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Looking for Spare Parts?

The Moped Archive is a collection of articles about small-capacity machines and does not supply parts for them.  When we get enquiries about spare parts, we usually end up directing people towards Mopedland.

The Moped Archive was started by Andrew Pattle [ ] in 1999 and now contains more than a thousand articles about cyclemotors, autocycles, mopeds and similar feeble machinery.  Please remember, this is an archive, so the articles in it can be quite old and can, therefore, be out-of-date.  Some articles are updated when new information comes along; usually this will be as a addendum to the unchanged original.

There was a companion set of pages containing photographs of these types of machines; this is now available on the IceniCAM website (this archive was running out of space).

Looking for Manuals?

If you want to download a manual for a Mobylette, the best place is Hardgravity’s Website.

If you want to download a manual for anything apart from a Mobylette, try the IceniCAM On-Line Library.

Andrew was one of the four founder members of the East Anglian Cyclemotor Club (later to become the National Autocycle and Cyclemotor Club) in 1981 and served as Editor of its magazine Buzzing for twenty years.  Along with Mark Daniels, Andrew started up the Iceni CAM Magazine in April 2007; he also helped to revive the East Anglian Cyclemotor Club in November 2007.  Articles from the EACC newsletter, The MAC, were added into this archive, but the EACC now has its own archive of back numbers.  The Iceni CAM Website has its own archive of articles.  Links to Iceni CAM are included in the list below and are marked ‘[IceniCAM]’.

All the articles are listed below but, if you’re looking for information about something in particular, using the search will be the best way to find it.  The search finds articles on both this Moped Archive site and the Iceni CAM Magazine site


