archif sioeau DALIER SYLW  production archive
i - gan Da;ier Sylw - llun ©ffotofictions

sioe :


awdur / author:

Jim Cartwright (cyfieithiad John A. Owen)

cyfarwyddwr / director: Eryl Huw Phillips

cynllun / design:

Lloyd Ellis


Iestyn Jones / Eiry Thomas


Tapestri lliwgar o bobl, yn gymysg oll i gyd, yn gweu trwy'i gilydd ar eu pererindod o fywyd.
Yr hen bobl yn llusgo byw hyd at y dropyn olaf o fywyd, yr ifanc anaeddfed ansicr, y canol oed ifanc ansicr chwantus a'r canol oed pathetig yn chwilio am hafan oddi wrth ei gilydd; ond yn gwybod hefyd mai dim ond gyda'i gilydd mae llonyddwch i'w ganfod wrth redeg yr yrfa flin.
Chwerthin, crio, damio, casau a nabod ein hunain.

mae'r ddrama yma ar gael yn ein casgliad o gyhoeddiadau.

adolygiadau / reviews:

"Jim Cartwright's two hander on the seemingly futile relationship between an un-named pub landlord and his wife is for the most part an Andy Capp-like look at the institution of marriage.
...With the minimum of lighting, the simplest of sets an unobtrusive directoral debut by Eryl Phillips, the whole production was a showcase for the talents of two actors , Iestyn Jones and Eiry Thomas. Both grasped the play's opportunities with relish, playing not only the central couple, but also the others who frequented the pub, making for a gallery of characters that ranged tremendously in age and temperement. Caricature rarely substituted for characterisation and only where appropriate for comic effect.
...The delivery veered from poignant monologue to broad farce and one of the highlights of the evening was a seaside postcard couple, consisting of a woman who liked her men big and the wimp to whom she was married. Such hilariously surreal intervals made the pathos of the play's climax all the more moving".
Nichole Sochor, Western Mail

dyddiadau / date:

Awst 1993