hold a world view which differs radically from that of God's people - especially when it comes to how parents should discipline, educate and train their children. Children are not perceived as belonging to the parents, or to God, but to themselves (i.e., to the state, which claims a 'vested interest' in children"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p1].

"Secular psychology plays a major role in the state's evaluation of children being 'at risk'.  Acceptable methods of discipline, education, and parent-child interaction are perceived to be the rightful domain of government agents working with psychiatrists and psychologists. Thus the state has become the final arbiter of what constitutes proper parenting abilities"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p1].

"Virtually every government social worker must be educated to some degree in the pseudoscience of psychology. The system is becoming closed to input from people who perceive reality differently from those trained in the psychological way"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p1].

"The Social Services are without doubt the gravest threat to our freedom, and strike at the very heart of family life. As long as one family is threatened, we all are. ... Why are the British people so supine in the face of this monstrous infringement of the most basic of our liberties?"
[Comment at: source].

"I wonder to what extent the tendency to advertise many public service jobs in the Guardian and other left of centre publications is responsible for the high proportion of PC-blinkered idiots in such jobs? Perhaps jobs in the public sector should be advertised on a national website, even if the jobs themselves are categorised by region. That way a wider section of applicants might be attracted and we might end up with more social workers with common-sense"  /  "[Y]ou have put your finger on a vital point. The so-called progressive liberal left has more or less taken over the education system and social services. Consider how many tragedies there have been over the years where vulnerable children have been abused and even murdered, and still the message is... we will learn the lessons but we know best!"
[comments at source].

"[A]re [social workers] a class apart who know only to tick the boxes and are paid for that? I have known a grandmother who continues to be heart-broken for her granddaughter who was forced into adoption to a gay [sic] couple at the age of three by social workers and she was not even allowed to see her granddaughter. Do these social workers have a human heart in them or are they made only of the leftist ideology? How miserable and sad it is to be nothing but a destructive ideology and not a human being"
[comment at source].

"UKIP's opposition to multi-culturalism was cited as the reason why the two foster carers in Rotherham were banned: why should not the opinion of conservative evangelicals about male headship in the family also fall foul of social workers? ... there is a variety of factors that make for good parenting, ranging from the moral to the relational to the psycho-emotional. But ... the conservative evangelical conviction that children need to grow up with the love of a married father and mother and that the man and the woman each bring their own distinctive God-given contribution to the nurture of children makes for excellent parenting. The idea that fathers are the servant leaders of their wives and children also leads to a responsible, hands-on approach to family life by conservative evangelical men. In a society devastated by fatherlessness, who would complain about loving, leading fatherhood, unless they were motivated by socially Marxist dogma?"

"How long will it be before one must be a card carrying member of the Labour Party before one may foster or adopt?"
[Comment at: source].

"[T]he affair of the UKIP foster parents ... give[s] us an insight into the intolerant fury of the modern left-wing mind. ... I am surprised that so many people are surprised, and see it as an individual case or scandal that can be corrected. No, this is simply what Britain is now like. Get used to it. It isn't going to change. Most such cases never get into the papers and never will. Look at the Prime Minister's own long-ago dismissal of UKIP members as (amongst other things) 'fruitcakes and loonies and closet racists'. Rotherham Council's social services department and Mr Slippery both share more or less the same view. Despite what they now say, I should think the front benches of all three 'centre' parties, and the senior editorial staffs of the BBC and several newspapers do so too. They are closet bigots. ... the left have increasingly embraced the racial determinism that (to their credit) they rejected back in the 1960s. Those who once saw the racial categories of national Socialist Germany, or later of Apartheid South Africa, as sinister and offensive, have now adopted the most elaborate schemes of racial categorisation ever seen. You cannot apply for any sort of state service, let alone employment, without being confronted with questions about your ethnicity (I always refuse to answer these, but how much longer will this be permissible?). ... There have been dozens of attested stories about fair-skinned, middle-class, conventionally-married heterosexual couples facing insuperable problems over being allowed to adopt or foster, especially if they gave any sign of having socially conservative opinions, or of adhering to the Christian religion. Since the reasoning, informed human being knows that ... what matters about someone is not the colour of his or her skin, but the content of his or her character, these questions, and this behaviour are grotesque insults to reason. And surely bigotry is just that, the denial of reason, the refusal to use it, the dismissal of people, institutions, ideas on the grounds of a reasonless prejudice"
[Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday, 27 Nov 2012].

"My Lords, taking a child away from her family is a momentous step, not only for her, but for her whole family, and for the local authority which does so. In a totalitarian society, uniformity and conformity are valued. Hence the totalitarian state tries to separate the child from her family and mould her to its own design. Families in all their subversive variety are the breeding ground of diversity and individuality. In a free and democratic society we value diversity and individuality. Hence the family is given special protection in all the modern human rights instruments including the European Convention on Human Rights (art 8), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (art 23) and throughout the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. As Justice McReynolds famously said in Pierce v Society of Sisters 268 US 510 (1925), at 535, 'The child is not the mere creature of the State'. Children's wishes must be heard"
[Baroness Hale of Richmond in Re B (a child) House of Lords, quoted at: source].