  1. Aberdale autocycle: Autocycle ABC
  2. Aberdale autocycle: Out of the Blue [IceniCAM]
  3. ABJ autocycle: Autocycle ABC
  4. Action in the Antipodes
  5. Aleywood Chimp: A Child of the Sixties [IceniCAM]
  6. ACU/BTSC London Cyclemotor Trials
  7. ACU/BTSC Motor Assisted Cycle Trial 1953
  8. Adler Junior: The Eagle has landed [IceniCAM]
  9. AJW Collie: Priemoné Transporto [IceniCAM]
  10. Alkro ByLight [IceniCAM]
  11. Alpino R48: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [IceniCAM]
  12. Amal 308 carb settings
  13. Ambassador moped: Absolutely Fabulous
  14. Ambassador moped: Spotted
  15. American cyclemotors: From the New World
  16. Anzani cyclemotor: Anzani Again [IceniCAM]
  17. Anzani cyclemotor: The Pioneer [IceniCAM]
  18. Ariel Three: Christmas Cracker
  19. Ariel Three: Moped Miscellany
  20. Ariel Three: Three Wheeled Moped
  21. Ariel Three: That other Ariel two-stroke!
  22. Ariel Three: Vision of the Future (The Nightmare Begins) [IceniCAM]
  23. Articles by Mark Daniels
  24. Atala Cesare Rizzato 112 Sport: Back to the Track [IceniCAM]
  25. Atco Junior Trainer: Safety First [IceniCAM]
  26. Audace–Mosquito: Out of Obscurity [IceniCAM]
  27. Australian Cyclemotoring
  28. Australian Experiment
  29. Autocycle ABC
  30. Autocycles: My experiences with Autocycles [IceniCAM]
  31. Automoto CCV: Cloverleaf [IceniCAM]
  32. Automoto CCV: Spotted
  33. Avanti Super City: Reincarnation [IceniCAM]
  34. BAE Powerplus: The Missing Link [IceniCAM]
  35. Bantamoto
  36. Baotian BT49QT–12C1 Sprint: Skeletor [IceniCAM]
  37. Batavus Go-Go & Starglo: Going to the Go-Go [IceniCAM]
  38. Batavus Mk4S: The Flagship [IceniCAM]
  39. Benelli 49 Export: Moped Miscellany
  40. Benelli at Odiham
  41. Benelli Sprint: Track Day ’60s [IceniCAM]
  42. Berini M13
  43. Berini M13: Spotted
  44. Berini M21: Berini M21 story
  45. Berini M21: Going Dutch [IceniCAM]
  46. Bermuda
  47. Bernardi Buzz—Letter to the Editor (Feb 2000)
  48. Bernardi’s cyclemotor
  49. Bertocchi ciclomotore trasporto: Basket Case [IceniCAM]
  50. Bianchi Aquilotto: The Eaglets are coming… [IceniCAM]
  51. Bianchi Aquilmotor: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [IceniCAM]
  52. Bike Bug
  53. Bitza autocycle
  54. Blue Peter Blues
  55. Blue Peter Blues—Mark 2
  56. BM Zebretta: Get Geared Up [IceniCAM]
  57. Book Review: Alan Turing—The Enigma
  58. Book Review: De Grote Bromfiets Encyclopedie
  59. Book Review: From Welbike to Corgi
  60. Book Review: Funky Mopeds [IceniCAM]
  61. Book Review: How to restore Yamaha FS1-E [IceniCAM]
  62. Book Review: Encyclopédie de Cyclomoteurs Français
  63. Book Review: Le Guide du VéloSoleX
  64. Book Review: l’Industrie du cycle à Hazebrouck
  65. Book Review: Motobécane—La Mobylette universelle
  66. Book Review: Le petit monde du VéloSoleX
  67. Book Review: The Stinkwheel Saga—Episode 1
  68. Book Review: The Stinkwheel Saga—Episode 2
  69. Bown Auto Roadster: Autocycle ABC
  70. Bown Auto Roadster: Enter the Dragon
  71. Bown Auto Roadsters: Spotted
  72. Bown Fifty Special—What if?
  73. Bown: Grandpa’s Bown
  74. Bown Light Motor Cycle—Idris [IceniCAM]
  75. Bown Matters—Apr 1998
  76. Bown Matters—Feb 2003
  77. Bown Matters—Apr 2004
  78. Bown moped
  79. Bown motor cycle: Spotted
  80. Boys and their toys
  81. Bridgestone BS-41: A New Sunrise [IceniCAM]
  82. British Anzani Lawnrider: Lawnrider and Beyond [IceniCAM]
  83. British Salmson Cyclaid
  84. British Salmson Cyclaid: Five go Cyclemotoring
  85. British Salmson Cyclaid: Rapiers at Napier [IceniCAM]
  86. British Salmson Cyclaid: spares
  87. British Salmson Cyclaid: Spotted
  88. Brush with the Law
  89. BSA autocycle: Autocycle ABC
  90. BSA Beagle: Two Dogs
  91. BSA Torroidal cyclemotor engine
  92. BSA Dandy: That’s Just Dandy [IceniCAM]
  93. BSA Winged Wheel: A True Story
  94. BSA Winged Wheel: Barrels
  95. BSA Winged Wheel: Tale of a Winged Wheel
  96. Bugatti cyclemotor
  97. Burdin cycle pacing machine: Spotted
  98. Burkina Faso
  99. Busy Bee: Do It Yourself [IceniCAM]
  100. Buying in France
  101. Carrier autocycles: C licence
  102. Carrier autocycles: In the Trade [IceniCAM]
  103. Casal S2: Sunspot [IceniCAM]
  104. Casalini David PT: Priemoné Transporto [IceniCAM]
  105. Cazenave moped: From Little Acorns [IceniCAM] (added 27/04/15)
  106. Cazenave–VAP
  107. Ceccato Romeo: Bicimotore [IceniCAM]
  108. Che Guevara: cyclemotorist
  109. Chinese Takeaway from Ecuador
  110. Chongqing Guangyu Super Cub KN110: Evolution and Beyond [IceniCAM]
  111. Choosing a bicycle for your cyclemotor
  112. Chrysalis
  113. Cimatti S6: Back to the Track [IceniCAM]
  114. Clark Scamp
  115. Clark Scamp: Devil’s Epitaph [IceniCAM]
  116. Clark Scamp: Moped Miscellany
  117. Clark Scamp: Road to Hell [IceniCAM]
  118. Clark Scamp: Spotted
  119. Clark Scamp: The Devil Rides Out [IceniCAM]
  120. Cimatti S5: Track Day ’70s [IceniCAM]
  121. Coil Ignition Conversion
  122. Colibri
  123. Commander: Autocycle ABC
  124. Corgi: Another Old Dog [IceniCAM]
  125. Corgi in Retrospect
  126. Corgi Mark II: Spotted
  127. Corgis and Panhards
  128. Coventry Eagle: Autocycle ABC
  129. Coventry Eagle Auto-ette: Last Flight of the Eagle [IceniCAM]
  130. Coventry Eagle Carrier Auto-ette: The bike that never was [IceniCAM]
  131. Cyc-Auto: Autocycle ABC
  132. Cyc-Auto: New Life for a 1940 Cyc-Auto
  133. Cyc-Auto: Not What I Call Trouble
  134. Cyc-Auto Superior: Something Strange
  135. Cyclemaster
  136. Cyclemaster: Across the Pennines
  137. Cyclemaster and sidecar: Little Shrew
  138. Cyclemaster and VéloSoleX
  139. Cyclemaster: bearings and seals
  140. Cyclemaster carrier cycle: Spotted
  141. Cyclemaster: Flywheel Repair
  142. Cyclemaster: in model train
  143. Cyclemaster: Kenya Railways trolley
  144. Cyclemaster: Minimal Motoring
  145. Cyclemaster: Spot the difference
  146. Cyclemaster: The Story of PLL 236
  147. Cyclemaster: Willing Friend
  148. Cyclemaster tricycle: Spotted
  149. Cyclemate: Recycling [IceniCAM]
  150. Cyclemotor and Autocycle books
  151. Cyclemotor bicycles
  152. Cyclemotor brakes
  153. Cyclemotor Car Stoppers
  154. Cyclemotor Charades
  155. Cyclemotor Corporation: Identity Parade
  156. Cyclemotor Corporation: More on the Cyclemotor
  157. Cyclemotor Log
  158. Cyclemotor Memories
  159. Cyclemotor Spares
  160. Cyclemotor Statistics
  161. Cyclemotors at the 1950 Model Engineer Exhibition
  162. Cyclemotors in the Netherlands
  163. Cyclemotors, Cervelles, and Chiens in France
  164. Cyclorev–VBF: Spotted (1)
  165. Cyclorev–VBF: Spotted (2)
  166. Cymota
  167. Cymota: Front Wheel Drive [IceniCAM]
  168. Cymota: How an ex-RAF Technician Learned Front Wheel Drive
  169. Cymota: Solex in drag?
  170. Daihatsu–Wallis: Moped Miscellany
  171. Dayton: Autocycle ABC
  172. De Dion–Bouton
  173. De Dion–Bouton: Moped Miscellany
  174. Derbi Antorcha Super 49 Olimpica Campeona E3: Derbi Day [IceniCAM]
  175. Derbi Memories
  176. Derny ‘Bordeaux–Paris’ 1938 to 1956
  177. Di Blasi R7WT: Folders [IceniCAM]
  178. DKW Hobby: Part of the Union [IceniCAM]
  179. Dimension Edge
  180. Ducati Cucciolo: 0.2% Mystery Statistic [IceniCAM]
  181. Ducati Cucciolo: Inside the Cucciolo
  182. Ducati Cucciolo and Lohmann: Spotted
  183. Dunkley Popular: Popular Choice [IceniCAM]
  184. Dunkley Whippet found on Venus
  185. Dunkley Whippet: Two Dogs
  186. Duromatic Sportsman Aero Scooter
  187. EAM: Lost Cyclemotor of the Fifties
  188. EAM Postscript
  189. Earls Court Show, 1955: A French view
  190. Early cyclemotor (1906)
  191. East Anglian Cyclemotor Club, 1981—1986
  192. East Anglian Cyclemotor Club: EACC & NACC logos
  193. East African VSXs
  194. Economic/Johnson
  195. Economic/Johnson: Letter, Oct 1992
  196. Economic/Johnson: Letter, Feb 2003
  197. Economic/Johnson: Matters Arising, Aug 1990
  198. Economic/Johnson notes, Feb 2003
  199. Economic/Johnson notes, Apr 2003 (1)
  200. Economic/Johnson notes, Apr 2003 (2)
  201. Economic/Johnson notes, Apr 2003 (3)
  202. Economic/Johnson notes, Jan 2017
  203. Eef and Nanda’s Great Adventure
  204. Electric bikes: Electroglide in Black
  205. Electric bikes: EROS, PET and others
  206. Electric bikes: Life in the Slow Lane [IceniCAM]
  207. Electric Motor Cycles
  208. Electrify your bike
  209. Elswick–Hopper: Elswick–Hopper Lynx Project [IceniCAM]
  210. Elswick–Hopper in April 1949
  211. Elswick–Hopper: Lynx—superseded by Elswick–Hopper Lynx Project in November 2008
  212. Elswick–Hopper: More Lynx in the Chain—superseded by Elswick–Hopper Lynx Project in November 2008
  213. Elswick–Hopper: The Lynx Project—superseded by Elswick–Hopper Lynx Project in November 2008
  214. Elswick ‘Warrior’: Return of the Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  215. End To End: 22cc Friction Drive
