Your Spectrum
Issue 1, January 1984
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Home Contents
Frontlines Battle of the Tapes (16/48, Spectrum Computing)
Spectrum & QL News SinclairWatch
Interface 2, Issue 3 Spectrum, Microdrives, Flat screen TV, ZX84
Software Reviews Spectrum Soft
With Spectrum software packages abounding, Ron Smith casts his sardonic eye over some of the latest titles. 3D Strategy, Airliner, Bugaboo, Chequered Flag, Escape MCP, Galactic Abductor, Gridrunner, Manic Miner, Missile Defence, Quackers, Race Fun, Slap Dab, Smuggler's Cove, Traxx, Velnor's Lair, Wild West Hero, Woods of Winter, Xadom.
Software Features Go-Faster! - Courting Compilers - Flirting with Forth
Looking for an alternative to Basic? Steve Mann comes up with some possibilities.
Hardware Features Talk to Me, Oh MicroSpeech!
Maggie Burton has a quiet tete a tete with Currah's new MicroSpeech device. One of the great things about speech synthesis add-ons is that, for one reason or another, they usually give your computer an unrivalled capacity to make people laugh. Maggie Burton discovered that Currah Computer Components' MicroSpeech turned out to be no exception.
Spectrolysis - DIY Spectrum keyboard buffer
Adding a keyboard upgrade to your Spectrum? Do it yourself ... with Stephen Adams. Frigging with the rigging is not as difficult as you might at first think. Stephen Adams gives comprehensive instructions on linking the Spectrum to an alternative keyboard, via its rear expansion port.
Programming Machine Code Breakout!
YS scoops a little bit of computer history with Toni Baker's machine code RESET. Once upon a time machine code gave rise to infinite loops. If such a loop was encountered then there was absolutely nothing you could do about it except pull the plug out and start again. Now, however, those sorry days are gone as, exclusively for readers of this magazine, Toni Baker presents one of the most important Spectrum discoveries ever made. Learn from her the secrets of Spectrum RESET.
(letter), (letter)
Routine Stuff: Moving Graphics of the Horizontal Kind
Speed up your arcade games with machine code - the Toni Baker way! Every now and again you may feel an uncontrollable urge to write some sort of computer program. (There is no known cure for this compulsion, although it has been suggested that long holidays in the countryside might possibly do the trick.) But for instance, what do you do if you want to scroll the screen sideways and haven't the foggiest idea where to start? Well, forget phoning the Samaritans because Toni Baker is about to suggest that one answer to many of your problems lies in machine code.
Miscellaneous Features "sp(ee)ki(ng) of spe(ck)t(rr)ums"
The software engineer behind the Currah MicroSpeech unit, Mark Anson, explains the 'i(nn)s and (ow)(tt)s' of speech synthesis.
Broadening Your Communications Spectrum
Communication is what it's all about, and here is John McNulty to tell you all about it.
Reader's Programs Play Power
Three anotated listings all ready for you to pop into your Spectrum. Settle down to your ZX Spectrum and get those fingers ready for some typing. Your Spectrum is proud to present two programs prepared by Michael Scott and Gavin Monk, and a Wild West adventure specially adapted for us by Artic Computing.
Sir Clive (Michael Scott), Showdown (Artic Computing), Gnashers (Gavin Monk).
Books Paperdata
It's easy to feel that the glut of computing books forgo the rudiments of the craft and settle for lots of games for the frogger freak. But, asks Alan Jowett, coulld it be that the authors of these texts ignore a rather vital question. What is a book?
Computer Programming Course, Design and Memory, First Steps with Your Spectrum, ZX Spectrum and How To Get The Most From It.
Interviews David Potter (Psion)
Everyone's heard of Psion. But what about the faces behind the corporation? Phil Manchester deals some tough questions.
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