VISUAL ARTS - Rosanne Guille - Natural History Illustration, Sark, Channel Islands

Course: 2-5 Day

This course begins with tuition on and demonstrations of the materials and techniques involved in watercolour painting. The work will involve studio-based watercolour exercises and still life, as well as outdoor location painting.

Rosanne Guille chose to return to her native island of Sark to pursue her career as a natural history illustrator, and she will use the island's wildlife as subjects for the outdoor painting sessions.

Participants will be encouraged to reflect upon the changes the movement of the sun creates on one chosen view, from morning to afternoon. Rosanne will begin each session with a quick demonstration by herself of techniques for outdoor painting.

All outdoor sessions will be followed by studio work for completion of paintings.

Artist: Rosanne Guille

Rosanne, a native of Sark, has exhibited in various wildlife exhibitions in England, including the Society of Wildlife Artists and the Association of Illustrators, and through her gallery on Sark after leaving the Royal College of Art in 1997.

She has painted in many countries worldwide, and in November 2002 held a solo exhibition in Guernsey of her watercolour paintings of the Channel Islands and their natural history.

She studied at Weymouth College, Bournemouth College of Art & Design before graduating from the Royal College of Art in 1997. She decided to return to Sark to fulfill her artistic desire to capture the beauty of forms in the beautiful locations on and around the island.

Her commissions include BBC Wildlife Magazine, English Nature, RSPB and Wildlife of Britain Magazine.