"I wrote a book a few years ago about religion and science and I summarised the difference between them in two sentences: 'Science takes things apart to see how they work. Religion puts things together to see what they mean'.  And that's a way of thinking about culture also. Does it put things together or does it take them apart? What made the traditional family remarkable, ... is what it brought together: sexual drive, physical desire, friendship, companionship, emotional kinship and love, the begetting of children and their protection and care, their early education and induction into an identity and a history. Seldom has any institution woven together so many different drives and desires, roles and responsibilities. It made sense of the world and gave it a human face, the face of love. For a whole variety of reasons, ... some to do with moral change like the idea that we are free to do whatever we like so long as it does not harm others, some to do with a transfer of responsibilities from the individual to the state, and other and more profound changes in the culture of the West, almost everything that marriage once brought together has now been split apart. ... This is creating a divide within societies the like of which has not been seen since Disraeli spoke of 'two nations' a century and a half ago. Those who are privileged to grow up in stable loving association with the two people who brought them into being will, on average, be healthier physically and emotionally. They will do better at school and at work. They will have more successful relationships , be happier and live longer.  And yes, there are many exceptions. But the injustice of it all cries out to heaven. It will go down in history as one of the tragic instances of what Friedrich Hayek called 'the fatal conceit' that somehow we know better than the wisdom of the ages, and can defy the lessons of biology and history. ... [O]ur compassion for those who live differently should not inhibit us from being advocates for the single most humanising institution in history. The family, man, woman, and child, is not one lifestyle choice among many. It is the best means we have yet discovered for nurturing future generations and enabling children to grow in a matrix of stability and love. It is where we learn the delicate choreography of relationship and how to handle the inevitable conflicts within any human group. It is where we first take the risk of giving and receiving love. It is where one generation passes on its values to the next, ensuring the continuity of a civilization. For any society, the family is the crucible of its future, and for the sake of our children's future, we must be its defenders"

"Early intervention is driven by the power of wishful thinking. The notion that there is a window of opportunity before the age of three within which adults can decisively influence infantile development is an old dogma of psychoanalysis now dubiously reinforced by speculative neuroscience. Massive research into Sure Start has confirmed that the evidence for its efficacy is very weak - yet it is stronger than that for any other form of early intervention. The downside of early intervention is that it pathologises whole communities, inevitably communities that already suffer poverty and neglect. By replacing family and social links with therapeutic relationships between targeted individuals and professionals, early intervention further undermines personal resilience. Rather than strengthening individuals and communities, it renders them more atomised and more dependent on state support"

"I wonder why Cameron does nothing about such appalling abuses of power, yet supports gay [sic] marriage and the suppression of anyone who holds a different view. I dare say it won't be long before opposing gay [sic] marriage renders any adult unfit to look after their own children"  /  "Because he's an advocate of Collectivism - another form of socialism/communism/fascism that gives power to the state and opposes individual freedom"  /  "Not so long ago Mr Cameron called for the system to be made easier so that more children can be adopted faster. Coupled with the 'secret Courts' once unknown in this Country, it seems he is leading the charge..."  /  "There may come a time when gay [sic] couples are deemed to be unfairly disadvantaged by not having a proportionate share of children. Stand by for more children to be removed from heterosexual couples and given to gay [sic] couples"
[Comments at: source].

Identity Politics

"The central 'theory' [of 'identity politics'] was a development of the anti-family rhetoric of nineteenth century socialists taken up and further radicalised by Marx and particularly Engels to conceptualise the family as an aberration resulting, it was imagined, from 'capitalism' somehow 'repressing' 'the workers', to the extent that supposedly they became psychologically dysfunctional. Marxism per se was supplanted by a theory of culturally based personal relations, popularised later most notably by Marcuse amongst many others. ... The belief system was most apparent within the social work profession [sic]. Political-Left-minded individuals seeking to escape from work in commerce found not only a shelter in the burgeoning state, but a niche where they were able to act according to 'identity politics' principles. Social work became a locus of problematising social issues"


'Emotional Abuse' / Failure to Co-Operate With 'Professionals' / 'Independent' Psychologists

"Among the many serious puzzles raised by the peculiar workings of our 'child protection' system, three continually recur. One is a huge increase in the number of children now being removed from their parents on grounds of 'emotional abuse'. This has been by far the biggest contributor to the explosion in the numbers of children taken into care since the 'Baby P' scandal in 2008, rising by 92%. And most have not been for actual emotional abuse but simply for the possible 'risk' of such abuse happening in the future. A second charge against parents which comes up too often is their failure to 'co-operate with professionals', such as the social workers who are tearing their family apart. A third, used to justify 90% of child removals, is the role of those 'independent' psychologists hired by social workers to report that the parents suffer from such vague conditions as 'borderline personality disorder', or 'narcissism', leading them to 'put their own interests above those of the children'."

