7 Card Stud Poker



Royal Flush                                                                             
Straight Flush                                                                          
Four of a Kind                                                                          
Full House                                                                              
Three of a Kind                                                                          
Two Pairs                                                                                        
One Pair                                                                                         
High Card


Three cards are dealt to each player, two face down and one face up. The player with the highest face up card bets first.

Another card is then dealt to each player, and the player with the highest hand from the face up cards bets first, with betting continuing to his left. This process of dealing one card and betting continues until four cards have been dealt face up. Another card is then dealt face down to each player, giving each player seven cards in all, three face down and four face up.

The players then pick up their four face down cards and with these four cards in hand, mentally construct their best poker hand of five cards using any combination of the seven cards.

Betting then continues, with players either matching the previous players bet, or raising the bet. If a player matches a bet and the next player raises the bet, the player that matched the bet is out of the game.

Play continues until two players are left, the rest having either folded or having been raised out of the game. A player can then see the other player by matching his bet. At the end of the hand, the hands are placed at the bottom of the deck, with no shuffling.