  216. End To End: Purgatory in Motion
  217. Evans Cyclemotor: The Plot Thickens
  218. Excelsior Autobyk: Autocycle ABC
  219. Excelsior Autobyk: Midges
  220. Excelsior Autobyk(?): RAF Scampton, The Dam Busters, a dog, autocycles, and me!
  221. Excelsior F4F: F is for Foot-change [IceniCAM]
  222. Excelsior G2 and Consort: 2×2 [IceniCAM]
  223. Excelsior S1 Autobyk: A Midsummer Night’s Dream [IceniCAM]
  224. Fantic Chopper: Spotted
  225. Fantic TI: The Ultimate Weapon
  226. Fascinating details from period documents
  227. Fée motorised bicycle: A Fairy Story—Joseph Barter & the Fée [IceniCAM]
  228. Fitting a Sidecar
  229. Flandria 047 AF-A: The Wall [IceniCAM]
  230. Post Office Raleigh RM8: In The Post [IceniCAM, added 14/1/2024]
  231. Flandria 147 AF-A: Grey Porridge
  232. Fletcher two-stroke cyclemotor
  233. FN Princess: Spotted
  234. Follis vélomoteur: Spotted
  235. Francis–Barnett Powerbike: Autocycle ABC
  236. Francis–Barnett Powerbike: Buried Treasure
  237. Francis–Barnett Powerbike: Scottish Power(bike) [IceniCAM]
  238. Francis–Barnett Powerbike: The Autocycle Roadshow [IceniCAM]
  239. Francis–Barnett Powerbike: The Old Ways
  240. GAC–Mobylette SP50: The Real Thing [IceniCAM]
  241. Garelli Como: Spotted
  242. Garelli Katia, Eureka and Como: Into the Desert [IceniCAM]
  243. German mopeds of the mid-1950s
  244. German motor cycle industry, 1946: For Your Eyes Only
  245. Gimson Sports: Spotted
  246. Gloria roller-drive: Bicimotore [IceniCAM]
  247. Glory of the Garden (Shed)
  248. Going Dutch
  249. Golden Eagle cyclemotor
  250. Grass Roots
  251. Gurtner carburettors, Jul 1960
  252. GYS Motamite: Cyril Diamond & the Motamite
  253. GYS Motamite: Front Wheel Drive [IceniCAM]
  254. GYS Motamite: Spotted
  255. Hanglong ‘Desert Rat’: Return of the Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  256. Heart of Skidding
  257. Heath Mini-bike: Little Allsorts [IceniCAM]
  258. HEC: Against the Grain [IceniCAM]
  259. HEC: Autocycle ABC
  260. HEC/Levis
  261. Hedgetrimmer Special
  262. Hercules Corvette: road test
  263. Hercules Corvette: Spotted
  264. Hercules Corvette: Strength and Durability [IceniCAM]
  265. Hercules Grey Wolf: Moped Miscellany
  266. Hercules Panda Puzzle
  267. Hilfsmotor in Deutschland
  268. Honda C50: Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  269. Honda C50: Shoestring Endurance Racer [IceniCAM]