"How many babies die from 'possible risk of future emotional abuse' and who defines what emotional abuse is?"  /  "I don't see how a child could find his father hitting someone who is trying to take them away from their family, emotionally abusive. One would expect the child to be cheering the father on"  /  "In the film 'Minority Report' (2002) following predictions from so called 'experts' potential criminals are arrested long before they can commit any crime. Much like taking children from parents and babies at birth from their mothers for mere 'risk' of emotional abuse. Only this time it is not a film, it is UK REALITY!"
[Comments at: source].

"Failure to 'co-operate with professionals'. Does the word 'professional' now mean someone who's paid to have an opinion? Where's the evidence that psychologists are ever correct? This pseudo-science seems to progress by so-called experts coming up with a new name for human behaviour. Sadly, they're taken seriously"  /  "I lost count of how much [my] mother heard this term [failure to co-operate with professionals] used against her. The so called professionals turned out to be the biggest amateurs"  /  "[This] is about the opinion and judgment of others who keep their bank roll from our taxes in their 'unprofessions'. Social work is full of uneducated and not intelligent sorts and these mostly thrive on the power they wield over others. Why on earth should anyone wish to co-operate with them?"
[Comments at source].

"Social workers made numerous visits to [the house of Baby P], yet nothing happened, ... so this case - in which a real baby died a horrible lingering death - illustrates why we simply can't trust the judgment of social workers and 'professionals'. If they can be so wrong about this case, where everything pointed to a criminal behavior and a catastrophic parenting failure, then how can we rely on their judgment in marginal cases where a 'risk' may or (probably) may not exist?"  /  "The suspicions and opinions of these people are without value. They are the ones who should be taken into custody to protect the public. Children are a highly lucrative asset and those with a vested interest should be removed from the highly lucrative child abuse industry. You would not take your car to a garage that had a known record of cheating and using lies [and] subterfuge and perjury to steal cars from their customers. Same goes for children"  /  "[S]ocial workers are only professional in the sense that they are paid for what they do. Unlike real professionals like doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, etc, they have no body of work and no set of standards that they can refer to. All of their decisions are based on opinion and guesswork and are influenced by the prevailing theories. The discipline itself is theory based and subject to the current whims of some who can only be described as zealots"
[Comments at source].

"The police will do what the Social Services tell them, since they aren't very clever and will take the word of a 'professional' only too gladly ... As for the performance of social services, with all the catastrophic blunders they have made, most people wouldn't trust them to take care of their cat over a weekend"
[Comment at source].

"I can't believe how in my case MCFD [Ministry of Children and Family Development] expected I needed 'therapy' to help me, when the only thing that I would have needed therapy for was what they put me through"
[comment at source].

"Social workers often point to the large numbers of children in voluntary care but do not mention that many of these were given up to care because parents were promised that if they cooperated by agreeing to this the children would be returned in 2 or 3 months,. Of course this promise is too often broken and the parents losing their children for good, are betrayed, both by social workers and their own lawyers who inevitably advise parents to cooperate with social services when they say 'temporary care' is the best option"

"The essential difference between British social workers and those in Latin countries, for example, is that in France, Italy or Spain children are only removed from their parents if they have suffered severe physical harm. In the UK however children are taken not because they have actually suffered physical harm but rather some very ill defined sort of 'emotional harm' or more often because so called 'experts' (using a crystal ball?) decide that there is a risk that children might suffer 'physical' or far more often 'emotional' harm at some date in the future. It is impossible for parents to prove that their children will not suffer emotional harm in the future when these experts swear to the contrary so the unfortunate parents nearly always lose"

"Between 2006 and 2015 ... by far the largest increase [in cases where children were taken into care], a staggering 278%, has been cases where it was alleged that parents were exposing their children to 'emotional abuse', a charge much more open to subjective interpretation than the others. And even this is misleading, because it makes no distinction between real emotional abuse, for which at least some evidence can be produced, and the much more speculative claim that children might be exposed to the mere 'risk' of emotional abuse some time in the future" [source].

University of Central Lancashire Study: 
"Based on FOI requests to 114 local councils, [the University's study] showed that, [due to 'concerns' by teachers, health visitors, doctors or members of the public ... social workers investigated no fewer than one in five of all children born in 2009/10" [source].

"Since 2009 I have followed in detail literally hundreds of cases where children have been taken into care for what appeared to be questionable reasons. And in the vast majority of them as where a mother has her baby snatched from her arms in the delivery ward, or loses her children simply because she herself had been in care (and is therefore deemed unfit to bring up a child of her own), the only excuse given for removing a child is that it might face the 'risk' of emotional abuse. No need to show that such abuse has actually take place. Simply a social worker's opinion, far too often accepted by the courts, that this might happen in the hypothetical future"


In the Best Interests of the Child

"Adolf Hitler's 'In the best interests of the child' is a favorite line perpetually quoted by today's Social Workers, the Child Protection Services, and Family Court Judges. It was originally a slogan designed by Hitler's social engineers. The Lebensborn program was a Nazi organization set up by SS leader Heinrich Himmler, which provided and ran orphanages and relocation programs for children"

"There is likely no phrase in our language more dangerous to children than 'the best interests of the child', because it's the banner enabling the unconstitutional government officious and tyrannical intrusion into families"

"'Best interest of Children' doesn't love and care for children. It's about the industry collecting the money"
[Will Gaston, quoted at source].

