One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4) Bayith Ministries
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May 2019 ~ This Month's Favourite Hymn
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
This magnificent hymn is sung with due gravitas, in both
Welsh and English,
1st The Queen's Dragoon
Guards, The Regimental Band, The Caerphilly Male Voice Choir.
Viewers' comments:
"This glorious hymn billows from the soul"
"A very beautiful, profoundly moving and stirring hymn. The choir sings
beautifully and magnificently.
Spiritually elevating and comforting for the soul.
The LORD GOD above is indeed the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth,
the Source of all Life and the Bread of Heaven. It is just glorious!"
Favourite Hymns and the Stories Behind Them
MERMAIDS: Transgender Indoctrination in Primary Schools
PETITION: I Stand With Soldier F | Tommy Robinson Back in Court 14th May 2019
Cambridge University: Reparations for Slavery? | Jihadist Massacre of Christians In Sri Lanka
Extinction Rebellion Protests | Greta Thunberg/Children's Climate Protests
UK Police State: Political Arrests: Melanie Shaw | BRINO: Brexit In Name Only
Secret Recording Exposes Transgender Indoctrination
in Church of England Primary School
"Who are 'Mermaids'? / Junk
Science and Fake Facts / Humans Are Just Like Animals
Criticising Transgender Ideology is 'Like Racism' / Forcing Teachers to Use
Trans Terminology
'Child-Led Social Transition'? / The Current Work of Mermaids / How to Be A
Trans Ally
'You Are All Now Honourary Mermaids - Whether You Want To be Or Not
Schools Should Follow the LGBT Calender / Shades of Communist Indoctrination
Mermaids Speaker Says She Doesn't Have to Listen to Criticism"
"A rare audio recording
[reveals] how the school brought in controversial trans lobby group Mermaids
to train staff and governors. The content of the training is deeply
"Keep Trans
Lobby Group Mermaids Out of Primary Schools"
Petition to: The Secretary
of State for Education
"[Mermaids] have been shown
to use bullying tactics to silence intelligent, reasonable questioning
of their ideological position by governors and others (including parents).
We call upon you to publicly recommend that this radical group is not invited to
train staff,
or guide policy in primary schools. Further, to order an urgent review into
their activities in schools.
We believe Mermaids should receive no further public funding until a full review
has been concluded"
"[They] became
vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ... Who changed the truth of
God into a lie ...
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind"
(Romans 1:18-32)
whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me,
it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck,
and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea"
(Matthew 18:6)
I Stand With Soldier F
"Stop the harassment of all
serving and ex-military personnel"
"We the people demand an immediate cessation of the politically motivated witch
hunts against our troops.
In particular, we find the Government-backed persecution of very elderly former
over matters that occurred in Northern Ireland almost 50 years ago to be
abhorrent, disrespectful and outrageous,
especially when hundreds of terrorists were pardoned and released under the Good
Friday agreement.
Yet our brave soldiers are now hounded and live in fear of being jailed"
Tommy's Court Appearance
A Consideration
"On 23rd May vote for Tommy
and send him to the European Parliament as MEP for North West England"
Tommy Robinson is Standing for MEP
in the North West Region
"I've spent a decade
fighting for Britain - especially for the forgotten people who have no voice ...
As a community activist, and then as a journalist, I've always fought for the
British people,
from the very first day I saw how our armed forces were abused on the street.
Now it's time to move that fight right into the heart of the EU itself.
If you elect me to the European Parliament, I'll represent you,
the working class of England"
"TR News is a truly
independent news site that reports the unreported news
to the forgotten people of Britain that the MSM refuse to publish"
to Send Tommy Robinson Back to Jail
The UK once believed in righteousness, justice,
and truth. No longer.
Now we are ruled by wicked, quisling, traitorous leaders who hate the good and love
The Unremitting Persecution of Tommy Robinson
"The despicable soviet
hellhole once renowned for its creation of the Common Law
is setting up the martyrdom of Tommy Robinson ...
Tommy's plight is limned in the outlines where once stood a now-vanquished
She has taken her scales and fled the blighted land that he chose to stand and
Political Arrest and Retrials:
May/Sept/Oct 2018 / March/May 2019
"If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,
when men rose up against us:
Then they had swallowed us up quick ... Then the waters had overwhelmed us ...
Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers:
the snare is broken, and we are escaped.
Our help is in the name of the LORD"
(Psalm 124)
Tommy Robinson's
Address to the Oxford University Students' Union in 2015:
Why I Started the English Defence League
Viewer's comment:
"What a powerful speech. What an eye opener too.
A huge thank you to the Oxford Union for allowing this when so many universities
are clamping down on anyone thinking differently to them.
Snowflake university society does this country no favours."
The Seven Stages of Tommy
"The thing about pint-sized Tommy Robinson is just how much he towers over
the privileged and powerful of our country ... [He] has shown himself to be not
only the bravest man in Britain
but even one of the bravest in our illustrious history of brave men.
Where are you in the Seven Stages of Tommy?"
Character. Courage.
"A large proportion of Brits know Tommy Robinson is right.
But to what degree do they share his conscience, his character, and his courage?
How many of them have heard, or will soon hear - and heed -
a voice inside telling them that they, too, have to do something?"
Robinson Arrested and Imprisoned (25 May 2018)
"They used to come in the middle of the
night ...
and throw you into the back of a van and drive you to some detention facility.
You may, or may not, get some kind of show trial ...
and then you would be whisked off to some gulag or concentration camp,
where you may survive, or you may not"
Tommy Robinson Interview Two Days Before His
Arrest (23 May 2018)
Tommy Robinson Interview (14 March 2018)
April/May 2019
Cambridge University:
Reparations for Slavery?
Cambridge, Slaves and the Truth
"Cambridge [University] ...
has announced a two-year inquiry into its historical links to the slave trade
and whether it should pay reparations..."
Cambridge Appoints Grievance Archaeologists
"If [the University
is] really diligent, they might come across the name of one William Wilberforce,
formerly an undergraduate at St John's College..."
"God Almighty has set before me two great
the suppression of the slave trade and the reformation of society"
"Thank God that I have lived to witness the
day in which England is willing to give £20 million
for the abolishment of
April 2019
Jihad in Sri Lanka
Jihadist Massacre of
Christians In Sri Lanka
Picture by Getty
"For this is the
message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.
Not as Cain, who
was of the wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him?
Because his own
works were evil, and his brother's righteous" (1 John 3:11-12).
Extinction Rebellion Protests
"Who is this that darkeneth counsel
by words without knowledge? ... I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast
"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and
cold and heat, and summer and winter,
and day and night shall not
cease" ... "by him all things consist"
(Job 38-41; Genesis 8:21-22; Colossians 1:15-17)
March/April 2019
Greta Thunberg / Children's Climate Protests
Brainwashing Pavlik Morozov
"The exploitation of
children to advance a political agenda"
Picture by Getty
What naïve
Greta Thunberg, XR 'protestors', and school children don't realise
is that they are being exploited as the elites'
to bring about Agenda 21...
United Nations Agenda 21
Agenda 21/2030, Local
A21, and Sustainable Development
"The planned global control of all land, assets, resources,
and people"
"The Future isn't bleak.
It's empty. It has nothing in it at all.
Grey boxes stacked behind grey doors in grey shops staffed by grey people ...
What's coming is a new Dark Age
... You know the worst part? An awful lot of people will just accept that
grey world.
They won't do anything about it at all and they will report any who try.
It's happened before in individual countries but this time it's global.
This time there is no wall to climb over"
Ode to Medway
the morning of Christmas, no sound in the street /
no cars off to work, no scurrying feet
to the Station or coach stop; Strood North was at peace /
for one or two days their labours would cease.
But warm in their beds, with their cars in their drives /
the councillors of Medway were not satisfied.
'We have a Plan to stick to - an Agenda have we!
And it must be in place by the year 2030...'"
UK: A Police State:
Political Arrests:
Melanie Shaw
Nottingham Beechwood children's home
child abuse survivor and whistleblower.
"Melanie Shaw, who is a survivor of abuse at a children's home in Nottingham
remains in a high-security prison with no substantive evidence against her
in a suspected cover-up by the establishment"
3rd April 2019:
Shaw Silenced: Sectioned Under Mental Health Act
"Her evidence prompted Operation Daybreak ...
she alleged politicians including British Cabinet Ministers at the time
were allegedly among the clients of a paedo brothel ...
