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Commentary on activity in our three parishes and may also contain information, which has not yet passed before the full JPC, in which electors may have an interest, all written from the perspective of the JPC, responsible to all three parishes.

The official minutes are written by the Clerk and RFO of the Council, and are not moderated by anyone prior to their approval at a subsequent meeting. Copies of the official minutes are available on this website.

Updated February 2024


Vacancies still remain available for two councillor positions. If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a parish councillor, for either village, then please contact any JPC member for more information about the work we do or email – alternatively why not attend a JPC meeting and see some of the work we do and the nature of debate. The work is interesting and varied and gets you involved in our community. We are particularly keen to attract younger members to make our councillor mix more representative of our villages. Once you make a formal approach then you can be put forward at a future meeting for existing members to decide on the co-option.

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The JPC contractors completed the renovation of the footpath through to Wasperton Lane, just in time for Christmas and have produced a very pleasing link to the frontage of the BYCC with only the shallowest of gradients.

In addition to the new tarmacadam surface the overall levels were raised, drainage was installed and the link onto Wasperton Lane was renewed – and everything came out below budget.

Thanks are due to Cllr Sheard for masterminding and managing the project – well done!

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As previously noted it is intended to place a Public Access Defibrillator at BYCC and we now have funding in place – namely a £1500 grant from WCC via Cllr Jan Matecki, a £500 donation from the Football Dads and a underwriting of up to £500 from Barford Relief in Need Charity – and this should cover the supply of the defibrillator and cabinet, its installation and the essential consumables we need to hold. Hopefully it will be in place during March or April.

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At the January JPC we learned that an application would be submitted for a new phone mast to be located near the motorway depot at Longbridge, primarily to fill the gap in coverage that exists near J15 but also to serve the surrounding area. Coverage is best for approximately 1.5km after which it tends to reduce, but, if the application is successful, coverage should certainly be better than we currently enjoy, depending on which service you use and which services choose to use the mast.

FYI there basically only four underlying providers Vodafone, O2, EE and 3, all of which support other smaller providers – hopefully all four underlying providers will choose to use the mast – if not there may be benefits in changing?

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Across the three parishes these need renovating or replacing and we will be carrying out a survey from now until May to assess the work and funding needed to put them in good order.

Additionally, we also hope to have a JPC specific board or cabinet in Barford as the go-to point for JPC information. Then a project for the summer…

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Preferred Options are now out for consultation and we should all be very concerned. The JPC will hold extra special meetings to deliberate on its content and implications for our area and it will be a large amount of work. There will be consultation events held across the two districts to inform the public.

Barford, Sherbourne and Wasperton are certainly at the centre of where much of the proposed development seems to be centred, e.g.

  • Much industrial/distribution development around J15

  • Area X1 which spreads in a broad sweep from the M40 most of the way towards Barford

  • Development west of Barford Bypass

  • Development coming north from Wellesbourne

  • A proposed M40/A46 Opportunity Area

All these and more are shown in the plans within the Preferred Options, but there may be more as so far only a small proportion have been chosen.

EVERYONE should look at the plans and options and seriously consider making comment BEFORE March 7th when the consultation closes – that will be the last opportunity before the final “submission” document is created later this year.

Click here to view the interactive map.

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The Parochial Church Council has asked the JPC to take on responsibility for funding maintenance of the church clock, as the law has now been clarified and such funding, where there may be a “public benefit”, has now been legalised, after being taken to the House of Lords last year.

After a robust debate, it was decided by a significant majority that the JPC should not impose this cost across all of its Council Tax payers.

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At the January JPC we reviewed our management accounts, set a new budget for the coming year and set our precept (the amount we request to be included in YOUR Council Tax.

The precept for the coming year (2025-2026) was set at £71,500 which equates to £73.42 for a band D property, an increase of 5.08% or 7p per week. This allows us to maintain appropriate reserves and continue to provide the expected levels of service.

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You may have heard that Warwickshire County Council has applied to move our area to unitary status, replacing all of our county, borough and district councils with a single body. This is in response to HMG’s clear intent to streamline local government and produce greater efficiencies. If not now, it would be imposed later…

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We can often send out timely reminders, updates and notices direct to your email in boxes. If you do not already receive these AND WOULD LIKE TO DO SO click here to send an e-mail please contact John Murphy so that you can be added to the circulation list.

The list will not be shared with others, will be sent out as Bcc (so not revealing your email) and will only be used for matters which should reasonably interest/ concern you.

It’s free, easy and just occasionally is the only way to get urgent things out to a wider audience – and you can always hit DELETE or ask to be unsubscribed.

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The Chairman of the JPC has asked that a record of JPC members' attendance be published on the website.

Click here to download record of attendance at JPC meetings in 2023/ 24 (PDF file)

Updated March 2024

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The next JPC Meeting will be held on Monday 10th February 2025 at 7:30pm in Barford Memorial Hall.

Click here for Notices of JPC and Planning Committee meetings, and the Minutes of previous meetings.

Click here for a list of all JPC meeting dates in 2025.

There is always a session for “ Public Participation ” early in the agenda (four minutes maximum per person) when we are happy to hear and note your concerns or questions. To attend in person there may be Covid requirements depending on the local situation at the time and at the discretion of the Chair. As a minimum there will be appropriate ventilation and air filtration in place.

Alternatively, you may submit “your views” to or phone/ email the Chairman, John Murphy, on 624421 or 07710 033444 or or the Clerk, Helen Dexter on or contact any of the Parish Councillors about any matters you wish to bring to our attention.

An agenda for each meeting will be posted in advance on village notice boards  and on this website. Residents are also encouraged to email myself (see below), or contact any of the Parish Councillors or the Clerk, Helen Dexter.

John Murphy
Chairman 624421 or 07710 033444

Click here to e-mail.

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  Barford Neighbourhood Development Plan