"It should be understood that the CPS caseworker does not represent the child's interests, but the state's interests"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p2].

"The truth is, children's interests are best served in the context of their own family. That is, the safest and best place for a child, generally speaking, is with both biological parents. The social science research on this is quite clear.
No bureaucrat, no matter how well-intentioned, will ever come close to showing the love, attention and dedication to a child that a mother or a father does. In most cases, the biological parents of children are the ones who are willing to make the necessary self-sacrifices, and self-denial to put the interests of children first" [source].

"Nowadays, we constantly hear the mantra 'Best Interests of the Child'. This is particularly so when a husband and wife who have children, decide to separate. In such cases, this mantra has been the device by which a father is deprived of his assets, and denied contact with his children. However, with homosexual couples, it seems that the rights of the child barely rate a mention. This is odd, but it is also an indication of the morality and character of many of those who determine and enforce social policy"
[Comment at source].

"Often, too often, I will hear Social Workers say they are acting 'in the best interest of the client'. ... It seems to me that when a [social] worker tells me that, they are basically saying they don't care for the parents and others because the child is more important. ... [T]his ... exonerates the [social] worker from working with the parent and other stakeholders. Often, particularly where the child is young the time spent working on the child's needs are limited. The fact that the parents need additional support and services suddenly makes Child Protection a little more difficult. Most Social Workers don't have the skills, knowledge and training to understand the intricacies that are required to work with vulnerable adults"

"The concept of the 'best interests of the child' is a universal theme expressed in a variety of international ... instruments of law and practice. But is it anything more than a theme? Does it actually have content? I am not certain that it does. It is cited with conviction in child protection care proceedings and custody battles, but why? Such cases are never decided on the basis of that theme but rather the specific facts of the case. The concept of 'best interests' is a part of the the rhetoric of child protection agencies"

"The deficit is that the modifier 'best' is not defined, in fact perhaps indefinable. Even the touted UN Committee on the Rights of a Child has not taken a position to define the term with precision. Without a definition, 'best interests' has no constraints, and then while the trumpeted term sounds politically and morally correct, it can lead to wrong impressions, inaccurate assessments and unjust decisions"

"Unless there are obvious and evidential reasons that children should be removed from their living situation it is agreed among the general public that any change to a child's living situation is detrimental to their well-being"

"Taking kids away from their parents, family, home, lives and the comfort and security of everything they've ever known is NEVER in their best interest. Why does the Big Brothers gov't authority always think that THEY know what's 'best' for us? They should just mind their own business and leave innocent families alone"
[comment at source].

"Myth: The welfare of the children is paramount.  Reality: This phrase of course does not say who is to decide what the best interests of the children are. Social workers trying to meet their targets soon translate this principle into 'the children's welfare is best served if we win our case' and they try to win at all costs. Judges ... freely admit that they take the safe route of 'going along with social services' when their evidence conflicts with that of the parents"

"[W]hat happened to the 'best interests of the child' as defined in the Children Act? The concept is used to discriminate against would-be adopters who smoke. Who are fat. Who hold the 'wrong' political opinions. The Social services argument is that to be a smoker may or may not be harmful to a child but that there is a small risk that it could be harmful - so smokers/fatties/UKIP supporters are likely to find their path to adoption blocked. To be consistent, shouldn't the same argument apply to gay [sic] would-be adopters? And doesn't the fact that it doesn't reveal that 'same sex adoption' is really just a political act?"
[comment at source].



"No bureaucrat, no matter how well-intentioned, will ever come close to showing the love, attention and dedication to a child that a mother or a father does. In most cases, the biological parents of children are the ones who are willing to make the necessary self-sacrifices, and self-denial to put the interests of children first. To argue that children need an advocate is to overlook the fact that they already have one: their own parents"


The Appeal to 'Authority' and 'Experience'

"I studied social work for three years; I have experience..."
[EMcD: A social worker's appeal to her 'professional authority' during a brief conversation I had with her in February 2018].

"I was doing voluntary work as an Appropriate Adult when I was asked to support a 12-year-old girl of mixed race who had been referred to the police by her social workers for unruly and violent behaviour. She was bright, sassy, very charismatic and had been let down by every adult and social care service she was in contact with. She was currently living in a children's home. Two weeks later she was back in custody and once again I was called out to support her. Her face was bloated, she had burnt some of her hair off, she looked drugged. Over the course of several hours I became aware that this child was regularly absconding from her children's home and staying out overnight. She had a boyfriend who supplied her with a mobile phone and money for drugs. It was clear to me that she was sexually active. I reported my concerns to social services. Their reaction? It was not my role to interfere, what experience did I have in these things? Who did I think that I was to comment?  It is not just white girls who are let down, it is working-class girls. With no one to protect them"
[source] [EMcD: My emphasis].

"Leftists will usually reply that a layman cannot understand psychology [EMcD: social work etc] unless they have studied it at university. This is a typical appeal to authority that leftists make, because knowledge must be dictated by an ingroup that they control through ideological orthodoxy. In truth, knowledge is as much about wisdom as it as about study, and this is certainly true with psychology
[EMcD: social work]" [source].


