T.H.O.M.A.S. (Those on the Margins of a Society)
EDGES Magazine

Issue 44 INDEX May 2006

Editorial Comment Rev James McCartney introduces Issue 44
Why Me? David is currently serving a sentence at HMP Highdown, Surrey
I had my First Spliff when I was 9 years old Robert speaks to Edges, he is currently in our drug rehabilitation programme
While in prision I decided to change my life Dale speaks to Edges - he has been through our residential programme
Broken Relationships An article by Ann Slater, Assistant Editor of Edges
The Grieving Process Edges is grateful to the Two as One Network for this article
It was my fault - I made a mistake David Grant speaks to Edges, he is currently serving a sentence at HMP High Down, Surrey
A boy named Cliff A poem by Paul, a young offender at Lancaster Farms
Children absorb their Moral learning from Parents Lency Spezzano - is an author and psychologist
I had no fighting spirit left Rabbie speaks to Edges. He is currently in our residential programme
Prejudice Edges is grateful to the Institute of Psychiatry/ Maudsley Trust/Rethink Charity for this article
I started using drugs in a gang Scott speaks to Edges
Aren't we all guilty of looking the other way? An article by Paul Cullen.
What is happening to our ancient value of Love? Elaine Kennedy is part of the T.H.O.M.A.S. team
God on the Margins Rev John Michael Hanvey is part of the T.H.O.M.A.S. team
Women Escaping Domestic Violence Refuge without Borders. Stop Violence Against Women

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