  270. Honda C100: Iron Horse [IceniCAM]
  271. Honda Caren: Evolution [IceniCAM]
  272. Honda Chaly: Planet of the Apes [IceniCAM]
  273. Honda City Express: New Generation [IceniCAM]
  274. Honda CT90: Evolution and Beyond [IceniCAM]
  275. Honda CY80: The Monkey King [IceniCAM]
  276. Honda Cub F
  277. Honda Cub F: Next Step of a Dream [IceniCAM]
  278. Honda Dax: Monkey Business [IceniCAM]
  279. Honda Dax: Planet of the Apes [IceniCAM]
  280. Honda Express: Shop till you Drop [IceniCAM]
  281. Honda MD90: Evolution and Beyond [IceniCAM]
  282. Honda Melody: Evolution [IceniCAM]
  283. Honda Melody: New Generation [IceniCAM]
  284. Honda Motocompo: Folders [IceniCAM]
  285. Honda P50
  286. Honda P50 notes
  287. Honda P50 & PC50: Green Machine [IceniCAM]
  288. Honda PC50: Life with a PC50 [IceniCAM]
  289. Honda PC50: Life with another PC50, or two [IceniCAM]
  290. Honda PC50: More life with a PC50 [IceniCAM]
  291. Honda PC50: Turning Japanese
  292. Honda PY25D: People Power [IceniCAM]
  293. Honda Stream: Revenge of the Tricycle [IceniCAM]
  294. Hourglass [IceniCAM]
  295. How to motorize your bicycle
  296. Hudspith Steam Bicycle
  297. Hudspith Steam Bicycle—Continuing Development
  298. IGM and DGM numbers
  299. Ignition: Hints & Tips
  300. Ignition: Simple Tool
  301. In Circulation [IceniCAM]
  302. In the Beginning
  303. Indian AMI-50 Chief: The Fall [IceniCAM]
  304. Into the Sunset [IceniCAM]
  305. Italjet Class: A Touch of Class [IceniCAM]
  306. Italjet Class: Spotted
  307. Ital–Motor–Jawa
  308. Itom Ideal TC 48: Ideal Development [IceniCAM]
  309. Itom Tourist: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [IceniCAM]
  310. James: Autocycle ABC
  311. James Comet J11: Fly Me! [IceniCAM]
  312. James Comet L1: Return of the Mammoth [IceniCAM]
  313. James Cycle Works, 1915
  314. James Gang
  315. James notes, June 1999
  316. James notes, August 1999
  317. James notes, December 1999
  318. James notes, February 2000
  319. James notes, April 2000
  320. James notes, June 2001
  321. James notes, February 2003
  322. James notes, April 2003
  323. James: Winter autocycle riding in Australia (added 19/2/10)
  324. Jawa/PS/ZVL Babetta: Babs [IceniCAM]
  325. Jawa Robot
  326. Jones: Autocycle ABC
  327. Joybike: Moped Miscellany
  328. Justice Triumphs!
  329. Just what I always wanted
  330. Kamasura VRX 250: Too Good to be True [IceniCAM]
  331. Kawasaki AR50: Jack the Lad [IceniCAM]
  332. Kerry Capitano: Return of the New King [IceniCAM]
  333. Kerry Capitano: Spotted
  334. Kestrel KRM50: One Last Hope [IceniCAM]
  335. Kieft K50: Racing Heritage Moped [IceniCAM]
  336. Komar
  337. Komar: the answer
  338. Kreider Florett
  339. Kreidler Florett K54/312: Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing [IceniCAM]
  340. Kreidler Florett K54: Spotted
  341. KTM Hobby: Fifty Quid–2 [IceniCAM]
  342. KTM Hobby: Freebies [IceniCAM]
  343. Lambretta Lui: Spotted
  344. La Ronde
  345. Laverda Mini 60: Late for the Party [IceniCAM]
  346. Leaping Evaals
  347. Leaping Evaals—again
  348. Legend
  349. Leopard Bobby: Top Cat
  350. Leopard Bobby-3: A Little Pussy [IceniCAM]
  351. Letter from Australia
  352. Letters to the Editor (Oct 1999)—Smith Motor Wheel
  353. Letters to the Editor (Jun 2000)—Pli-Solex
  354. Letters to the Editor (Jun 2000)—VSX 330
  355. Letters to the Editor (Dec 2000)
  356. Letters to the Editor (Aug 2001)
  357. Letters to the Editor (Oct 2001)
  358. Letters to the Editor (Feb 2002)
  359. Letters to the Editor (Apr 2002)
  360. Letters to the Editor (Jun 2002)
  361. Letters to the Editor (Aug 2002)
  362. Letters to the Editor (Oct 2002)
  363. Letters to the Editor (Dec 2002)
  364. Letters to the Editor (Apr 2004)
  365. Letters to the Editor (Jun 2004)
  366. Lincolnshire Police mopeds
  367. Lohmann engine—1952
  368. Lohmann: Ich Glaube an Auto-allumage!
  369. Lohmann: Life in the Slow Lane [IceniCAM]
  370. Lohmann Fuel
  371. Lohmann: Marine Attachment
  372. Lohmann: Spotted
  373. Lohmann and Cucciolo: Spotted
  374. Lohmann: Travels with a Lohmann
  375. Lucas/Miller/VEC lighting
  376. Luzern—Euro Solex City
  377. Magneet: Moped Miscellany
  378. Malaguti–Express (1958)
  379. Malaguti Yesterday: Mutation [IceniCAM]
  380. Malanca Nicky: Track Day ’60s [IceniCAM]
  381. Malvern Star: Autocycle ABC
  382. Manet Korado: Back yet again [IceniCAM]
  383. Manet Korado: Korado
  384. Marxell—an interesting find
  385. MAW cyclemotor: Spotted
  386. McKenzie
  387. McKenzie: Living Fossil [IceniCAM]
  388. McKenzie: Spotted
  389. Mechanica Sinamec
  390. Mercury Grey Streak: Meltdown [IceniCAM]
  391. Mercury Hermes: Olympian Chariot
  392. Mercury Mercette: The Lost World
  393. Mini-Motor
  394. Mini-Motor: A First Cyclemotor
  395. Mini-Motor: bearings and seals
  396. Mini-Motor: Cartoon
  397. Mini-Motor: Chip Shop tandem
  398. Mini-Motor: front mounting
  399. Mini-Motor: Mini Memories
  400. Mini-Motor: Missing Hoops
  401. Mini-Motor Notes—Oct 2003
  402. Mini-Motor Notes—Jan 2010
  403. Mini-Motor: Peak District Mini-Motor
  404. Mini-Motor: Percy goes sprinting
  405. Mini-Motor: Spotted (1)
  406. Mini-Motor: Spotted (2)
  407. Mini-Motor: Starting a Mini-Motor
  408. Mini-Motor: Trojan Experiences
  409. Mini-Motor: Trojan Mini-Motor Marathon
  410. Mini-Motor: weaknesses
  411. Mitsubishi TLE43: Rapiers at Napier [IceniCAM]
  412. Mobylettes in 1955
  413. Mobylettes of the 1960s
  414. Mocyc/Motamite Notes—Apr 1993
  415. Mocyc/Motamite Notes—Jun 1993
  416. Mocyc/Motamite Notes—Apr 2003
  417. Modern Motors
  418. Moped Jumbles: The Way Forward [IceniCAM]
  419. Moped Racing in Montmartre
  420. Mopedist’s Lament
  421. Mopeds in rural Canada—Part 1: Winter storage [IceniCAM]
  422. Mopeds in rural Canada—Part 2: Winter projects [IceniCAM]
  423. Mopeds in rural Canada—Part 3: Spring is sprung [IceniCAM]
  424. More Cyclemotor Statistics
  425. More Than Just A Drain Pipe
  426. Morini FM128: After the Gold Rush [IceniCAM]
  427. Morini Corsarino Scrambler: Pasta-Blaster [IceniCAM]
  428. Morini Corsarino ZZ: Road Rocket [IceniCAM]
  429. Mosquito
  430. Mosquito 38–A: It lives after 40 years of hibernation
  431. Mosquito 38–B: 0.2% Mystery Statistic [IceniCAM]
  432. Mosquito cyclemotor
  433. Mosquito cyclemotors: Stingers [IceniCAM]
  434. Mosquitoes in Oz
  435. Motobécane 51VLCB: Reed Revolution [IceniCAM]
  436. Motobécane AV31: In the Beginning [IceniCAM]
  437. Motobécane AV42, AV44 and AV48: Best of Three [IceniCAM]
  438. Motobécane AV78: AV78 × 3 [IceniCAM]
  439. Motobécane AV78: Plunger Brothers
  440. Motobécane AV88: Little Brother [IceniCAM]
  441. Motobécane AV89: Bronze Age [IceniCAM]
  442. Motobécane AV92, SP93 & SP94TT: Relay Team [IceniCAM]
  443. Motobécane Cady M1, M3PRT, & M3PRTS: The meek shall inherit the earth [IceniCAM]
  444. Motobécane M40T Majorette: Grey Porridge
  445. Motobécane M80E: Last Roll of the Dice [IceniCAM]
  446. Motobécane Moby X1: Micro Solution [IceniCAM]
  447. Motobécane Moby X1: Of the Albino Slug and Other Matters
  448. Motobécane Moby X1: Reconciliation and Despair
  449. Motobécane N40T: Fifty Quid [IceniCAM]
  450. Motobécane SP50: The Real Thing [IceniCAM]
  451. Motobi: Mini Sixteen [IceniCAM]
  452. Motobi moped: Not an Egg [IceniCAM]
  453. Motoconfort AU32: Mistaken Identity [IceniCAM]
  454. Motoconfort AU75: The Gold Standard [IceniCAM]
  455. Moto Guzzi Dingo: Old Dog, New Tricks (as published in Gambalunga)
  456. Moto Guzzi Dingo: Old Dog, New Tricks (as published in Iceni CAM Magazine—Director’s Cut version) [IceniCAM]
  457. Moto Guzzi Dingo: Spotted
  458. Moto Guzzi Motoleggera: The Autocycle Alternative (as published in Gambalunga)
  459. Moto Guzzi Motoleggera: The Autocycle Alternative (as published in Iceni CAM MAgazine—Director’s Cut version) [IceniCAM]
