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Commentary on activity in our three parishes and may also contain information, which has not yet passed before the full JPC, in which electors may have an interest, all written from the perspective of the JPC, responsible to all three parishes.

The official minutes are written by the Clerk and RFO of the Council, and are not moderated by anyone prior to their approval at a subsequent meeting. Copies of the official minutes are available on this website.

Updated July 2024


The JPC Staffing Working Party has been very busy since last month and has now appointed a new Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer, Ms Helen DEXTER. Helen has a wealth of experience in financial matters having trained with a bank and has also worked subsequently in private companies. She currently works in a hospice administration and will be continuing that role alongside working for the JPC.

We have conducted a successful induction session and she sat in on the June JPC. She and James Johnson will technically share the role until Helen takes charge of the July 8th meeting, with James at her side. From that point she will be our functional Clerk until and beyond the point when James retires at the end of August.

We are confident that Helen will be a great success and we are looking forward to working with her.

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Repair works have stalled, despite issuing a new contract, as we have had delays in getting a Scaffolding Licence (for erection on part of the public highway – the pavement!) and appropriate insurance cover for such works. Things are now falling into place and it is hoped that the work will take place in July.

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It is over five years since our last HNS and to remain current it must be repeated. The survey has a strict basic format and must register NEED, as opposed to simple aspiration, particularly where any aspiration is impractical, unaffordable or not related to an actual HOUSING need – therefore the wish for a larger garden, a couple of acres of paddock or an oversize house will not be included. What can be included is the need for more bedrooms for growing families and the need to downsize for older residents.

The survey covers all forms of residence, both private and social sectors and rental and purchase. We will be using the standard questionnaire plus some additions to clarify the needs for (or not) the provision of age-related housing as identified in Policy B3 of the Barford Neighbourhood Development Plan. Please watch out for the survey which will probably arrive in September and do complete it to help us achieve the correct types of housing in the future.

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Following the revelations at Barford we have now looked at the Sherbourne shelter, where the roof is much better, although still in need of some roof repairs. More seriously there are problems in the wooden framework and also in the infill panels and soffits. We will get quotations in due course and report back.

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Concern has been raised recently about the lack of liability cover for allotment holders in the event of anyone being injured or suffering damage on an individual allotment plot.

Such cover is available from the National Allotment Society, on either an individual or group basis and it has been resolved for the JPC to subscribe to the NAS scheme to ensure all allotment holders are covered, in addition to the standard Public Liability cover held by the JPC itself.

Cost is modest at currently £3 per plot and this will be recovered within the rentals on an ongoing basis.

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Very sadly, recently, we suffered a further attack on the toilet block, with excrement smeared on the internal door surfaces.

This is a horrendous thing for other members of the public to find and for our cleaner to have to deal with and will not be tolerated. It will be well known that we have extensive CCTV coverage operating in that area and the culprit is seen very clearly arriving and leaving the site, and is incriminated beyond all doubt.

The matter was promptly reported to the POLICE and home visits and advice followed. In this case the culprit cannot be named and shamed for legal reasons, but everyone should be fully aware that the JPC will not hold back when it detects any form of Antisocial Behaviour or vandalism on its public property. Our CCTV is watching 24/7 and is VERY high-definition… It will however only be interrogated when crime dictates it.

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It is great to see the field being used more in the “better” weather and good to see that we get lots of visitors who really appreciate our facilities.

It would assist us enormously if when you stage parties and picnics at KGF if you could take as much of your rubbish and bottles home with you as possible. Bottles, pizza boxes and chip boxes in particular tend to fill the bins very quickly and leave them unavailable for others with more “casual” rubbish and dog waste.

We patrol the field regularly and try to stay ahead of the bin situation, but we cannot always predict when they will suddenly be filled. Your help in this would be much appreciated.

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We can often send out timely reminders, updates and notices direct to your email in boxes. If you do not already receive these AND WOULD LIKE TO DO SO click here to send an e-mail please contact John Murphy so that you can be added to the circulation list.

The list will not be shared with others, will be sent out as Bcc (so not revealing your email) and will only be used for matters which should reasonably interest/ concern you.

It’s free, easy and just occasionally is the only way to get urgent things out to a wider audience – and you can always hit DELETE or ask to be unsubscribed.

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The Chairman of the JPC has asked that a record of JPC members' attendance be published on the website.

Click here to download record of attendance at JPC meetings in 2023/ 24 (PDF file) Updated March 2024

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The next JPC Meeting will be held on Monday 8th July 2024 at 7:30pm in Barford Memorial Hall.

Click here for Notices of JPC and Planning Committee meetings, and the Minutes of previous meetings.

Click here for a list of all JPC meeting dates in 2024/ 25.

There is always a session for “ Public Participation ” early in the agenda (four minutes maximum per person) when we are happy to hear and note your concerns or questions. To attend in person there may be Covid requirements depending on the local situation at the time and at the discretion of the Chair. As a minimum there will be appropriate ventilation and air filtration in place.

Alternatively, you may submit “your views” to or phone/ email the Chairman, John Murphy, on 624421 or 07710 033444 or or the Clerk, James Johnson at or contact any of the Parish Councillors about any matters you wish to bring to our attention.

An agenda for each meeting will be posted in advance on village notice boards  and on this website. Residents are also encouraged to email myself (see below), or contact any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk, James Johnson.

John Murphy
Chairman 624421 or 07710 033444

Click here to e-mail.

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  Barford Neighbourhood Development Plan