• Adrenal Stress Index (Adrenal Gland)
  • Allergy Test
  • Amino Acid Analysis
  • Anti-gliaden Antibody - test for gluten sensitivity
  • Cancer test
  • Detoxification Profile
  • Digestive Function Analysis
  • Estronex
  • Female Hormone Profile
  • Full Body Screening
  • Hormone Test
  • Male Hormone Profile
  • Melatonin tests
  • Metabolic Screening
  • Organix test
  • Osteoporosis Assessment
  • Ovulation Test
  • Oxidative Stress Analysis
  • Post Menopausal Profile
  • Vitamin and Minerals (nutritional assessment)




    The Estronex test is a newly developed test measuring two important forms of oestrogen in the body.

    It has been found that the body metabolises oestrogens into several different forms, the two most important being:

    • 2-hydroxy-estrone (2-OH-estrone)

    • 16-alpha-hydroxy-estrone (16-aOH-estrone)

    How oestrogen is metabolised in the individual is determined by that person's biochemical make-up, with some women producing more 2-OH-estrone, others producing more 16-a-OH-estrone.

    The individual oestrogen metabolites have an important impact on cancer development.   The first (2-OH-estrone) tends to inhibit cancer growth, whereas the second (16-a-OH-estrone) actually encourages cancer development.

    The Estronex test measures the ratio of these two metabolites, which provides an important indication of risk for the future development of oestrogen-dependent cancer.

    Who Should Have the Test?

    The test is available for everyone.

    The following women are more at risk of oestrogen-dependent tumours, and the test would be particularly valuable for those with:

    • Family history of breast cancer
    • History of breast cancer (to prevent recurrence)
    • Prolonged use of oral contraceptives
    • Synthetic hormone replacement therapy
    • Obesity or sedentary lifestyle
    • Consumption of 2 or more alcoholic drinks per day. 

    Those at risk should have the blood test carried out every 12 - 24 months.

    How Is It Done?

    A small sample of urine is required for the test.

    The sample is sent to the laboratory in the special kit provided, and the analysis is carried out.

    How Accurate are the Results and What Do They Mean?

    The results are highly accurate, and have been verified by various means.

    A low estronex 2/16 ratio corresponds with a low risk of oestrogen-dependent tumours such as breast cancer.

    Conversely a high 2/16 ratio corresponds to an increased risk of oestrogen-dependent tumours.

    What Advice Do You Get?

    If you are found to have a high estronex 2/16 ratio, then you will be given advice regarding methods of improving the ratio.

    There may be dietary changes recommended - for example, increasing the intake of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli.

    Supplements may also be recommended - for example Flaxseed oil capsules will improve the extronex 2/16 ratio.

    There may also be herbal medicines that may improve the metabolism of oestrogens and lower the risk of oestrogen-dependent tumours.

    Exercise also helps!

    Follow-up testing is also advisable to ensure that your treatment programme is effective, and this may be at 3 - 6 monthly intervals.

    How Much Does it Cost?

    The current cost of the Estronex test is £.   Postage charges may be additional.

    Further charges apply for any further consultations, tests or treatments, and these will be discussed with you fully as necessary.

    To order a test, please contact Better Health.   A FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION is always available to discuss the test if you need further information.

    (c) Better Health Limited 2003

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