[the] judge said ... it was necessary for public protection for her to be
Readers' comments:
"For the public's protection, judge? We know whose protection,
don't we?"
"How can she be a danger to the public? A danger to paedophiles hoping to stay
in positions of power more likely"
"And I do declare that no
Foreign Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate
hath or ought to have any
Power Superiority Preeminence
or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within
this Realm. So help me God"
[The Bill of Rights, 1689, Costin & Watson, The Law & Working of the
Constitution, Documents 1660-1914]
The Bill of Rights
has never been repealed. It is still in force.
Anyone who seeks to flout or subvert The Bill of Rights
- whether politician or layman - is guilty of treason.
David Cameron:
"Your Decision. Not Politicians. Not Parliament. Just You"
"If we vote to leave, we will leave. There'll
not be another renegotiation or another referendum"
is, if you vote to remain. Vote to leave and we will do everything in our power
to nullify the vote")
Extending Exit Day: Is It Lawful
or Did We Actually Leave the EU on 29th March?
29th April 2019
Pat Condell: Our Battle of Britain
"The UK's parliament needs
to be hosed clean.
Our freedom and democracy are being destroyed by corrupt politicians.
We are custodians of this democracy, not its owners.
We have no right to weaken it for future generations,
any more than we have the right to leave them poisoned water or air...
The purpose of the EU is to destroy the nation state
and to transform Europe from a rich and diverse continent of sovereign nations
into a single homogenous political bloc governed by ... unelected bureaucrats
who think they know best.
And they think we're so docile and thick that we'll just roll over and accept
April 2019:
HoL and Queen Rubber Stamp Law
Stopping No Deal [WTO] Brexit
What is there to say?...
April 2019:
"Woe to her that is filthy
and polluted, to the oppressing city!
She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction;
she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.
Her princes within her are roaring lions;
her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.
Her prophets are light and treacherous persons:
her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law ...
the unjust knoweth no shame ... they rose early, and corrupted all their doings"
(Zephaniah 3:1-7)
April 2019:
Judgment or Mercy
"An incredible battle is
raging over Britain.
It is raging in the heavenlies above, and on the earth below, where it is
centred upon our Parliament.
Our MPs are in total disarray, fighting each other and not understanding the
Few of them realise that they are being driven by the powers of darkness
intent on destroying this great nation that has turned its back upon God
and despised its spiritual heritage..."
3rd April 2019:
Extraordinary Speech:
Gerard Batten Slams the EU
Viewers' comments:
"Finally an Englishman we can be proud of"
"A brilliant speech [in] that house of sham and shame"
"Well said Gerard Batten, thank you" / "Thankyou for standing up for Britain"
April 2019:
Cooper/Letwin EU
(Withdrawal)(No5) Bill
Passed by 313 votes to 312 at 11.30pm
The aim of this bill is to force Theresa May
to seek an extension of Article 50
and prevent No Deal (i.e. WTO/Actual) Brexit.
April 2019:
"With [the LORD] is
wisdom and strength, He hath counsel and understanding.
Behold, He breaketh down, and it cannot be built again:
He shutteth up a man, and there can be no opening ...
the deceived and the deceiver are His.
He leadeth counselors away spoiled, and maketh the judges fools.
He looseth the bond of kings ... and overthroweth the mighty ...
He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them:
He enlargeth the nations, and straineth them again.
He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people ...
and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way.
They grope in the dark without light, and He maketh them to stagger like a
drunken man"
(Job 12:13-25)
30th March 2019:
Never Find A More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
"Traitors to the left of me,
Quislings to the right. Here I am still stuck in the EU..."
March 2019:
Brexit Betrayal
"Today at 11.01pm GMT the
champagne corks should have been popping.
There should have been dancing in the streets. EU flags should have been
Tonight, we should have been OUT, the long road from our victory on June 23rd
should finally have come to an end. Instead..."
March 2019:
Withdrawal Agreement: 3rd 'Meaningful Vote'
Defeated by 344 votes to 286
means that, legally and constitutionally,
today at 11pm the UK should be OUT of the EU
on World Trade Organisation (aka 'No Deal') Terms
Leaving the EU on WTO Terms
aka: 'No Deal' / Repeal of ECA 1972
"Leaving on WTO
Terms is nothing to be frightened of.