  460. Motom 60S: Out of the Extraordinary [IceniCAM]
  461. Moto Meteora: Track Day 5 [IceniCAM]
  462. Motor Cycle Show, 1993
  463. Motorised tandems
  464. Motosacoche: History of Motosacoche
  465. Mr & Mrs
  466. Museum: Across the border (Glasgw)
  467. Museum: Cykel And Knallert Museum At Glumsø
  468. Museum: Lunéville
  469. Museum: Mike Wilsdon’s Museum at Kew—Letter to the Editor (Feb 2000)
  470. Museum: Museums in Germany
  471. Museum: Museums in Switzerland
  472. My First Time
  473. My Involvement with Cyclemotors
  474. MZV Cambridge: University Challenge [IceniCAM]
  475. New Hudson autocycles: Autocycle ABC
  476. New Hudson autocycles: The Smith’s Arm [IceniCAM]
  477. New Hudson: Letter to the Editor (Feb 2000)
  478. New Hudson: Mike’s New Hudson [IceniCAM]
  479. New Hudson Restoration
  480. New Hudson: Spotted (1)
  481. New Hudson: Spotted (2)
  482. New Hudson: Spotted (3)
  483. Nifty Fifty cc Riders Club, Aug 1998
  484. Nifty Fifty cc Riders Club, Apr 2000
  485. Nifty Fifty cc Riders Club, Jun 2000
  486. Nifty Fifty News
  487. Nippi mobility trike: The Mobiliser [IceniCAM]
  488. No-ped for a fiver
  489. Norman and Rambler: Autocycle ABC
  490. Norman autocycle: the Yakmobile
  491. Norman Lido: Back to the Future [IceniCAM]
  492. Norman Nippy Mark 2S: Plunger Brothers
  493. Norman Nippy Mark 4: A Tale of two Nippys [IceniCAM]
  494. Norman Nippy Mark 5: Journey’s End
  495. Norman Nippy rides again
  496. NSU Quickly TT
  497. NSU Quickly: Moving Quickly [IceniCAM]
  498. NSU Quickly: The Story of UOO 342
  499. NVT Easy Rider
  500. NVT Easy Rider: Easy Rider—Origins [IceniCAM]
  501. NVT Easy Rider ER4L—The Empire Strikes Back [IceniCAM]
  502. NVT Ranger: Garden Ranger [IceniCAM]
  503. Obituary: Alan Profitt
  504. Obituary: Alex Roddham
  505. Obituary: Bev Crook
  506. Obituary: Bob Wayte
  507. Obituary: Dave Arnott
  508. Obituary: Dave Berry
  509. Obituary: Dave Evans
  510. Obituary: Derek Ashworth
  511. Obituary: Henry Raybould
  512. Obituary: Ian Williams
  513. Obituary: Jim Lee
  514. Obituary: John Ellis
  515. Obituary: John Tylee
  516. Obituary: John Lloyd
  517. Obituary: John McCartney
  518. Obituary: Michael Flood
  519. Obituary: Pat Wood
  520. Obituary: Paul Kemp
  521. Obituary: Ray Phillips
  522. Obituary: Ted Riceman
  523. Obituary: Tim Bunting
  524. Obituary: Tony Twycross
  525. Obituary: Tony Wynn
  526. Obituary: Wally Eady
  527. Ostler Mini-Auto: A Little Horsepower
  528. Over My Shoulder
  529. Paloma DASL: Spotted
  530. Paloma Monza-Miglia
  531. Paloma Stresa
  532. Paloma, 1970
  533. Pandora P3: Electric Dreams [IceniCAM]
  534. Patria moped: The Golden Helmet [IceniCAM]
  535. Period Accessories
  536. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 1
  537. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 2
  538. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 3
  539. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 4
  540. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 5
  541. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 6
  542. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 7
  543. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 8
  544. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 9
  545. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 10
  546. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 11
  547. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 12
  548. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 13
  549. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 14
  550. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 15
  551. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 16
  552. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 17
  553. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 18
  554. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 19
  555. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 20
  556. Periodicals: Buzzing—Volume 21
  557. Periodicals: Gambalunga
  558. Perspective
  559. Petit Roi, le: Spotted
  560. Petrol cans, Lumiweld, and lunatics
  561. Peugeot: Rescuing a Peugeot 102
  562. Peugeot 103
  563. Peugeot 104: Spotted
  564. Peugeot BB1T: Spotted
  565. Peugeot BB1T and Vivacity: Time Ticks On [IceniCAM]
  566. Peugeot Bima: Siege of the Cyclemotors [IceniCAM]
  567. Peugeot P50T: Spotted
  568. Peugeot vélomoteurs: French Lessons [IceniCAM]
  569. Phillips cyclemotor frame
  570. Phillips Gadabout in the Rossendale Enduro: The Fox and the Lion
  571. Phillips Gadabout Mark 4: Wind of Change
  572. Phillips Gadabout P45 & P50: The Twins [IceniCAM]
  573. Phillips Gadabout P50: The Gentlemen’s Club
  574. Phillips Gadabout P51 & P52: World’s End [IceniCAM]
  575. Phillips Motorised Bicycle: The Lion and the King [IceniCAM]
  576. Phillips Panda Mark 1: Clash of the Titans
  577. Phillips Panda Mark 1, Mark 2 & Mark 3: Pandamonium [IceniCAM]
  578. Phillips Panda Mark 3: The Final Card [IceniCAM]
  579. Phillips Panda restored
  580. Philly Gad Mystery
  581. Phillips Traveller: Badge Engineering [IceniCAM]
  582. Piaggio Ape and Bravo: The Wasp and the Bee [IceniCAM]
  583. Piaggio Boxer: Fifty Quid–2 [IceniCAM]
  584. Piaggio Si: Fifty Quid [IceniCAM]
  585. Piaggio Vespa
  586. Piaggio Zip: Dazzle [IceniCAM]
  587. Piatti scooter
  588. Pogliaghi–Ducati M55: The Holy Grail [IceniCAM]
  589. Power Pak
  590. Power Pak Mo-ped: Fact or Fiction?
  591. Power Pak Mo-ped: Legions of the Lost [IceniCAM]
  592. Power Pak Mo-ped: Moped Miscellany
  593. Power Pak New Standard and Synchromatic: Upside Down [IceniCAM]
  594. Presto/Mosquito: Spotted
  595. Prior autocycle
  596. Project X
  597. Puch Away
  598. Puch Free Spirit—Last of the Line [IceniCAM]
  599. Puch DS60R & M3: Into the Sixties [IceniCAM]
  600. Puch Grand Prix: I bought a Vampire Motor Cycle
  601. Puch Magnum X: Little Allsorts [IceniCAM]
  602. Puch Magnum X: Return of the Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  603. Puch Maxi: 1,000 suburban miles
