Art Group
Cycling Group
Drama Group
Footpath Group
Ladies Guild
Lions Club
Lost & Found
Memorial Hall
Mother's Union
Neighb'd Plan
Neighb'd Watch
Oakley Wood
Parish Council
Residents Ass'n
Scouts & Guides
Village Directory
Village Shop
Womens Institute
Youth & Community Centre
Saturday 9th November 2024
From 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Admission by ticket only.
Over 16 years, £8
Under 16 years, £5
Family ticket (two over 16, and two under 16) £24
Tickets available from Barford Village Shop or via Parentpay
Bar, hot food, sweet treats, chocolate tombola.
Everyone is welcome.
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Friends Association of Barford School (FABS)
The aim of FABS is to help the school as much as possible by raising funds to purchase educational resources. The FABS committee is made up from a group of parents giving whatever time they can spare to organise fund raising events for the school. All parents automatically become members upon their children starting at the school, and are welcome to attend any FABS meetings.
FABS organise a variety of events during the school year. The money they raise is used to provide resources or exciting opportunities for all of the pupils in school. It was decided many years ago that we would use the money so it would impact on every child in the school rather than being distributed towards individual classes and this works very well.
Below is an example of some of the items FABS have purchased:-
- 20 chrome books (Tablets)
- 10 iPads
- 6 Kindles
- 20 Laptops
- 2 computer storage cabinets
- Assessment books across the whole school in reading, spelling, grammar, maths and science
- Reading books for KS1
- Coach travel for the Pantomime and school trips
- Treats at Christmas
- Christmas entertainment for Pre-School, Reception and KS1
- Interactive Whiteboards in some of the classes
- Contributions towards the astro turf on the front play ground
- Flip video cameras
- A camera for each classroom
- Role Play Equipment for the Early Years
This is just in the past few years. As you can see it makes a huge difference to the resources for our children and as a school it makes us quite unique.
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FABS 100 Club
The 100 Club has raised thousands of pounds for the school since its launch in 1997.
THANK YOU! to everyone who has supported
the Club, especially our 35 founding
We have a few numbers available at the moment, at £12.00 each, for anyone who would like to join and support the school. Please contact the 100 Club co-ordinator for details.
Philippa Mitchell,
Co-ordinator, FABS 100 Club
c/o Barford St Peter's C of E Primary School,
Church Street,
CV35 8EW
to e-mail the webmaster with your name, address
and phone number and he'll put you in touch with FABS.
Many thanks and GOOD LUCK!
Philippa Mitchell, co-ordinator
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