It's how we trade with the US, it's how we trade with other countries ...
and we
can trade with the EU on that basis ...
When you speak to people who voted to leave they said they voted to leave - they
didn't vote for a deal.
That I think has to be delivered to ensure the 17.4 million votes are respected"
[Jacob Rees-Mogg, 16 January 2019]
That Cromwell Moment...
"The simple truth is that we never voted for 'a
It is a matter of fact that 'a deal' was not on the 2016 Ballot paper"
March 2019:
"Hear now this, O foolish
people, and without understanding;
which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not ...
this people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart ...
Their houses are full of deceit ... yea, they overpass the deeds of the wicked
Shall I not visit for these things? saith the LORD:
shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?"
"...a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not;
they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house ...
I will bring [them] to Babylon to the land of the Chaldeans ...
And they shall know that I am the LORD,
when I shall scatter them among the nations, and disperse them in the countries
they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they
and they shall know that I am the LORD"
(Jeremiah 5:21-31 / Ezekiel
March 2019:
Unconstitutional: Mr Martin Howe QC
on Ms May's Brexit Betrayal
"The EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018 governs our exit from the EU. It says that 'exit
day' will be on March 29.
After that day, the ECA 1972 - which gives effect to EU treaty obligations in UK
domestic law - will be repealed.
But the 2018 Act also allows 'exit day; to be changed - by a special piece of
legislation called a SI -
so long as a draft of the SI is approved by a vote in each House of
"Come, come! We have had enough of this! I
will put an end to your prating! It is not fit
that you should sit here any longer! You have sat
too long here for any good you have been doing lately.
You shall now give place to better men! ... You call
yourselves a Parliament. You are no Parliament; I
say you are no Parliament! ... living in open contempt
of God's Commandments. Following your own greedy
appetites, and the Devil's Commandments ... Corrupt
unjust persons; scandalous ... Depart, I say; and let us
have done with you. In the name of God, - go!" [Oliver Cromwell, addressing the Nominal Rump Parliament of England on Wednesday, 20th April 1653, quoted in Thomas Carlyle, Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, (London, 1888), Part VII, pp.329-331]. |
24th March 2019
A Failure of the Social Contract?
"For over 40 years,
Parliament excluded any meaningful debate about the trajectory of the EU
and the UK's membership of that institution. The received wisdom was and,
to an evidently large extent today, remains that the EU is a 'good thing'..."
24th March 2019
Brexit Betrayal - Treachery or Treason?
"A study of the past 60
years of history involving deception of the British Electorate
and repeated attempts to take back Parliamentary Sovereignty.
Examination of the attempts to thwart Brexit in 2019"
"May God Save Britain"
Withdrawal Agreement - It's Not Just the Backstop
"[O]f far more serious concern are the articles
which seek to tie the UK to the EU's military projects after March 29th.
The arrangements appear as proposals in the Political Declaration, and little is
said about defence in the WA itself,
but there is sufficient detail to give away what appears to be an attempt to
bypass Parliament in the shape of a future defence treaty,
to be signed after Brexit Day using ministerial, or 'prerogative' powers
delegated by the Crown.
The foundations for this future treaty are clearly being
"The Queen's Majesty hath the chief
power in this realm of England and other her dominions,
unto whom
the chief government of all estates in this realm,
whether they be
ecclesiastical or civil, in all causes doth appertain,
and is not
nor ought to be subjected to any foreign jurisdiction"
Thirty Nine Articles of Religion ... as by Law Established,
Article 37].
"And I do declare that no
Foreign Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any
Power Superiority Preeminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within
this Realm. So help me God"
[The Bill of Rights, 1689, Costin & Watson, The Law & Working of the
Constitution, Documents 1660-1914]
"The political establishment
is doing everything it can to scupper Brexit
and the British people are being bombarded with anti-Brexit propaganda daily.
To add insult to injury we have a PM who prostrates herself at every opportunity
in front of other world leaders.
