Listed below are terms used from day to day on the internet, both wordings and abbreviations. Click here for a print-friendly page showing abbreviated words without descriptions for fast use while gaming.

Verbal Terminologies

AFK ~ Away From Keyboard

Commonly used when called away from a game or chat to attend something in RL. Usually the event is unexpected, but the user will likely only be gone a few minutes unless otherwise specified.


Used by game Administrators and ranging from Kicking a trouble player from a server for a short specified time period, through to permanently banning the user and their IP address from using the gameing service again.

BBS ~ Be Back Soon

Similar to AFK, though in practice BBS tends to be used when someone expects to be pulled away from a game or chat, for example they may need to go to the shop. BBS also tends to be for a little longer than AFK.

CG ~ Crap Game

Rarely used, usually people will just leave the game if it's that bad, but on occasions you might hear someone express their displeasure at the game, usually because they feel they've played badly or because there are trouble players ruining it for others.

D ~ Defence

Most often used in reply to someone asking for a list of what everyone's doing in a team, or to let team members know a change of tactical positioning, eg. "Going D".

FFS ~ For Fuck's Sake

Used most often when killed by another player as an arrogant way of saying 'lucky bastard', or 'What's your problem', if it was an uncalled for death (PK'ing, team killing etc). Also used in most situations where sod's law comes into play.

GG ~ Good Game

Commonly used in any type of short-term game (strategy, FPS etc.) mainly if the opposition played well, but also used if you simply enjoyed the game or if there were no Llamas ruining it.

GL ~ Good Luck

Usually said to someone who is about to make a daring attack or assault. also used when saying bye to someone who may have a rocky road ahead.

GTG ~ Got To Go

When a player is forced to leave their game due to pressing matters in Real Life.

HPB ~ High Ping Bastard

Referring to a player who has a high ping (latency). Sometimes that ping would be anything of about 350 or 400+, but is usually reserved for those less fortunate who's pings consistantly push past the half second mark (500 ping). Can depend on the type of game, also.

IG~ In Game

The term for a player's character being actively in the game itself, with the player in full control.

K ~ Okay / Yes / Affirmative

Very commonly used, but pretty lazy, k is used in any situation where you are giving conscent or positive reinforcement.


Used by game Admins to disconnect a trouble player from the server. Sometimes a small time limit is set on how long before they can return, which is a minor ban.


Someone who deliberately plays bad, causes trouble, spams the chat channel PK's/TK's, or any other range of game-spoiling antics. Llamas are people classed in the category of those you'd love to bitch-slap should they magically appear in front of you :)

LOL ~ Laughs Out Loud

to show something was funny beyond simple hehe's and haha's, but perhaps not quite as side-splitting as to earn a 'rofl' or 'roflmao'.

LPB ~ Low Ping Bastard

Referring to a player who has an exceptionally low ping (latency), it can depend on the game type, but is widely used to describe anyone with a single or double figure ping of less than 100.

M8 ~ Mate

Also M8ey, common UK and Australian term for friend.

N ~ Negative / No

Negative is used when given an order in a team game which cannot be fulfilled, would definately be suicide and fruitless, or as a way of rejecting the current leadership, possibly in favour of a better idea or simply being mutinus. It is sometimes used as an abbreviation to 'No', but that is truely the Epitome of laziness.


Someone who is new and inexperienced in a game. Mere cannon fodder to an average player, Newbies usually haven't been playing any more than a few days.

NME ~ Enemy

Meaning any opposing force, whether that be a computer controlled hostile monster, or a hostile player character.

NP ~ No Problem

Most commonly used after helping someone. If you ever play a Medic in a Team Fortress style game, you'll have nightmares about conversations consisting of someone saying "thx", followed by your "np".

NS ~ Nice Shot

A Compliment payed to someone who makes an excellent shot or hit.

O ~ Offence / Oh

You might often hear someone say "Going o", as an example. Also another way of saying Oh in a conversation such as "Oh, for me? You shouldn't have" :)

OMG ~ Oh My God

Used to express surprise or wonderment. Commonly used by a player who has fallen victim to a lucky shot or a completely brilliant one. Also a term when lady luck has turned the other cheek.

OMW~ On My Way

Confirmation that you are either already on your way to the destination in question or will head there ASAP.

PK ~ Player Killer

A Player Killer (PK'er) is someone who deliberately kills other players simply to ruin their game or for self gain without going through the proper channels like most players. Each game has it's own set of unwritten rules as defined by the playing community as to what is termed as unfair or unacceptable killing.

PvP ~ Player Versus Player

Player vs. Player combat doesn't necessarily mean the players involved are all consensual to the fight or battle, but within the pre-defined boundaries set by the game and it's players, the conflict is acceptable. Examples of this would be found in Capture the Flag style games, where the object is to grab the enemy team's flag and take it to a certain point for a capture. Killing the opposing team/s is not only acceptable, but strongly encouraged. For MMORGP style games, acceptable PvP is situated exampled where teams, countries or realms are at war.

RL ~ Real Life

The term used to describe someone's life when not on the internet playing games.

ROFL ~ Rolling On the Floor Laughing

Also roflmao (Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Arse Off), it's an expression used to show that you found whatever someone just said, or whatever just happened, had you laughing hard and was greatly humerous, sometimes to the point of tears :)

TERM ~ Terminate

Don't expect Arnie to make an appearance, because Terminate (when someone is 'Termed') means their account has been delected, or at the very least deactivated pending an investigation, though the latter of the two is uncommon.

THX ~ Thanks

Very commonly used amongst younger net users, thanks needs no introductions. (I hope) :P

TK ~ Team Killer

Someone is a TK'er if they deliberately kill or damage members of their own team to give the opposing team an advantage. A classical scenario of a TK'ing Llama is someone who becomes frustrated at always losing against a member of an opposing team, so joins that team to ruin that player's game. Sometimes players accidently kill team members, which is a Team Kill, and can sometimes be difficult to decide whether it was intentional or not. Often people get mixed up on what defines a Team Killer to a Team Kill. Very similar to a PK'er in several ways.

TVM ~ Thanks Very Much

Rarely used, you might also hear tyvm (Thank You Very Much).

WB ~ Welcome Back

An informal way to acknowledge someones' return who has been away from their keyboard, or otherwise not in direct control of their in-game character.

WTF ~ What The Fuck?!

Similar to FS (for Fuck's Sake), it's an ignorant gaming way of saying "Something's not right there." or "How'd you get away with doing that?". It expresses that whatever you just did was a fluke or borders on the point of perhaps having some kind of Aimbot or other cheat to win over other players who consider themselves immortal. Can also be used in games to simply show that you feel unlucky with how something just turned out.

WTG ~ Way To Go

Most commonly used as a compliment for a job well done, especially in team games where a major defence or attack wave was overcome against the odds. WTG is also occasionally used in sarcasm, for example if a team member killed another team member by accident, but it proved detrimental to the overall success of the task at hand.


Heard anything and you're unsure of the meaning? Or perhaps you have some which aren't listed here. Please feel free to let me know :) thanks.

Andrew (Starfire21 / Reltrethan)