Post-Natal Depression

"Concealment of Postnatal Mental Illness: Mothers are ... concealing postnatal mental illness, for fear of social service intervention. ... we know that contact with child protection services only worsens their state ... We seem to be the only remaining group who see mother and baby as a dyad, and think they need to be treated as such. ... We have many cases where social services intervention is intensifying and prolonging the very postnatal depression which they are seeing as the reason to take their babies. We have never yet seen a case where the mother found social worker intervention helpful or supportive"
[Adverse Effects of Child Protection on Public Health, Letter to DoH, 20 August 2007, in AIMS Journal, 2008, Vol 20, No 1, at: source].


Abuse of Children by Social Services, 'Family' Courts, in State 'Care Homes'

"It's all about preventing abuse of the child and wrongly taking a child from its parents is abuse - abuse that may continue for a lifetime"  /  "wrongly taking a child from its parents doesn't protect the child at all. It damages the child and is itself abuse. ... Nobody can stop all abuse, whether it is parents abusing children or the authorities abusing children. The appropriate thing to do is to apply the same standards as we apply in criminology - when a crime has happened, we cat. We presume innocence until there is evidence of guilt"  /  "'action to prevent abuse' can equally well be an 'action to cause abuse'. [B]ias towards 'abuse by taking' is no more sensible than leaving a child to be abused by unfit parents. In the situation where the abuse can go either way, we have a legal precedent in presumed innocence. We don't need to hand over control to an unscrutinised organisation that can act as judge, jury, and executioner. We can simply use the normal standards of the law. The law isn't perfect, nor is life, but neither ... [is] the social worker"  /  "the system is slanted in favour of taking children for this reason: if a child is not taken and something happens, the social worker faces trouble, but if the child is taken the social worker is safe and the costs are borne by someone else (the children and parents). The incentive is clear. It's the same reason software companies are not overly concerned about bugs and malware - the costs of their doing little are borne by someone else"
[Comments at source].

"[R]eal families and real children are being rent asunder ... With it however, comes the very deepest and most obscene irony that has ever existed in Britain... the risk of 'emotional' and physical damage becomes a regular and disgusting reality whenever these kids are taken into council 'care'"
[Comment at source].

"Again and again, in the scores of cases I have followed where social workers, supported by the police and the courts, have seized children from loving parents, I have been struck by how often these unhappy children are then subjected in 'care' to abuse far worse than anything alleged against the parents from whom they were removed. Most disturbing of all is the way this is covered up and ignored by politicians, the BBC and all those who continue to pretend that the system is working as intended
[EMcD: We would suggest that the system is working precisely as intended]. Last year, when that Rochdale MP disclosed shocking details of his local scandal in the Commons, this was during a long debate calling for social workers to be given even more support in their holy task of breaking up families. Neither the two ministers present nor a single MP referred again to what he said. We are dealing here with real evil" [source].

"If Social Workers were stopped from taking children 'into care', where would the Establishment paedophiles get their fresh meat from?"  /  "Yes, this is the heart of the matter here. You will find overwhelming testimony of this agenda on YouTube and no doubt elsewhere in non-mainstream news. The appetite for young children to sexually abuse by the powers-that-be fuels this agenda ... Hence the secret courts. To conceal what's going on. This is how it's done. Procurement form lower echelons for consumption by elites"  /  "a paedophile will naturally disguise his true nature and get himself into a position where he has access to children, and is trusted. We see examples in schools, the NHS, the church, Islam, and of course children's homes. Why shouldn't the same happen in social services and the judiciary? Also - it seems that the whole country knows about Elm House, its surveillance systems, the testimony of victims and the adults who saw what happened - yet nobody wants to talk about it in the media?"
[comments at source].

"So social workers play god [sic] in secret courts to remove children from a loving family and at the same time conspire to hide the mass abuse and rape of children in our cities. Ye gods I despair"  /  "Yes they are much better off in children's homes where muslim paedos can use them as underage prostitutes"
[Comments at source].

"Even Ofsted last week seemed to be joining the ever-growing number of people alarmed by the extent to which our 'child protection' system has gone horrendously off the rails. After inspecting the performance of 152 local authority 'children's services' departments, it reported that 83% were performing barely adequately, or worse. Even so, Ofsted made no mention of one of the most disturbing scandals of all: the number of children being taken into care for no good reason. And nowhere is this more obvious than in the remorseless way our social workers and courts seek to track down families who have fled from them to a new life abroad"

"It was with a great sense of sadness that during this week a worker for Families SA was arrested for taking images of children and disseminating them. It is sad at a number of levels - for the children who are in the care of the state to have them violated in this way is abhorrent. Every citizen should be horrified that these children were not protected by the very department whose role and duty it is to protect them. It is sad for their family who have had their children removed because they were deemed ill equipped to care for them and then discover that their children were abused by the very 'people', used loosely here, who criticised them for being 'bad parents'"

here and here for specific cases of child stealing and/or abuse by Social Services and the State.