The solution to this mess and to deliver on the referendum decision is to repeal
the 1972 ECA
and get Britain out and trading on WTO terms at the earliest opportunity"
[Gerard Batten, Leader of UKIP, 17th December 2018]
"Many analogies were made before the
referendum about the children of Israel crying out to God for
deliverance from Egypt.
Well, I am reminded that after they
had been released, that wasn't the end of the matter:
the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants was turned against the
people, and they said,
"Why have we done this, that we have let
Israel go from serving us?"'
Sound familiar? The whole force of Egypt went out after these
freed people, determined to bring them back under their power.
[Pharaoh] pursued them and suddenly [the people of Israel] found
they were left with nowhere to turn;
with the Red Sea before them and the power of Egypt behind them, seeking to
bring them back under their control ...
'"Fear ye not, stand still, and see the
salvation of the LORD, which he will show you today ...
shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace"' ...
The way forward may seem unclear to us, but we know for sure, God
can direct our paths if we seek His direction.
Whatever people
say and do in the coming days, let us pray for God's direction and
for His decision to stand"
[Dave Borlase, IFB]
UKIP Leader Gerard Batten Speaks to the European Parliament
"Mr President, we've seen two and
half years of an elaborate political charade,
based on an entirely false premise, which is that you can't leave the European
Union without a deal.
There never was going to be a deal, there never is going to be a
We've seen Mrs May and her emissaries go back and forth to Brussels in order to
reach a WA that nobody wants.
The Remainers don't want it because they don't want to leave.
The Leavers don't want it because under it we don't really leave.
What is the purpose of it all?
It is to wear the British people down to the extent where they accept defeat and
and the result of the referendum is overturned ...
In three days Mrs May has to come up with a Plan B.
Well the good news is there is a Plan B which should have been Plan A in the
first place,
which is to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act, leave the EU under our
and then tell you how we are going to repeal and amend 45 years and tens
and tens of thousands
of bits of legislation under our priorities and in our
[Gerard Batten, 16 January
"The origin of the English Constitution |
"The constitutional, legal, political and practical means |
History of the European Union
Articles, Quotes, Videos/YouTubes,
Books, Historical Documents
Urgent Message to All British
Concerning the History of the EU and Agenda 21
Viewer's comment:
"Those who died to give us the freedom
we enjoy today were all in vain if we stay in"
Some Questions for Remainers
Concerning our Sovereignty, our Justice,
our Finances, our Guests.
Rape Gangs | UN Global Compact for Migration | Asia Bibi
The Rotherham et al Rape Gangs
"If you see evil, you confront it, you oppose it. You certainly speak about
it" (Tommy Robinson, 23 May 2018)
Accrington, Aylesbury, Banbury, Barking, Birmingham, Blackburn,
Blackpool, Bolton, Bournemouth, Bradford, Brierfield, Bristol, Buckinghamshire,
Burton-on-Trent, Bury, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chesham, Colchester, Coventry, Derby,
Dewsbury & Batley, Dudley, Essex, Glasgow,
Great Norton,
Halifax, Harlow, Hayes, Huddersfield, Ipswich, Keighley, Kent, Leeds,
Leicester, Leigh, Littlehampton, Liverpool,
London (Bethnal Green, Finsbury Park, Hackney & London Fields, Harrow,
Kensington, Mile End, Whitechapel),
Manchester, Middlesbrough, Nelson, Newcastle, Nottingham, Oldham, Oxford,
Peterborough, Preston, Plymouth,
Rochdale, Rotherham, Sandwell, Scunthorpe, Sheffield, Shrewsbury, Skipton, Slough,
South Shields, Stevenage,
Stockton, Stoke-on-Trent, Sunderland, Telford, Torquay, Toxteth, Walsall,
Wolverhampton, Yeovil...
The Rotherham et al Rape Gangs
"But What About the
A few months ago, I had a brief conversation with a social worker
concerning children caught up in the State 'care' system,
the Rotherham et al
rape gangs, the respective roles of Social Services and parents,
various other aspects of the State's assistance (at least, as the State sees it)
of families in recent decades.
Because our chat was necessarily very
brief, I subsequently revisited in a little more depth some of the topics we'd
touched upon,
collating them into a letter to the social worker concerned, of
which these two documents are just a part.
