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    Peptic Ulceration

    Peptic Ulceration is a condition affecting the upper digestive tract - either the stomach or the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).   Ulceration can also affect the oesophagus - or gullet.  

    Peptic ulceration is usually characterised by indigestion, heartburn, nausea, anorexia, or even stomach or abdominal pain or discomfort.  

    The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a telescopic examination of the stomach and duodenum, known as an endoscopy.   Biopsies may be taken at this time.   Other helpful investigations may be carried out, such as a barium meal.

    Once the diagnosis is made, conventional medical treatment is usually successful.   There are many drugs available today that have well established benefits in healing peptic ulceration.

    However, there are some people in whom the symptoms, and the ulceration, return once the treatment is stopped.

    In these cases it is worth considering other options.

    How Can We Help?

    We offer a caring, alternative approach to your needs.

    We specialise in Complementary & Alternative Medicine, and there is much that can be done to help peptic ulceration with this approach.

    Each person is dealt with individually. Each person’s needs are different.   The actual treatment will vary from person to person.

    There are a number of therapies and treatments that can help with peptic ulceration, and different approaches benefit different people.   There are a number of different factors that need to be taken into consideration, and the best way of deciding which approach will benefit any individual person is to carry out certain tests

    Our initial approach therefore is to carry out certain tests or investigations.

    What Tests Do You Need?

    A number of tests may be of benefit, including the following:

    • Allergy Test
    • Anti-gliaden antibody
    • Digestive Function Analysis
    • Full Body Screening
    • Vitamin and Mineral (Nutritional Assessment)

    Usually we would recommend the Full Body Screening, as this includes allergies, hormones, and vitamins and minerals, and these may be of great importance in peptic ulceration.

    It is also important to assess digestive function and the bacterial balance in the bowel.   The Full Body Screening can give an insight into these factors, but it may also be necessary to carry out a Digestive Function Analysis.

    Anti-gliaden antibody test may also be recommended, as peptic ulceration  may occasionally resemble coeliac disease, and this should be excluded.

    What Advice Do You Get?

    The actual advice given depends on the results of the tests carried out.   Different treatments are required depending on these results.

    As we specialise in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, our treatments are based on this.

    Often in peptic ulceration it can be helpful to make certain dietary changes.   Often nutritional supplements are required to correct any vitamin and / or mineral deficiencies.   Herbal and homoeopathic medicines are often used,  and are most useful in helping to control the symptoms and relieve the condition.

    Other therapies, such as Acupuncture, Reflexology or Aromatherapy can also be helpful, and these form a part of our treatment recommendation when appropriate.   Counselling or Hypnotherapy may also be used.

    A comprehensive treatment programme – based on the therapies discussed above – is recommended following any tests carried out.

    How Successful Is Our Treatment?

    Our treatment programmes are usually very successful. We often succeed where others have failed.

    The reason for this is due to the tests carried out – which enables us to tailor the treatments according to the specific needs of the individual – and also due to the experience we have gained over the years together with the efficacy of our unique, specialised products – herbal, homoeopathic and nutritional.

    Individual treatment programmes may be complex, and may need some commitment to follow successfully.   Dietary changes together with a number of supplements, herbal and / or homoeopathic medicines to take every day, together with weekly treatments may be required for a period of at least 10 – 12 weeks.

    How Much Does it Cost?

    It is impossible to estimate the cost in any individual person, as the treatment recommended will vary from person to person.

    The tests that may be required also vary in cost, and further information may be found together with information relating to each specific test.

    The costs of individual therapies and products also differ, and you should refer to current price lists, or make enquiries at the Clinic.

    We always offer a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION, and further information regarding cost may be discussed at this time.

    © Better Health Limited 2003

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    0800 980 3447

    Products that may be particularly helpful in IBS include:

  • Pre-Biotic
  • Slippery Elm
  • J53
  • J53-C
  • Helpful tests include:

  • Allergy Test
  • Anti-Gliaden Antibody
  • Digestive Function Analysis
  • Full Body Screening
  • Vitamin and Mineral Test
  • What our patients say...

    " ."

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    The BEST System for allergy, and other testing Advanced specialised Herbal products Acupuncture - one of our many therapies One of our successful Electro-Magnetic Therapy patients Reflexology - another of our popular therapies