T.H.O.M.A.S. (Those on the Margins of a Society)
EDGES Magazine

Issue 19 INDEX
Main Stories
October/November 1999

Editorial Comment Father Jim introduces issue 19 of Edges magazine
Familar faces at our Drop In A few of the familar callers at the THOMAS Drop In centre
Another death too many The announcement of the death of Lee Hartley who featured in our last edition when he spoke about the difficulties he endured with his heroin addiction
In That Darkest Place Father John Michael Hanvey discusses isolation, cruelty and loneliness through reference to the life of Elie Wiesel
Drugs - A growing problem in the Asian community L.J., a young person from the Asian community shares his story with us
Parents suffer when their kids take drugs A mother and father voice the horror of their son being on drugs
Cocaine became my best friend THOMAS Service User
A Student's stuggle with Depression. Paul , now a volunteer with Thomas, tells of his lapse into depression and his fight back with the help of Thomas
He didn't make his 21st birthday A friend pays tribute to Stuart, who was found dead 3 days before his 21st. birthday.
A Tragic End to life Tracy speaks about her brother Lee who hung himself recently
It is never too late to discover your potential An article by Paula Watson, head of studies at Campion House College in Isleworth Middlesex.
Message from America The tragedy of being expelled 43 days before graduation
Believe me it's hard Paul arrived in London 2 days ago
The streets are harsh Jay 26, has come to London homeless.
Kate runs from her family Kate now lives in a squat in London with her boyfriend
My Abused Life Sebastian tells of his experiences since being abused by his parents as a child
We have had enough of drugs Service User experiences through poetry
My Doctor made a blunder E.J. was given the wrong prognosis from her doctor and for 15 years it dominated her life
The Mistakes of Adolescence Father J McCartney discusses how the mistakes in adolescence can have a profound effect upon a young persons life

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. Material Copyright © 1999 THOMAS (Those on the Margins of a Society)
THOMAS is an integral part of Catholic Welfare Societies, Registered Charity number 503102