Emulation eh?
Where would we be without it? Where would
all those classic games have got to if it
wasn't for the talents of some very
clever guys toiling away to bring you the
means with which to play 'em again?
Anyway, without wishing to get bogged
down in any of the many issues regarding
emulation, I'll just try to keep you
informed every now and again with what's
going down in the emulation scene, as
well as supplying a little information
about which are the better ones IMO, and
possibly uploading one or two games for
you to have a play with every once in a
while. Nothing too new, (wonderful as the
UltraHL64e is it does not really interest
me all that much, I'd prefer to be on
ZSnes with a couple of obscure Japanese
shooters anyday ..honest!) but hopefully
items of interest and value to anyone
interested in the history of Video
Gaming. I would also at some point like
to include a 'replay' archive for those
emulators that allow you to make in-game
'movies'. This would allow people to send
them in and show others what they are
made of as well as supplying play tactics
for beginners to certain titles. Watch
this space folks!
FILES 3rd June: PC8801 Thunderforce!!

Complete standalone Emu
pack! No emulator needed!
Read the 'how2play' text file for
instructions. Credits: Vitor (thanks
NEW FILES 9th May: SNES: Parodius
Mini-game (save state) from Goemon 2

NEW FILES 29th April: NES: Crisis Force
FILES 14th Nov: NES:
Gradius,Gradius 2, Lifeforce,Gyruss,Gunnac,Recca
Thanks to Claudio for the
NES roms!
Roms are held here on a temporary basis
only, and will be removed
after a period of time to make space for
new ones!