14th April 2019
Leftists Hijack Asian Anti-Grooming Conference
conference topic was grooming gangs and child sexual exploitation.
The event was run by and targeted at the Asian community, had over 400
and was important because it was ...
the UK's first major Asian conference on grooming gangs and CSE..."
Let Us Give Thanks to Our Many Multi-Cultural
"I would like to dedicate this weekend's blog
to those wonderful people who have selflessly left their own countries
and endured so many personal sacrifices in order to travel to Britain and enrich
our life here
in once boring, safe, peaceful mono-cultural Britain"
Britain's Liberal Elite Still in Denial About Muslim Rape Gangs
"Another gang of
mostly Muslim Pakistani thugs in the north of England (Huddersfield, this time)
has been jailed for raping hundreds of mostly underage white girls. But that's
only half the story..."
UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, Regular Migration
Signed in Morocco in December 2018?
The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, Regular Migration
"The permanent normalisation of illegal immigration"
Global Compact for Migration
Global Impact on Western Civilisation
"The Global Compact on Migration creates
favourable routes for Islamic migration.
Thus, it is essential to know the Islamic political principle of hijra (Islamic
Hijra follows the example set by Mohammed and referred to in the Koran.
Hijra is socially and economically beneficial to Islam.
If not resisted by legal means, it is the way to gradually annihilate
the non-Islamic host culture and replace it with an Islamic civilisation"
The UN Pact Encourages Islamic Migration
and Will Lead to Annihilation of Western Culture
"This UN Migration Compact is an
attempt to make hijra (Islamic migration) a human right,
while at the same time undermining a nation's sovereignty.
All Western nations should withdraw unless their goal is to establish Sharia"
Traitor Theresa Signing Global Migration Pact
is Moral Blackmail and National Suicide
"Theresa May has decided to sign the UK to
the UN Global Compact ...
this coincides with [her] attempt to put a permanent end to the UK's Sovereignty
in the HofC ...
She has hailed her terrible Withdrawal Agreement as delivering an end to free
movement of people from the EU,
but has agreed to sign the UK to the UN Compact which regularises mass migration
from the whole world"
No to Marrakesh!
The UN's Sinister Blueprint for Globalist Migration Hell
"'Marrakech C'est Non!' says one of
the banners wielded by the Gilet Jaunes at the protests in Paris this
... the UN conference in Marrakesh where the world's nations are being asked to
sign away their sovereignty,
their freedoms and their identity in one of the most pernicious agreements ever
devised by the UN"
The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact
"A disaster for Western countries which
virtually eliminates property rights and free speech,
enshrining the right for everyone to enter Western countries and live off the
UN's Global Compact for Migration Expands on Hate Speech
to Criminalise Criticism of Migration
"ENF Press conference with Marcel de Graaf,
Nicolas Bay, ENF Group Leaders, and Gerolf Annemans"
"'Hate Speech' is being used to silence opinions that go against the new world
"Migration is not a human right. Defending your homeland is"
Please see also these webpages for
articles and videos discussing
the following related and very
relevant subjects:
The Tower
Of Babel: Globalism vs Nationalism
Migrant Crisis: The Great Replacement
Multiculturalism, Immigration, Racism
UN Report: Replacement Migration: Is It
Solution...? (2000)
The Barcelona Declaration (1995)
The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan
October/November/December 2018
/ January 2019
In stark contrast to the UN's disgraceful 'Global Compact' above is the sad case
of a real refugee...
Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother, was convicted of 'blasphemy' in 2010
and has since been on death row
simply for sharing a bucket of water with her Muslim co-workers as they picked
farm crops together in June 2009.
Praise God, her conviction has now been overturned, but Islamic radicals are
still screaming for her death.
Neither she nor her family are safe in Pakistan and desperately need sanctuary
in the West.
Why There's No Feminist Outrage Over Asia Bibi
"Asia seems an ideal candidate for
politically-correct 'virtue-signalling' today.
She's a farm labourer, not a powerful business man. She's a woman living in a
state where women are second-class citizens.
And she's a member of a persecuted minority - Christians in a fundamentalist
Islamic nation.