Secrecy and Malfeasance of the 'Family' Courts and Courts of 'Protection'

"The secrecy of the family courts means that if an MP does his democratic duty to check out a constituent's heart-rending tale of social service child-snatching, he will be held in contempt of court, as would the parents approaching their MP for help. Nick Cohen reported in the Observer that in one case a judge's ruling 'meant that it was a contempt of court to tell the solicitor general, who is responsible for the honest functioning of the legal system, and the Minister for Children, who is responsible for the welfare of children, about an alleged miscarriage of justice involving a child'."

"The veil of secrecy - supposedly about protecting the children - actually enables those who got it wrong to keep getting it wrong and to hide the truth. It is time that when these appalling events are overturned, the matter of prosecuting those working for the state who lied and misled the courts over and over again was raised"
[Comment at source].

"Secrecy should be lifted in many cases ... it is used to cover up negligent medical professional and local authority workers"
[Comment at source].

"Having investigated dozens of such cases, what has struck me more than anything is how consistently our family protection system, behind the wall of secrecy it has built round itself to hide its workings, turns the basic principle of justice and humanity on their head. Innocent parents find themselves in a Kafkaesque world, treated as criminals, while the whole system seems stacked against them. After the initial shock of seeing their children seized, often with the aid of a mob of policemen, the parents find themselves in courtrooms where anything up to four or five teams of lawyers, at great public expense, are ranged against them. If they themselves are given solicitors on the advice of the council, these too often turn out to be as much a part of the system as the rest. The same is true of the 'expert witnesses', paid extraordinarily lavish fees to add to the pile of damning evidence. Again, too often, judges are prepared only to listen to what amounts to 'the case for the prosecution', making no effort to test that evidence, however dubious it may be. This system is so rigged in support of the social workers that it is hardly surprising that the number of children in care is breaking all records"

"The punishment dealt out to parents by family courts is far more severe than anything the criminal courts can do; yet the evidence needed is only the 'balance of probabilities' (51+%) instead of 'beyond reasonable doubt'. This must be very wrong!"

"Sir James Munby President of the family courts recently described the removal of children from families as the most drastic matter handled by the courts since the abolition of capital punishment (hanging). Child cruelty should be the business of the police and the criminal courts; in which case all parents would be presumed innocent of child abuse or neglect unless charged with such an offence and subsequently found guilty beyond reasonable doubt by a jury"

"I have to confess I know very little about public law. But what I do know is that this country is currently engaging in class warfare at an unprecedented level, and I suspect that this is bound up with the social engineering that results from what might euphemistically be called state-sponsored kidnapping. Most parents are far from perfect, and most make mistakes, just as their parents did in turn. Yes, some parents are abusive, sadly. But if we had not developed such an inhumane industry around the whole question, we might have realized ... that it is by far the better solution to help those struggling parents rather than to add to the child abuse by robbing children of their biological parents, and setting them on a clear path to the self-harm, teenage pregnancy, mental illness, etc. that repeats the sorry process all over again. It surprises me that there is not more questioning about the ethics of public law. Everyone just goes about the business of it like automata"
[Comment at source].

"Of all those issues that our major parties never address, few are more disturbing than the criminally dysfunctional state of our 'child protection' system, which this year ripped more families apart than ever before, and far too many for no good reason. Only on those rare occasions when it breaks surface, as in Rotherham, do we glimpse something of how this system has become one of the most terrifying scandals in Britain today. At least we can see some hope in the continuing efforts of our most senior family judge, Lord Justice Munby, to prod the system over which he presides back towards some semblance of humanity and common sense. Nothing has personally cheered me more this Christmas than the joy of three families I have written about this year, who were reunited after the courts that had torn them apart finally had to concede that removing the children from their parents had been a terrible mistake. Any candidates next May who promise to join the fight for this horrifying scandal to be brought properly to light, and ended, will deserve our votes"

"The 'professionals' are given carte blanche to espouse their opinions in the juvenile justice courts. Those opinions are often based on psychological presuppositions rather than on the truth. Some caseworkers with CPS will even perjure themselves or withhold information in order to win in court"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p1].

"Myth: Family Court secrecy protects the identity of the children.  Reality: In fact social services advertise these same children for adoption on many websites such as and in magazines such as 'adoption UK' giving first names, photographs, birth dates, and characteristics. ... Councils can break secrecy but parents risk prison if they do the same. What the secrecy does do effectively is to stop aggrieved parents going to the press or revealing [social workers'] names"


Contact Sessions

"Again and again, I have heard how social workers impose almost totalitarian control over how contact sessions are conducted. Frequently, children look terrified as they try to remember everything they have been told, by social workers or foster careers, that they must not talk about. When families are foreign, they are strictly forbidden to speak to each other in the language normally used at home. As is not uncommon ... [one boy and his grandmother] were both made to sign a long list of conditions on which continuing contact could be allowed. Expressions of affection must be limited to a 'brief hug' at the beginning and end of a session, which had to be initiated by the boy. They were forbidden to make any reference to his 'case' or why he was in care. There must be 'no whispering'. No reference must be made to his foster home or social workers. The boy could not be shown photographs except by written permission obtained in advance. Any breach of these or some 15 other rules would end all contact. His grandmother was forbidden to have contact with him in any other way. ... On [another] occasion, where a distressed 10-year-old girl told her parents that she had been sexually interfered with by a foster carer's 19-year-old son, the contact was immediately terminated and the parents never saw her again. When this was reported to a judge, he waved it aside as of no concern. ... Politicians gave social workers the opportunity to abuse their power like this, through the Children Act"

Once the parents lose their case to keep their children: "Contact between mothers and children is gradually reduced (and used as a weapon if mothers are 'difficult'), phone calls are forbidden and grandparents, aunts and uncles are frequently stopped completely from any form of contact. Criminals actually in prison are allowed phone calls and family visits but this is very often denied to parents and grandparents seeking contact with children in care or worse still 'on track for adoption'."