  604. Puch Maxi: Mad Max [IceniCAM]
  605. Puch Maxi × 2: Chalk & Cheese [IceniCAM]
  606. Puch Maxi Tale
  607. Puch Mini-Maxi: Spotted
  608. Puch MS50: Spotted
  609. Puch MS50 & VS50D: Fan Club [IceniCAM] (added 16/04/15)
  610. Puch: Post Office Puch mopeds
  611. Puch VZ50/3P: The Flying Banana [IceniCAM]
  612. Rally Weather
  613. Raleigh Around
  614. Raleigh Ireland Super: The Ghost [IceniCAM]
  615. Raleigh mopeds: a spotter’s guide [IceniCAM]
  616. Raleigh mopeds: History, Model Introductions and Specification Changes
  617. Raleigh Rackabout [IceniCAM]
  618. Raleigh RM1: Moped Miscellany
  619. Raleigh RM1: Raleigh on Safari [IceniCAM]
  620. Raleigh RM1: The Crusader Returns
  621. Raleigh RM2: Clash of the Titans
  622. Raleigh RM4: Spotted
  623. Raleigh RM5SS ‘Super Sport’: Corporate Colours and the RM5SS [IceniCAM]
  624. Raleigh RM6: Fifty Quid–2 [IceniCAM]
  625. Raleigh RM6: Ruby Runabout
  626. Raleigh RM6: Spotted
  627. Raleigh RM6: Spotted
  628. Raleigh RM8: Badge Engineering [IceniCAM]
  629. Raleigh RM8 (Post Office model): In The Post [IceniCAM]
  630. Raleigh RM9: What’s in a number? [IceniCAM]
  631. Raleigh RM11: Tourist Season
  632. Raleigh RSW16: From Cycle to Moped [IceniCAM]
  633. Raleigh Wisp: Go Wisp!
  634. Raleigh Wisp: The Chicken or the Egg? [IceniCAM]
  635. Raleigh Wisp: The Flash and the Wisp…
  636. Raleigh Wisp: …with a Sting
  637. Raleigh Wisp cut-down: Little Allsorts [IceniCAM]
  638. Raleigh Wisp cut-downs: The Afterlife [IceniCAM]
  639. Raleighs in the Netherlands: A moped holiday in 1974 [IceniCAM]
  640. Raynal-Auto: Autocycle ABC
  641. Raynal-Auto: The Autocycle Roadshow [IceniCAM]
  642. Raynal-Autp: The Autocycle Roadshow Second Act [IceniCAM]
  643. Rebuilding carborundum rollers
  644. Red Star Riga-413: Spotted
  645. Regulations: Beating the System—French VéloSoleX Hell [IceniCAM]
  646. Regulations: Beware the SORN
  647. Regulations: Cyclemotoring in Holland
  648. Regulations: Helmets
  649. Regulations: Legal Niceties
  650. Regulations: Legal Questions
  651. Regulations: Letter from the DVLA
  652. Regulations: More SORN traps…
  653. Regulations: Registration marks—1904 to August 2001
  654. Regulations: Registration marks—September 2001 to February 2050
  655. Regulations: SORN—the DVLA replies
  656. Remondini cyclemotor
  657. Remondini postscript
  658. Restoration on a limited income
  659. Return to…
  660. Rex Hake: What’s all this Rex Hake business about?
  661. Rivildaw: Monster Hunter [IceniCAM]
  662. Robin Subaru EH035: Rapiers at Napier [IceniCAM] (added 6/7/12)
  663. Rocket Bike
  664. Rocket Bike 2
  665. Rocket Bike 3
  666. Rocket Bike: A Cyclemotor of Note
  667. Romeo Corsa: Track Day 5 [IceniCAM]
  668. Rondine Monza Export Sports: Track Day 4 [IceniCAM]
  669. Rudge autocycle: Autocycle ABC
  670. Rudge autocycle: The Last Record
  671. Sachs/Hercules/Sparta
  672. Sachs MadAss: Slowing going Mad [IceniCAM]
  673. Sachs Saxonette
  674. Sachs Spartamet
  675. Sales technique
  676. Salon de Londres, 1955
  677. Schumacher signs for Teagle
  678. Scotsman On The Dordogne
  679. Shaolin Shuttle Pod: Electric Dreams [IceniCAM]
  680. Sheppee Cykelaid
  681. Sheppee Cykelaid: An Engine Comes Home
  682. Sheppee Cykelaid: Born to be mine?
  683. Sheppee Cykelaid: Spotted
  684. Shuang Ma cyclemotor: People Power [IceniCAM]
  685. Shuang Ma cyclemotor: Spotted
  686. Sidecar Notes, Oct 1992
  687. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1992
  688. Sidecar Notes, Apr 1993
  689. Sidecar Notes, Jun 1993
  690. Sidecar Notes, Aug 1993
  691. Sidecar Notes, Oct 1993
  692. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1993
  693. Sidecar Notes, Feb 1994
  694. Sidecar Notes, Apr 1994
  695. Sidecar Notes, Jun 1994
  696. Sidecar Notes, Aug 1994
  697. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1994
  698. Sidecar Notes, Apr 1995
  699. Sidecar Notes, Jun 1995
  700. Sidecar Notes, Aug 1995
  701. Sidecar Notes, Oct 1995
  702. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1995
  703. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1995
  704. Sidecar Notes, Feb 1996
  705. Sidecar Notes, Apr 1996
  706. Sidecar Notes, Aug 1996
  707. Sidecar Notes, Dec 1996
  708. Sidecar Notes, Feb 1997
  709. Sidecar Notes, Oct 1997
  710. Sidecar Notes, Oct 1998
  711. Sidecar Notes, Apr 2000
  712. Sidecar Notes, Jun 2000
  713. Sidecar Notes, Aug 2000
  714. Sidecar Notes, Oct 2000
  715. Sidecar Notes, Dec 2000
  716. Sidecar Notes, Feb 2001
  717. Sidecar Notes, Jun 2001
  718. Sidecar Notes, Aug 2001
  719. Sidecar Notes, Oct 2001
  720. Sidecar Notes: Letters, Dec 2000
  721. Sidecars: Three Wheels on your Wagon
  722. SIM50: Round in Circles [IceniCAM]
  723. SIM50: Speedway in Miniature
  724. SIM50 Mark 3: Little Allsorts [IceniCAM]
  725. SIM ‘Iron Horse’: Return of the Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  726. Simplist
  727. Simson SR-2—Spotted
  728. Sinclair C5: Electric Dreams [IceniCAM]
  729. Sinclair Zeta 2: a very brief encounter
  730. Sinclair Zeta 2: Good buy or goodbye?
  731. Singer Motor Wheel: Spotted
  732. SkyTeam Gorilla: Planwt of the Apes [IceniCAM]
  733. Smith Motor Wheel
  734. Solo 726: Monkey Business [IceniCAM]
  735. Some Reflections on Motorised Personal Transport
  736. Something lurking in the woodshed
  737. Spares for Phillips
  738. Spectacles [IceniCAM]
  739. Sports mopeds: Twist ’n’ go
  740. Squire PRV: An Interview with Mike [IceniCAM]
  741. Spring forks: Spring is Sprung
  742. Steam Cyclemotor—is it feasible?
  743. Steamy Danish Saga
  744. Stella Mini Bike: Star Trek—superseded by Stella Motor Scooter Co. in October 2010
  745. Stella Motor Scooter Co. [IceniCAM]
  746. Sun autocycle: Autocycle ABC
  747. Sun autocycle in Ohio—part 1
  748. Sun autocycle in Ohio—part 2
  749. Sun Hornet: A Little Sunshine [IceniCAM]
  750. Sun Motorette
  751. Superbike MX5
  752. Sur-ron: Looking into the Future [IceniCAM]
  753. Suzuki A100: Moped Army [IceniCAM]
  754. Suzuki CL50 Love and CS50DD Roadie: Suzy, Love, and the Roadie [IceniCAM]
  755. Suzuki cyclemotors
  756. Suzuki FR80: Copycat [IceniCAM]
  757. Suzuki FS50: Evolution [IceniCAM]
  758. Suzuki FS50: Suzuki scooter
  759. Suzuki FZ50: Evolution [IceniCAM]
  760. Suzuki FZ50: Fifty Quid [IceniCAM]
  761. Suzuki K10: Thin End of the Wedge [IceniCAM]
  762. Suzuki M15 Sportsman: A Sporting Chance [IceniCAM]
  763. Suzuki OR50: OR is it? [IceniCAM]
  764. Suzuki Street Magic: Monkey Business [IceniCAM]
  765. Suzuki X-1: The X-factor [IceniCAM]
  766. Swedish Mopeds
  767. Swedish Mopeds of the 1950s—Apollo
  768. Swedish Mopeds of the 1950s—Husqvarna
  769. Swedish Mopeds of the 1950s—Monark
  770. The Tail [IceniCAM]
  771. Tailwind: A Curious Experiment [IceniCAM]
  772. Tale of two magnetos
  773. Tanaka Tales
  774. TAS, Aquabug & Sears
  775. Teagle cyclemotor: Jetcut [IceniCAM]
  776. Teagle engine
  777. Teagle: Memories of a Teagle
  778. Technical tips—1
  779. Technical tips—2
  780. Technical tips—3
  781. Technical tips—4
  782. Technical tips—5
  783. Technical tips—6
  784. Technical tips—7
  785. Tech Tips: New Hudson rims
  786. Tech Tips: RM6 for a tall rider
  787. Tecnomoto Special: Track Day ’70s [IceniCAM]
  788. Tecnomoto Special: Track Day 4 [IceniCAM]
  789. Tecnomoto Special: Track Day 5 [IceniCAM]
  790. Testi: Track Day ’70s [IceniCAM]
  791. Testi Grand Prix & Weekend
  792. TGA Electrobike Mark 2: Electric Dreams [IceniCAM]
  793. The Best Cyclemotor
  794. There’s Nowt as Queer as Folk
  795. Thoughts from a Cold Shed
  796. Three Spires Petrocycle: Autocycle ABC
  797. Tomos A3K: Fifty Quid [IceniCAM]
  798. Tomos A3K and A35: Full Circle [IceniCAM]
  799. Tomos S1: The Dutch Connection [IceniCAM]
  800. Train + Vélo (III)
  801. Treasure in Haute-Provence
  802. Triumph Tina: Change of Tack [IceniCAM]
  803. Two Brits and a Bromfiets
  804. Tyres: A guide to tyre sizes [D&DGCS]
  805. Under 100cc Index
  806. VAP: The ABG—VAP factory in 1954
  807. Vehikle—February 1990
  808. Vehikle—February 1992
  809. VAP engines
  810. VéloSoleX: 50th Anniversary (I)
  811. VéloSoleX: 50th Anniversary (II)
  812. VéloSoleX: And then there were five
  813. VéloSoleX: Battling with Betty
  814. VéloSoleX: British VéloSoleX
  815. VéloSoleX: Built by robots
  816. VéloSoleX: Continental Touring by Vélo…
  817. VéloSoleX: Docteur Solex
  818. VéloSoleX: How they brought the VéloSoleX from Romorantin–Lanthenay to Golden Valley
  819. VéloSoleX: In Search of the Solex
  820. VéloSoleX: Le Corbeau [IceniCAM]
  821. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 1994 to Oct 1995)
  822. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 1996 to Aug 1997)
  823. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 1998 to June 1999)
  824. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 1999)
  825. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 1999)
  826. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2000)
  827. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2000)
  828. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2000)
  829. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2000)
  830. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2000)
  831. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2000)
  832. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2001)
  833. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2001)
  834. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2001)
  835. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2001)
  836. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2001)
  837. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2001)
  838. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2002)
  839. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2002)
  840. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2002)
  841. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2002)
  842. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2002)
  843. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2002)
  844. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2003)
  845. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2003)
  846. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2003)
  847. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2003)
  848. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2003)
  849. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2003)
  850. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2004)
  851. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2004)
  852. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2004)
  853. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2004)
  854. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2004)
  855. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2004)
  856. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2005)
  857. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2005)
  858. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2005)
  859. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2005)
  860. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2005)
  861. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Feb 2006)
  862. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2006)
  863. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2006)
  864. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2006)
  865. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2006)
  866. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Apr 2007)
  867. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Jun 2007)
  868. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Aug 2007)
  869. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Oct 2007)