And that's where the difference lies. Somehow Christianity is an embarrassment
to people
living in lands where they owe their freedom to the Christian ideals of the
No Sanctuary for a Christian in the UK
"It seems that [Asia Bibi's] only chance of survival lies
with an offer of sanctuary by a foreign country.
If she is denied
this the chances are the Islamist [sic] mobs baying for her blood in
Pakistan will kill her. So this is literally a case of life and death
[but] despite the fact
that hundreds of thousands of Pakistani Muslims are welcomed in the
UK, one Pakistani Christian is denied access.
This is how cowered
and morally bankrupt the UK Government has become..."
Why Don't We Want Her? Because She's Christian?
"A real refugee! Now we have a case of a real refugee who
needs help - a refugee who is genuinely threatened for her beliefs
why haven't there been 'Aasia Welcome' protests across
Western Europe? Is it because Aasia Bibi is a Christian?
Is it
because Aasia Bibi doesn't come from the elites' favourite
"Praise God for the
Supreme Court's acquittal of Aasia Bibi, parting the sea (Exodus
for her release in the face of threats and opposition - an answer to nearly a
decade of faithful prayer from believers around the world.
Pray that the Almighty will be a refuge for Aasia, keep her safe from danger
and be a fortress against those who would seek to harm her or her family (Psalm
Lift up in prayer Christian communities in Pakistan who face the threat of
violence as mobs mass on the streets in protest.
Ask that the Lord will defend His people on every side, lifting them to
safety, and thwart the malignant plans of evil (Job 5:11-12)"
[Barnabas Fund].
"Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God:
defend me from them that rise up against me"
(Psalm 59:1)
are many, many others, also persecuted by Islam, who desperately need us to pray for them...
"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them;
and them which suffer adversity,
as being yourselves also in the body"
(Hebrews 13:3)
The Migrant Crisis:
The Great Replacement
al-Hijrah: "The migration to, and eventual
takeover of, foreign places following the example of Mohammed"
"Muhammed was once a refugee taken in by the Jewish city of Medina.
Within 5 years he had driven out, executed, or enslaved every Jew there"
"The 'refugees' are 70% males under the age of 30.
They aren't refugees, they are jihadists heading off to war"
"We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant
victory in Europe -
without swords, without guns, without conquest - will turn it into a Muslim
continent within a few decades"
The Rape Jihad
"Women of Europe must understand what is
happening here ... This is a truly brutal hatred of women
that demands we are slaves and absolutely believes it has the right to rape
women who don't submit.
The men think of women in this way because that is where they come from, that is
what they know ...
It's true, women are abused everywhere, but in most countries it's against the
In Islamic states, it is the law"
"You can avoid reality but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality"
Female Genital Mutilation
"We must not pussyfoot around FGM and child marriage,
but confront them and prevent them"
FGM: The God
Who Hates
"FGM upsets me. It really upsets
me that these little girls, so precious in the sight of God - the true
God -
are being tortured and butchered ... Can we be so casual concerning it?"
"And he will be a wild man; his hand will
be against every man"
"that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the land, to possess
the dwelling places that are not theirs.
They are terrible and dreadful ... They shall come all for violence ... imputing
this his power unto his god"
"Where he remains there will be death and suffering. He will kill because it is
all he can do.
He has nothing else to offer the world, his own kind, or the Creator"
Breeding Children for Terror
"There is now more than enough evidence
that Islam is not a religion of life but a religion of death,
and denying this fact is now becoming very logically and morally difficult
YOUTUBE: Muslim Agenda [in the UK] Exposed by Ex-Labour MP
UK's Demographic Transition to an Islamic State
"In what year will the UK have a Muslim majority? ... The time to wake up is
The Religion of
"The truth of an idea is never determined by
desire ...
Sometimes the truth isn't comfortable. Sometimes the truth offends.
But it is far better that we offend others with the truth than lose our own
Political Correctness
Identity Politics / Cultural Marxism / Progressivism /
Post-Modernism / Intersectionality / Moral Relativism / Critical Theory /
Social Justice / Speech & Thought Control / Totalitarianism / Fascism /
"Woe unto them that call evil
good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that
put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!"
