

Object of Game:                        To get a hand closest to 21 without going over.

Card Values:                             

Card Points
Picture Cards                 10 points
Cards 2 to 10                 Face Value
First Ace dealt                11 Points
Any Ace after 1st card     1 or 11 Points



Players place their bets before a hand is dealt.
Two cards are then dealt to each player, and the dealer deals himself one card.
Players then have the option of being dealt additional cards "Hit" or keeping their current hand "Stand".
The dealer then deals himself a second card, and may either stand or hit for additional cards.
If the players hand is closer to 21 at the end of the hand, he wins.
If the players hand matches the dealers hand, there is a "Stand Off", and you neither win or lose.



If a player scores a BlackJack (Ace with picture card or a ten), the bank pays 3:2, unless the dealer also has BlackJack "Stand Off".
If your first 2 cards total 9,10 or 11 then, you may double your initial bet, with one extra card being dealt to you.
If your first 2 cards are a pair, except for 4's,5s and 10's, he may Split his hand into 2 separate hands.
You must though repeat your original bet on the 2nd hand.



Stand on 17 - 21                                               
If your hand is 12 - 16, and the dealer shows 2 - 6, you should Stand.
If your hand is 12 - 16, and the dealer shows 7,8,9,10,Ace, you should Hit.
You should double your bet if your cards total 10 or 11 and the dealer shows 2 - 9.
Split on 8's and Aces.