  870. VéloSoleX: Les Amis… (Dec 2007)
  871. VéloSoleX: Le Solex est mort; vive le Hong Du!
  872. VéloSoleX: Marriage of Convenience
  873. VéloSoleX: On Waking the Solex from Slumber
  874. VéloSoleX: Putting a VéloSoleX back on the road
  875. VéloSoleX: Rebuilding rollers
  876. VéloSoleX: Slowly by Solex
  877. VéloSoleX: Solex Club Spirales
  878. VéloSoleX: Solex on Film
  879. VéloSoleX: Solex on Stage
  880. VéloSoleX: Solex Saga
  881. VéloSoleX: Solex, Solex & VéloSoleX
  882. VéloSoleX: Strange Solex Encounter
  883. VéloSoleX: Travels with a VéloSoleX
  884. VéloSoleX: wheels and spokes (Roues et Rayons)
  885. VéloSoleX: Wheelspin from a VéloSoleX
  886. VéloSoleX 5000: Spotted
  887. VéloSoleX 6000: Back in a Flash [IceniCAM]
  888. VéloSoleX 6000: The Flash and the Wisp…
  889. Vespa Vespino: Spotted
  890. Vespa Vespino Tourist Rally: Latin Flair [IceniCAM]
  891. Victoria FM38
  892. Victoria Vicky IV: Victoriana [IceniCAM]
  893. Victoria Vicky 117: Spotted
  894. Villiers motor cycle engines
  895. Vincent Firefly
  896. Vincent Firefly notes, Aug 1999
  897. Vincent Firefly notes, Jun 1993
  898. Vincent Firefly piston
  899. Vincent Firefly: Team Firefly
  900. ViVi SaS Special: Track Day ’60s [IceniCAM]
  901. VMCC: the founding of the Cyclemotor Section
  902. Wall Auto Wheel hints, Aug 1915
  903. Wall Autowheel—Letter to the Editor (Feb 2000)
  904. Wall Autowheel notes, Apr 1997
  905. Wall Autowheel notes, Dec 2000
  906. Wall Autowheel notes, Feb 2002
  907. Wall Autowheel notes, Apr 2002
  908. Wall Auto Wheel: Spotted
  909. Wall of Death
  910. Wallis, George—This Inventing Business
  911. Wanderer autocycles, 1937
  912. Watch Out Geoff, I’m Coming Up The Inside!
  913. Watt Cyclemotor
  914. Weekend in Belgium
  915. Weekend in France
  916. Welling-Tonboot
  917. Werner: Auto Cycling, 1890’s Style
  918. Wettest Ride Ever
  919. White Christmas
  920. Who Killed Norman Nippy?
  921. Wico-Pacy Bantamag
  922. Wico-Pacy Bantamag update
  923. With Fashion in Mind
  924. Woodbridge Collection
  925. XYZ
  926. Yamaha Beluga: White Whale [IceniCAM]
  927. Yamaha Chappy: Monkey Business [IceniCAM]
  928. Yamaha Mate: Story of XKJ 58J
  929. Yamaha Passola: Freebies [IceniCAM]
  930. Yamaha Passola: New Generation [IceniCAM]
  931. Yamaha QT: Fifty Quid [IceniCAM]
  932. Yamaha QT: Shop till you Drop [IceniCAM]
  933. Yamaha Salient: New Generation [IceniCAM]
  934. Yamaha T80 and V90: Copycat [IceniCAM]
  935. Year of the Cat [IceniCAM]
  936. ZAP!
  937. Zhenhua Ape: Planet of the Apes [IceniCAM]
  938. ZID Voskhod-2: Spotted
  939. Zorplan Shopper: Plan Z [IceniCAM]
  940. Zorplan Shopper: Spotted
  941. Zündapp Combinette: Moped Miscellany
  942. Zündapp Combinette 405 & 408: Detonators [IceniCAM]

Event Reports

If the event you’re interested in is not listed here, try the IceniCAM events page.  Although some of the pages I have listed here are on the IceniCAM website, I have only listed those that include a run report and not the ones that are just a gallery of photographs.

  1. 19th International Bromfietstreffen
  2. Adur Vintage Transport Fair, 1998
  3. A Piece on the Late Ride of the Dukeries Section which Includes the Word "Millennium" Only Once
  4. Ashby Folville vintage gettogether, 2002—Blast from the past
  5. A Wing and a Prayer, 2003
  6. A Wing and a Prayer, 2004
  7. Barneveld Bromfietsbeurs, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  8. Bockhorn, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  9. Bristol Show, 1995—Shipshape and Bristol Fashion
  10. Bristol Show, 1996—Bristol Blue
  11. Bristol Show, 1997—Yer Tiz
  12. Bristol Show, 1998—It’s the sun wot brings ’em out!
  13. Bristol Show, 1999—St Valentine’s Day Massacre
  14. Bristol Show, 2000—Yer Tiz!—well, will be Dreckly
  15. Bristol Show, 2001—Yer Tiz!
  16. Bristol Show, 2002—Tardis Stationed in Bristol!
  17. Bristol Show, 2003—All steamed up
  18. Bristol Show, 2004
  19. Bristol Show, 2005
  20. Buzzing to Bickleigh, 1999—Exeter to Bickleigh
  21. Buzzing to Bickleigh, 2000
  22. Buzzing to Bickleigh, 2002
  23. Buzzing to Bickleigh, 2003
  24. Cambrian Challenge, 1999
  25. Cambrian Challenge, 2000
  26. Cantabrian Run, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  27. Cantabrian Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  28. Castle to Castle, August 2018