(Isaiah 5:20-21)
Cultural Marxism's "Long March
Through The Institutions" of Western Civilisation
"We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks" [Willi Munzenberg, The
Frankfurt School]
Creation of racism offences / Continual change
to create confusion / Teaching of sex and homosexuality to children /
Undermining of schools' and teachers' authority / Huge immigration to destroy
(national) identity /
Promotion of excessive drinking / Emptying of churches / An unreliable legal
system with bias against victims of crime /
Dependency on the state or state benefits / Control and dumbing down of the
media /
Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
Programmes of Treason
"There are eight levels of control that
must be obtained before [it is possible] to create a social state:
Healthcare; Poverty; Debt; Gun Control; Welfare;
Education; Religion; Class Warfare"
Common Purpose
Leading Beyond Authority
to Implement the Long March Through the Institutions via:
the Government, Political Parties, Parliament, the Civil Service, Local and District
Councils, Government Offices of the Regions (i.e. EU),
Regional (i.e. EU) Councils and Assemblies, Regional (i.e. EU) Development Agencies, Police Forces,
Judiciary and the Legal System,
Social Services, Education and Academia, Youth Initiatives, Charities, Quangos,
NGOs, the NHS, the Trade Unions,
the Church of England, the Press and Establishment/Mainstream Media - especially the BBC,
and numerous other Social
Justice Warriors...
The State as Parent
"The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to
get at the children,
to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families,
and indoctrinate them in their rulers' view of the world"
Withdraw Thy Foot...
"Strong and stable families are the foundation
of a strong and stable society,
and the destruction of families inevitably leads to the destruction of society
and thence the nation ...
Social Services 'professionals' and 'experts' truly think their own families,
their own children,
their own parenting methods, are safe from state interference and state control.
Today, it is true, they are..."
Children in the State
A few months ago, I had a brief conversation with a social worker
concerning children caught up in the State 'care' system,
... the respective roles of Social Services and parents,
various other aspects of the State's assistance
(at least, as the State sees it)
of families in recent decades.
Because our chat was necessarily very
I subsequently revisited in a little more depth some of the topics we'd
touched upon,
collating them into a letter to the social worker concerned, of
which this document is just a part.
The State as Parent: Institutionalised Child
"Above all things, the child needs
protecting from the State"
"Parents have a prior right to choose the kind
of education that shall be given to their children"
[UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) Article 26]
"In the past 125 years, social engineers have
sought to keep [Western] life under tight central control.
Compulsory schooling is a deliberate effort to establish intellectual, economic,
and political conformity
so that society can be managed efficiently by a technocratic elite"
"I will make of thee a great nation, and I
will bless thee ...
and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed"
"Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep"
"As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about His
from henceforth even forever"
Restoration of Israel
"Restoration of the Language ... the People
... the Land ... the Nation
... the Capital ... the Environment ... the Faith"
British Taxpayers Funding 'Lessons in Hate' at Palestinian Schools
"British taxpayers aided salaries of officials
who teach children jihadi virtues ...
Plays put on at schools have even included pupils staging mock executions [of
Israeli soldiers] ...
Terrorists - including Dalal Mughrabi, who led the 1978 'Coastal Road Massacre'
in which 38 Israelis including 13 children were murdered on a bus - are
described as 'heroes'."
Universal Children's Day
"On the occasion of Universal
Children's Day -
here's a taste of what the Palestinian Authority teaches Palestinian children"
Dwelling Place
"A song based on King David's
declaration in Psalm 132
that he wouldn't let himself rest until he had made a dwelling place for the
Written by Sarah Begaj, filmed by
Ruth Hill
Gospel Insights
Simple Scriptural Truths
about the Christian Faith and the believer's walk with the Lord.
Favourite Hymns
and Songs
The hymns and songs
chosen here are all ones which focus on God the Father and on the Lord Jesus
and on what He has done for us on the cross, what He does for us as we walk with
Him day by day,
and His eventual return in glory to take us home to be with Him. They are hymns
and songs which words are rich in doctrine and biblical truth,
which music soars our spirits and restores our souls, which melodies
are simple and beautiful, contemplative and rousing,
and which are easily learned and remembered thus enabling truly joyous corporate
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One thing have I desired
of the LORD, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in
the house of the LORD all the days of my life ~ Psalm
© 2001-2019, Elizabeth McDonald