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Behavioural Intervention for Autism -

Our Experience in the UK






Why we chose Behavioural Intervention
What is Behavioural Intervention? A brief outline of what we understand behavioural intervention to be.
Use of videos and photos. How we have used these in our programme
How our Behavioural Therapy Programme is organised.
Paul's History and Progress. An outline of our son's development and how we think it has been affected by Behavioural Intervention.
Courses and Conferences. Any relevant courses or conferences that we come to our attention.
Useful Books. Books that we found useful.
UK Organisations for Behavioural Intervention
Internet Links. Some of the Internet Links we found useful.
Tutors wanted/offered. If you would like to advertise here you are welcome!
Training of Tutors. Why we think it is important that tutors are well trained
Other Therapies. Other therapies which we think might also be worth considering.




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Copyright © 1997 Education Exchange
Last modified: December 19, 1997