"Any one thinking of applying to be a social worker should spend an hour at a contact centre and listen to the children screaming, begging and crying to go home, whilst being held by staff or social workers, whilst they tell the parents to walk away. No normal, loving, caring human being could do this"


Forced Adoption

"Remember always that 'adoption' is a wonderful, wonderful thing if it is truly voluntary but it is a wicked, wicked crime if forced on parents desperate to keep their children. A punishment almost as bad as execution"

"(1) Forced adoption is the removal of a child from its parents without their consent and usually against their will. Systematic forced adoption pursued as a government priority is unique to the UK.  (2) The result is that the parents lose all contact with the child usually for the rest of its life and never know if it is alive or dead.  (3) This can happen to parents who have never been convicted of any crime because they are thought to pose a risk to a child in the future.  (4) Mothers frequently have their babies removed at birth for 'risk of emotional abuse'. A prediction difficult for anyone to disprove.  (5) This also happens to citizens of the EU when visiting the UK so that their children are forcibly adopted by persons speaking a different language and living a completely different culture and a different religion even when these parents have committed no criminal offence.  (6) This also happens to UK citizens visiting other EU countries where they give birth but are subsequently pursued by the British authorities who make care orders after the departure and persuade the foreign court to allow them to take the baby to the UK for forced adoption.  (7) Forced adoption violates the human rights act article 8 to a private family life undisturbed by public authority and also threatens the basic EU principle of 'freedom of movement' if EU visitors to [the] UK who have committed no crimes risk having their children forcibly adopted.  (8) The solution to this problem would be for the EU authorities to ban on human rights grounds the adoption of children in EU States without the consent of parents (especially foreign visitors) who have not committed any crime that could compromise the interests of their children"

"Shame that all these so-called 'experts' keep shipping kids off into adoption, which is inherently harmful to 'protect' them from *potential* (i.e. not actual) harm"  /  "The Parliamentary Select committee have highlighted the fact that many of these children who have been adopted are now seeking answers through social networking sites. I believe there will be a 'Backlash' to forced adoption. Children as young as twelve are now finding their parents. If the revelation is that the children were loved and wanted and forcibly adopted against the parents wishes this will b[e] where the real problems will begin. Social engineering rarely works, you only have to look at the statistics for adoption failures"
[Comments at source].

"Myth: Social workers, judges, foster carers and heads of special schools all do what they can to reunite children with their parents.  Reality: In 2000, Tony Blair called for a 40% increase in adoptions. Margaret Hodge fixed targets for local authorities giving beacon status and stars and even large financial rewards ... to those councils who were successful. Most social workers are therefore motivated to take children into care with a view to adoption to meet their targets. Government research papers have publicly confirmed this. Judges have admitted in court that it is safer to 'go along with social services' rather than take any risks and that is why parents almost never win their children back"

"Expectant mothers who were themselves brought up in care have an increased risk of social workers taking their babies, without even giving them a chance to show that they can be good parents, and providing them with support and help. The State is, in effect, saying, 'as your corporate parent we gave you such damaging care that you are unfit ever to be a parent yourself'."

"Questions should be asked of the Commission for Social Care Inspection. In their annual inspections up and down the country they criticise local authorities whose adoption figures are not high enough. It is the rise in the adoption total that wins brownie points, NOT a reduction in older children lingering in long term 'care' with an unsettled future. Hence the social work snatching of new born - prime adoption material, which also met the needs of settled, wealthier, older infertile couples"

"What they are doing is redistributive eugenics"


Foster Care

"The rationale behind government intrusion into the family appears to be based on the assumption that parents are, de facto, incompetent to raise children properly because they haven't been approved by the state. Foster parents have been approved by the state, so they are often preferred over the child's natural parents. This is evidenced by the fact that, although children placed in foster care homes are sometimes treated terribly, the state is slow to intervene. To take action would be an admission of failure to protect the children"
[A.J. Dager, If They Come For Your Child: Guarding Against State Intrusion Into Your Home, (1994), p1].


Homosexual Fostering and Adoption

"I wonder why Cameron does nothing about such appalling abuses of power, yet supports gay [sic] marriage and the suppression of anyone who holds a different view. I dare say it won't be long before opposing gay [sic] marriage renders any adult unfit to look after their own children"  /  "There may come a time when gay [sic] couples are deemed to be unfairly disadvantaged by not having a proportionate share of children. Stand by for more children to be removed from heterosexual couples and given to gay [sic] couples"
[Comments at source].

