T.H.O.M.A.S. (Those on the Margins of a Society)
EDGES Magazine

Issue 16 INDEX
Main Stories

Editorial Father Jim introduces issue No 16 of Edges
Thanks for Saving Our Lives A brief report on the 1998 Edges Awards
Without you I would be dead Ryan says "Thankyou" to Father Jim and Edges
Home Secretary Praises our work Mr Jack Straw, Home Secretary, presenter of the Edges Personalities Awards (same page as above)
You have helped me a lot Another Award winner says"Thankyou"
We Remember Matty &Prisoners Corner Matty who will be in prision this Christmas and a poem from HMP Preston
From Prision to University Shewar, another Edges personality of the year tells his story
My Daughter is Missing Edges Magazines gives a voice to the mother of Ciara Breen
Living With HIV Con lives in Dublin and is Gay. He shares his thoughts on HIV
Gay andCatholic: An abomination Anthony lives in London and he recently spoke to Edges Magazine
Giving Support to my Dying Mother Jason, an heroin addict, speaks to us
An Irish Student reflects on Peace Michael is studying at Durham University
Homeless on the Streets of London this Christmas Our magazine gives London's Homeless a Platform to speak out
My Reckless Years Adele looks back on her life
I gave birth to ten children then went to University To mothers and grandmothers - Anne is an inspiration
Youth Lost Through Social Exclusion Our second Annual conference at Wolfson College
Our Mission Statement Edges magazine is the mouthpiece of THOMAS
The Church calls us to be Prophets Teresa Kennedy, a Presentation Sister, shares her thoughts on the Prophetic Church
Healing at the Brink of Death Of all the edges we finf ourselves on, death is the most perplexing and unfathomable.........Elaine Kennedy
Mum I'm Gay Sue Haley speaks on her Help line for parents of Gay children
A Lonely Passion John Hanvey who works with our organisation speaks about his experiences and thoughts.
Reconcile A brief introduction into our Reconcile project
They took me away from my parents when I was six Morris speaks of is experiences (same page as above)
Our Thoughts are with the Young this Christmas Several young people on the Edge of Society say a few words

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. Material Copyright © 1997 THOMAS (Those on the Margins of a Society)
THOMAS is an integral part of Catholic Welfare Societies, Registered Charity number 503102