SCULPTURE - Joe Hogan - Traditional Irish Basket-Weaving, Loch Na Fooey, Galway

Course: 2-5 Day

Joe Hogan begins this course with an introduction in basic basket-making skills, one of the most ancient of all handicrafts. The willow used as the raw material is principally grown in the local area, and each course involves a guided tour of the surrounding willow-growing areas.

During the course, participants will have the opportunity to craft either their own traditional, functional baskets, or, using found objects as a basis, participants can hand-craft a more artistic, non-functional piece.

Primitive peoples were forced by necessity to fashion containers and even shelters from locally-available natural materials--grasses and twigs. Although the techniques involved are ancient, some of the modern applications of these techniques will be taught.

Artist: Joe Hogan

Joe Hogan has been making baskets since 1977 and set up his business at Loch Na Fooey in 1978. He has won several prizes at the Royal Dublin Society National Crafts Competition in the 1970's and 80's. His recent exhibitions include the Contemporary Basketmaking at the Craft Council UK, and Baskets and More in Hanover. He is the co-curator of the Crafts Council of Ireland's "Basketmaking--The Tradition Today".

Joe published "Basketmaking in Ireland" in 2001 and has taught basketmaking in Ireland, the UK, Denmark and the USA.

The area Joe works in is one of outstanding natural beauty and one of the advantages to him is that most of the willow which he uses is locally-grown.