"Nowadays, we constantly hear the mantra 'Best Interests of the Child'. This is particularly so when a husband and wife who have children, decide to separate. In such cases, this mantra has been the device by which a father is deprived of his assets, and denied contact with his children. However, with homosexual couples, it seems that the rights of the child barely rate a mention. This is odd, but it is also an indication of the morality and character of many of those who determine and enforce social policy"
[Comment at source].

"[T]he history of children being used as human shields, trophies, costume accessories and sexual commodities by the gaystapo ... is all part of the Marxist script to destroy the essential building block, the family, of Western European civilisation, based as it is on Christian principles, ... it is a truth of which we need to be constantly reminded. However, forgetting the deceptive bogus arguments about whether lesbians make better parents than either straight or gay [sic] ones, we only have to mention the blatant inequality in power, influence, rights and privilege that gays presently 'enjoy' over the rest of society. Society has given everything to the lesbians. We have nothing more to give except to hand over our children"
[Comment at source].

Please see here and
here for more on Homosexual Fostering and Adoption.


Damned If They Do and Damned If They Don't?

"Social workers love to defend themselves by saying, 'We're damned if we do and damned if we don't.'  What they cannot understand is that in reality, both these things can be true. They are at fault both in failing to intervene when it is justified, but equally in being much too trigger-happy to intervene when no action is called for. The tragedy of all this can be summed up in a phrase I coined years ago to describe what is going on with our regulatory system in many different areas - that it is 'taking a sledgehammer to miss the nut'.  Nowhere is this more obvious than in a system that tears thousands of families apart for no good reason, while somehow managing at the same time to turn a blind eye to all the evidence that children such as Daniel Pelka are being slowly tortured to death"

"They're not damned if they do and damned if they don't. That is a cliché invented to protect idiot social workers who work in a culture of failure. ... Using [Baby P] to justify future removals is criminal. ... Children are removed wrongly. Adoptions, when operated in this way, should be reversible years later when shown to be wrong"
[Comment at source].

"Social workers pathetically repeat 'damned if we do and damned if we don't' as an excuse for their actions. Reality: They get damned because they avoid the violent type of parents and carers who torture their children as they are afraid for their own safety and feel damaged children might be harder to foster or adopt, and they therefore prefer to take th4e easier option of targeting happy healthy children whose mothers have low income or low IQs ... Rather like some police who prefer to target motorists with a defective rear light rather than go after armed robbers"


Some Statistics

NSPCC: The Four Legal Justifications for Removing Children From Their Families
"Between 2006 and 2015, cases where children were taken into care for 'neglect' rose by 88%, in line with the overall trend.  Despite the supposed increase in concern over 'physical abuse' post-Baby P, these cases rose by only 20%. Cases involving sexual abuse of children scarcely rose at all, from 2,300 to 2,340. But by far the largest increase, a staggering 278%, has been cases where it was alleged that parents were exposing their children to 'emotional abuse', a charge much more open to subjective interpretation than the others" [source].


'Safeguarding Officers', Collusion of State School Teachers with SSs

Please see here for examples of such perfidy against parents by state school teachers - who are supposed to be acting in loco parentis.


Social Care: A Poem

by Anne Murray

"It has become apparent that, in this modern day,
our health and social services are rife with compliancy.

"And if you dare to tell them, this system isn't right,
Prepare yourself for battle; you're going to have a fight.

"They twist and turn the subject; to them we're all the same,
They will take away your dignity, and blacken your good name.

"Then you'll be abandoned, to suffer a bureaucratic fate,
Targeted by the social sharks; that use our babies as bait.

"The destruction of the family will be their only goal,
It has become apparent: the social care system has no soul"


Withdraw Thy Foot...

"God gave children to parents, not to the State, to love, nurture, teach, discipline, and train up into adulthood.  It does not take a 'village' or the 'Collective' or State-run 'Care' homes to raise a child; it takes a loving and biological/adoptive/foster family.  Please see the article Communism and the Family for the ideology underlying the 'Collective'.

"The issues are:... [continue reading]




"And he that stealeth [a child], and selleth him..."
(Exodus 21:16)

"The words of a talebearer are as wounds,
and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly"
(Proverbs 18:8)

"Every fool will be meddling ... Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house:
lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee"
(Proverbs 20:3b; 25:17)

"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him"
(Proverbs 26:12)

"Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees,
and that write grievousness which they have prescribed"
(Isaiah 10:1-3)

"Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds!
when the morning is light, they practice it, because it is in the power of their hand. ...
So they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage"
(Micah 2:1-2)

"It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones"
(Luke 17:1-2)

"Let none of you suffer ... as a busybody in other men's matters"
(1 Peter 4:15)


"Never, anywhere in the Holy Bible will you find God giving civil government
any authority to rear or direct the rearing of children ...
God told parents, not the government, to 'train up' their children."
(Laura Rogers, Societal Structures vs. Restructuring, as quoted in Berit Kjos, Brave New Schools, p185)



© Bayith Ministries