  29. Central Scotland Summer Get Together, 2004
  30. Chiltern Hundred, 1996—By Moby and Back
  31. Chiltern Hundred, 2001
  32. Coastal Crab Run, 2005
  33. Coast to Coast, 1997—A Tribute to Jacques Cousteau
  34. Coast to Coast, 1997—highlights
  35. Coast to Coast, 1998—Preparation
  36. Coast to Coast, 1998—on a VéloSoleX
  37. Coast to Coast, 1998—Aftermath
  38. Coast to Coast, 1999—Madness of Coast to Coast III
  39. Coast to Coast, 1999—on a Super Solex
  40. Coast to Coast, 2002
  41. Coast to Coast, 2002—Half Crazy
  42. Coast to Coast, 2003 (1)
  43. Coast to Coast, 2003 (2)—The Big One!
  44. Coast to Coast, 2004
  45. Coast to Coast, 2005 (1)
  46. Coast to Coast, 2005 (2)
  47. Coast to Coast, 2005 (3)
  48. Coast to Coast, 2006 (1)
  49. Coast to Coast, 2006 (2)
  50. Coast to Coast, 2006 (3)
  51. Coast to Coast (to Coast), 2008
  52. Coast to Coast, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  53. Coast to Coast, 2013
  54. Copdock Show, 2003
  55. Copdock Show, 2006 [IceniCAM]
  56. Copdock Show, 2007: Identity Crisis [IceniCAM]
  57. Copdock Show, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  58. Coprolite Run, 2006 [IceniCAM]
  59. Coprolite Run 2007 [IceniCAM]
  60. Coprolite Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  61. Cotswold Canter, 2002
  62. Coupes Moto Légende, 2000
  63. Day After the Night Before Run, 2002
  64. Devon May or May Not Run, 2004
  65. Devon Ride to Thorverton, 2001
  66. Devon Village Run, 2002
  67. Dukeries Africa Rally, 1998
  68. Dukeries Autumn Dawdle, 2003
  69. Dukeries Autumn Ramble, 2005 (1)
  70. Dukeries Autumn Ramble, 2005 (2)
  71. Dukeries Passing Out Parade, 2000
  72. Dukeries Pilgrimage Run, 1995
  73. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 1982
  74. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 1984
  75. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 1985
  76. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 1987
  77. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 1990 [IceniCAM]
  78. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 2000: Back to Back
  79. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 2003: Pilgrimage to Mecca
  80. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  81. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  82. East Anglian Cyclemotor Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  83. East Coast to West Coast, 2017
  84. Elvington Classic Motor Cycle Show
  85. Essex Run, 2002
  86. Essex Run, 2006 [IceniCAM]
  87. Essex Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  88. Felixstowe Run, 1982
  89. Felixstowe Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  90. Felixstowe Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  91. Five go to Rivington, 2004
  92. From Stream to Stream, 2002 (1)
  93. From Stream to Stream, 2002 (2)
  94. From Stream to Stream, 2003
  95. From Stream to Stream, 2004
  96. Fruit Cake Frolic, 2002
  97. Fruit Cake Frolic, 2003
  98. Garioch Show 2004
  99. Granadaland Go Racing and the Polish Stone Stew Sidecar Outfit…
  100. Granadaland Hangover Run, 2002
  101. Granadaland Hangover Run, 2003
  102. Great Dorset Steam Fair, 2000 … & an RM6
  103. Harrogate Autumn Classic Bike Show, 2000
  104. Head to Head, August 2016
  105. Hebridean Hop, August 2014
  106. Heerhugoward Jumble, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  107. Heerhugoward Jumble, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  108. Henlow Camp Run, 2001
  109. Hobson’s Choice, 2006
  110. Horham Bygones Run, 2006
  111. Horham Bygones Run, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  112. Horham Bygones Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  113. Horham Bygones Weekend, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  114. Isle of Man, 2015
  115. Kneel’s Wheels, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  116. Kneel’s Wheels, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  117. Leicester Enthusiasts Run, 1999—Kite fights over Leicester
  118. Leicestershire Road Run, Dec 2004
  119. Leiston Long Shop rally, 2000
  120. Maldon Run, 1997
  121. Manningtree Show, 2004
  122. Mince Pie Run, 1999
  123. Mince Pie Run, 2000—Mince Pie Millennium
  124. Mince Pie Run, 2002 (Jan)—Mist Pie Run
  125. Mince Pie Run, 2002 (Dec)—Rain on the Parade
  126. Mince Pie Run, 2004—Mince Pie Monster
  127. Mince Pie Run, 2005
  128. Mince Pie Run, 2005—Mince Pie Musings
  129. Mince Pie Run, 2006
  130. Mince Pie Run, 2007—MPR 007 [IceniCAM]
  131. Mince Pie Run, 2008—25 Mince Pies [IceniCAM]
  132. Mince Pie Run, 2009—Go on then, just one more! [IceniCAM]
  133. Montgomery Hills Run, 2005
  134. Morthern Moot, 1997
  135. Mr Robinson’s Memorial Ride, 1998
  136. NACC AGM Run, 1997
  137. Nationaal Veteraan Treffen, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  138. New Zealand Cyclaid Register Clyde Rally, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  139. New Zealand Cyclaid Register Piha Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  140. New Zealand National Cyclaid Rally, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  141. Norfolk Breckland Forest Run, 1991 [IceniCAM]
  142. Norfolk Camping Weekend, 2015
  143. Norfolk Camping Weekend, 2017
  144. Norfolk Crab Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  145. Norfolk East Coast Ride, 1990 [IceniCAM]
  146. North Weald, 1997—Midsummer Madness
  147. North Wiltshire Autumn Run, 2003
  148. North Wiltshire Autumn Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  149. North Wiltshire May Run, 2004
  150. NACC North Wiltshire July Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  151. North Wiltshire Spring Run, 2004
  152. North Wiltshire Spring Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  153. Notts & Derby Spring Run, 2003
  154. Notts & Derby Spring Run, 2004
  155. Odiham Run, 2002
  156. Odiham Run, 2003
  157. Odiham Run, 2004
  158. Odiham Run, 2005
  159. OMS Pinksterrit, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  160. OMS Putten, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  161. Out in the Styx, 2004
  162. Paul Adams Cycle Museum Run, 2005
  163. Peninsularis Run, 2003
  164. Peninsularis Run, 2004
  165. Peninsularis Run, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  166. Peninsularis Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  167. Peninsularis Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  168. Powderham Show, 2003 (1)
  169. Powderham Show, 2003 (2)
  170. Powderham Show, 2005
  171. Powderham Show, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  172. Radar Run, 2005
  173. Radar Run, 2006 (Pictures) [IceniCAM]
  174. Radar Run, 2006 (Report)
  175. Radar Run, 2007 [IceniCAM]
  176. Radar Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  177. Radar Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  178. Roly’s Birthday Ride, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  179. Round Rutland Ramble, 2006
  180. Route 66, 2002
  181. Roydon Rebels Run, 2000: Back to Back
  182. Roydon Rebels Run, 2001: Best of Three
  183. Roydon Rebels Run, 2002
  184. Roydon Rebels Run, 2003
  185. Roydon Rebels Run, 2004
  186. Sars Poteries, 1994
  187. Sars Poteries, 1995
  188. Sars Poteries, 1998
  189. Sars Poteries, 1999
  190. Sars Poteries, 2000
  191. Sars Poteries, 2000: A tale of a pair of Sars Poteries virgins
  192. Sars Poteries, 2001
  193. Sars Poteries, 2004 (1)
  194. Sars Poteries, 2004 (2)
  195. Shropshire Two Rivers Run, 1998
  196. Shuttleworth Run, 2003
  197. Sidecar Sunday, 1992
  198. Sidecar Sunday, 1993
  199. Silchester Saunter, 1999
  200. Silchester Saunter, 2000
  201. Silchester Saunter, 2003
  202. Silchester Saunter, 2004
  203. Skegness Road Run, 2001
  204. St Albert Cheese Factory rally, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  205. Ste Anne de Prescott Antique Day, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  206. Stafford Show, 2003
  207. Stafford Show, 2004
  208. Suffolk Autumn Jaunt, 2001—Best of Three
  209. Suffolk Autumn Jaunt, 2002
  210. Suffolk Autumn Jaunt, 2003
  211. Swallowfield Steam Fair, 1998—Blue Smoke and Steam
  212. Syd’s Moped Run, 2006
  213. Thames Valley Run, 1997—Friends, Romans, Countrymen…
  214. Three Wells Moped Ride: Mother Hen and the Mighty Kangoo 2017
  215. Three Wells Moped Ride, August 2017
  216. Utrecht Bromfietsbeurs and Zündapp Exhibition, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  217. Vale of Glamorgan, 2004
  218. V-CC Boot and Back, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  219. V-CC Boot and Back, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  220. Vehikel, March 2009 [IceniCAM]
  221. VMCC 100-Mile Run, 2002
  222. VMCC First Cyclemotor Social Run, 1976
  223. VMCC Founder’s Day, 1996—Serendipity and Psychic Phenomena at Founder’s Day
  224. VMCC National Cyclemotor Run, 1984
  225. Welsh Run, 2000—Cyclemotorist missing in Wales
  226. Welsh Run, 2003
  227. West Anglian Autumn Run, 2008 [IceniCAM]
  228. West Anglia Spring Run, 2009 [IceniCAM]
  229. Wetheringsett Run, 2001—Best of Three
  230. Wetheringsett Run, 2002
  231. Yarmouth to Barmouth, August 2014
  232. Yarmouth to Yarmouth, August 2015